Developing Leaders in the Church

Developing Leaders in the Church

Success is an interesting thing. Unless we clearly outline metrics and define what success actually looks like, it’s up to the eye of the beholder.

So the programmatic rat race in most churches continues. Most churches merely exist to keep running their programs and services. They are not developing leaders intentionally and consistently. When leaders emerge from some churches, it is often by accident. “Wow, a leader emerged…How did that happen?” should not be heard among God’s people. Something is missing. Something is off. 
These are the six core competencies for any and every leader within the church. Now based on the specific ministry area that a leader is serving in, there are also ministry specific competencies, like rhythm for a musician, or the ability to ask questions for small group leaders. However, regardless of the ministry area that you’re serving in, these six shared core competencies will guide you in your growth and development as a leader. Over 280 competencies that effective leaders shared. While studying and filtering through this data, we uncovered a pattern. There were six broad categories that stood out as common themes!
  1. Discipleship: Theological and spiritual development
  2. Vision: Preferred future
  3. Strategy: Plan or method for the preferred future
  4. Collaboration: Ability to work with others
  5. People Development: Contributing to the growth of others
  6. Stewardship: Overseeing resources within one’s care