Church of God General Assembly 2012 – Item 6 & 8

Church of God General Assembly 2012 – Item 6 & 8

8. CONCLUDED AND DECIDED AGENDA ITEMS We recommend: That we amend pages 67, 68, S4. INTERNATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL, III. INTERNATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL AGENDA, by adding the following: Furthermore, no agenda item concluded and decided by the International General Council and/or concluded and decided by the International General Assembly is to be included on the published agenda for the next International General Council unless approved by a two-thirds majority of the International Executive Council. This does not apply to items of previous notice or informational reports.

There is a frequent complaint that the same subjects keep coming back for discussion at each General Assembly.  The fear appears to be that Headquarters leadership are trying to push a measure through, and will keep putting it on the Agenda until everyone gets so weary that it finally passes.  This measure seeks to alleviate that fear by making it more difficult, if a proposed measure gets voted down, for it to immediately come back again at the next General Assembly.

I think both Items 6 & 8 are sensible, and so I will be voting in favour of them.

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