Tuesday Minutes of the 52nd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 52nd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 52nd General Assembly of the Church of God

Place: Dallas Memorial Auditorium, Dallas, TX.
Date: August 14-19, 1968.
General Overseer: Charles W. Conn.

” Monday Morning, Aug.19, 1968
General Council Recommendations:

Item 13. Declaration of Faith:

That a committee be appointed to amplify each article of the Declaration of Faith to be approved by the Executive Council.

The recommendation was adopted.”


Church of God Teachings (pp.6-7). [48th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.4). [42nd A.] Resolution Relative to the Principles of Holiness of Church of God. (pp.10-11). [48th A.] Modest Apparel (p.58). [48th A.]

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