Tuesday Minutes of the 49th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 49th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 49th General Assembly of the Church of God

Place: Municipal Auditorium, Memphis, TN.
Date: August 14-18, 1962.
General Overseer: Wade H. Horton.

“I think that it only fair to say that the lack of sensitivity to spiritual things in our church is because the church has failed to speak with sufficient vigor and authority and say, “Thus saith the Lord.”
James A. Cross
“Let the Church Speak”
(Acts 4:20).

Church of God Teachings (pp.182-184). [48th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.181-184). [42nd A.] Resolution Relative to the Principles of Holiness of Church of God. (p.182). [48th A.] Modest Apparel (p.187-188). [48th A.]

NOTE: It looks like abstinence from going to the movies is a tradition which started 60s and still exists.

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