Missio Nexus

Missio Nexus

nexusfadelogo“Missio Nexus,” a new cooperative missions network, has been launched as the umbrella association for world missions efforts from North America.

Until recently, two associations of missions agencies and denominations have operated in the United States and Canada: CrossGlobal Link (formerly IFMA) and The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA). Church of God World Missions is a founding member of the former EFMA. In October 2010, the executive leadership and member agencies of both associations voted to merge, thus uniting into one association that will represent 35,000 North American missionaries globally.

The official launch of the new association and the announcement of the newly-branded network name comes in February 2012 during the North American missions bicentennial celebration. Membership and services will now be offered to individual members, missions training programs, and local churches, including participation in the next meeting of the North American Missions Leaders Conference, scheduled for September 20-21, 2012 in Chicago (see  http://www.themissionexchange.org/ #mce_temp_url# for news, information, and member services).

Introducing Missio Nexus – Learning At The Speed of Life March VLOG from ehdesign on Vimeo.

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