
FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, "GOOD NEWS" published in 1886 and…

FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, "GOOD NEWS" published in 1886 and…

FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, “GOOD NEWS” published in 1886 and that comprised sermons of that great evangelist in the Methodist Church, the Rev. Sam Jones. Here is a quote from that book. “‘Do the work of an evangelist.’ Why, some of our strongest churches are opposed to evangelists. I have know some pastors that were opposed to revivals. Whenever a pastor tries his level be... »

The Life and Ministry of Rev. Ivan Voronaev published in Bulgarian

We are pleased to announce that some five years after its first publication in English and Russian, our research on the Life and Ministry of Ivan Voronaev is now available in Bulgarian as well. This edition includes the Story of the Voronaev Children, the Correspondence of Ivan Voronaev plus a concluding chapter on the First […] »

New Books Published in 2012

New Books Published in 2012 Widgets Pentecostal Primitivism Preserved In  attempt to answer the present ecclesial predicaments, this work suggests a way of remembering and returning to the past. Judging from his own Eastern Pentecostal Tradition and personal salvific experience, the author calls the Christian Church to neo-primitivism expressed in the rediscovering and reclaiming of the basic order of [...] »

Songbook published for the 45th General Assembly, 1954. Zeno Tharp…

Songbook published for the 45th General Assembly, 1954. Zeno Tharp was the General Overseer. »