Pause and Reflect 2009-04-30 13:10:00

Now is a great time to be a Christian.

A global pandemic, which has been predicted for decades by many "out there" prophets and members of the medical community is quite possibly upon us. While swine flu is nowhere near global pandemic proportions, it at least has enough potential to spark the interest of every major media outlet. It's no longer a fringe idea when WHO (the World Health Organization) has raised its pandemic alert to phase 4 (of 5). In addition to this, though some say the economy is showing signs of recovery, third world nations will feel the effects of this bump in the road to Americans for decades even if the US economy recovers to 2007 levels tomorrow. In the midst of all this, exiled to the bottom of the screen ticker this morning is the fact that the British have officially withdrawn their troops from Iraq, the same day that conflict escalated between Turkey and Kurdish Iraq. A subconscious reminder that the US is still at war. Israel and the EU are at loggerheads. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Gay marriage or civil unions are recognized on some level in 12 states. Turmoil in every direction.

In the middle of all this (and more), the light of Jesus shines. We are not like those who have no hope. Better yet, in times like these we're the only ones who have hope! This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Christians to let their light shine. In a time where every institution is under attack, we can declare that Jesus transcends institution, that Christ offers hope in a hopeless time, and Jesus offers not only eternal life in heaven, but abundant life here on earth.

I'm not sure why I'm so upbeat today; I've been studying the corruption of the papacy leading up to the reformation. Yikes! I'll save my take on that and modern applications for another blog, but suffice to say, I'm more confident than ever that trust placed in Christ is trust well place.

He is able to do exceedingly abundant above all that we ask or even think. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Jesus is more than light at the end of a tunnel, he is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Tell the world that Jesus is the light that can dispel their darkness!