Month: June 2014

Yom Hakeseh | Episode 717

Yom Hakeseh | Episode 717




Bulgarian Churches in America: Personal Xlibris

Excerpt from the chapter “How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z” X. Xlibris Every community leaves a lasting xlibris on its accomplishments, victories and success through a time of celebration. After each major accomplishment, plan deliberately and allow time for celebration. Celebration will renew the motivation of your congregation. Thank God for […] »

Ask Jayson: Dealing with Judgmental Christian Parents

Dear Jayson, How do I get my extreme Christian parents to see that their views of the world are antiquated and no longer functional? They’re super judgmental and difficult to be around at times. I love my parents. I just want to see them love the world and people around them more. Background: I’m not […] »