18 Dec 2023

Forces of Darkness Working Overtime


Satanic Temple set up public display in Iowa Capitol building: ‘Very dark, evil force.’ Also see Satanic Statue in Iowa Capitol Gets Destroyed by Christian Veteran (VIDEO).

The world and many of today’s churches are trying to lead alleged followers of Jesus to the slaughter.

Turkish lawmaker who had a heart attack moments after saying Israel ‘will suffer the wrath of Allah’ has died.


COP28 UN Climate Summit: Politics, greed, and unsatiable quest for power lie behind motives of the elite screaming for extreme and dreadful measures in order to curb the ruse of climate emergency. It’s the vehicle by which they intend to enslave all of humanity under a communistic world government. Also see U.N. Climate Plans Would Usher In ‘Insane’ Totalitarian Form of Global Governance.

Climate Activists Depict Having Children As Unethical.

Looming Digital Gulag: European Union’s Digital ID Plan. Consolidating personal data on a single digital platform could lead to a surveillance state reminiscent of the dystopian world in Orwell’s 1984.

Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change.’ Gates argued that “methane emissions” from meat production are a major contributor to “climate change.” He’s pushing plans to manipulate cows through “breeding” to lower their “methane” output. He suggested cows could be given “other inputs” that would presumably alter their genetic state to stop them farting and burping.


California: Disgusting! Oakland coffee shop employees involved in antisemitic behavior toward Jewish customer (caught on video). Also, the coffee shop’s owners were aware of anti-Semitic graffiti written on the walls of their bathrooms for several months.

Tennessee: Muslim parents arrested in Nashville for brutally assaulting son who converted to Christianity. They intended to abuse him until he recanted being a Christian.

Hate And Hostility: ‘Saturday People Are the First Targets…. Sunday People Are Next.’ Enemies of God are coming after “people of the book” as well as the Bible we trust in. Christians are fleeing many Middle Eastern countries where Jewish populations no longer exist, having been driven out or killed.


Democrat who can’t define what a woman is says women should ‘learn to lose gracefully’ against trans athletes. Head of the National Women’s Law Center, Fatima Graves, made these remarks at a hearing over Title IX in the U.S. House.

San Francisco Tech CEO coerced his executive assistant to sign Sex ‘Slave’ and abuse contract to keep her job. Christian Lanng, one of the co-founders of Tradeshift, was fired this year due to “gross misconduct on multiple grounds.” His torture tactics involved “inflicting physical pain on her by various means, urinating on her, and routinely penetrating her with foreign objects,” according to a lawsuit. FYI: Lanng is also known to be a vocal supporter of Biden and a harsh critic of Trump.

While California lawmakers are trying to protect pedophiles, Florida Governor DeSantis (R) supports his state’s decision to seek the death penalty for a man indicted for sexual battery of a child.


‘Appalling’: Pro-abortion groups ‘siphoned’ billions from taxpayers over three years, report shows.


Ivory tower leftists are freaking out about the prospect of Trump getting back into the White House now that multiple polls show Trump isn’t just on track to sweep the GOP primary field – but he’d smoke Biden if a malarkey-free 2024 election were held today. Being the liars that they are, they’re warning readers that Trump will turn America into a dictatorship. In reality, that’s exactly what the Democrat left intends to do. They use projection tactics to blame others for what they themselves are guilty of:

  • Nothing is ever their fault, even when it clearly is.
  • Constantly blaming you for things that are their fault.
  • Constant gas-lighting, where they say things didn’t happen when they did or vice versa.
  • Attributing to you things which are actually true to them (eg. lying, cheating, etc.

Ex-FBI Intel Chief Who ‘Investigated’ the nothing-burger Trump-Russia Collusion Gets 4 Years in Prison for Colluding with Russia. And Charles McGonigal may face an even longer sentence under a second indictment for hiding $225,000 in payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer.


Human Trafficking Kills: 1,000+: ‘Unmarked Graves’ Across E.U. Migrant Routes. Migrants who pay thousands to smugglers often end up on an unseaworthy boat. Thousands have drowned in the past decade; tens of thousands missing, presumed dead. Traffickers have tortured, raped, and killed those who paid for a crossing, and fatal migrant smuggler gun battles are an emerging issue in central Europe.

Joe Biden’s America: Massive group of military-age men from China invade southern border. Hundreds of thousands of illegals from all over the world travel through the Darien Gap to the U.S. every month. Also see: Are hordes of military-age Chinese men being brought into the U.S. in an attempt to destabilize our society?


Deadly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever outbreak in Southern California likely came from Mexico . 3 have died out of the reported 5 patients who’d been in Tecate within two weeks of becoming ill.

Former DEA chief says China runs operations to get as many Americans hooked on illicit drugs as possible, part of a larger effort to overthrow the U.S. as the world’s number one superpower. China is the primary source of precursor chemicals, which are then manufactured into synthetic opioids by Mexican drug cartels who bring it into the U.S. Since 2019, fentanyl overdose is the leading cause of death among young Americans.


Tennessee: Deadly tornado struck a 43-mile path across three counties on Dec 9. Six died in Clarksville and Madison; 83 injured taken to hospitals.

Bolivia: Severe floods leave at least 8 people dead.

Somalia flood crisis update: 118 dead, 2.48 million affected.

Cyclone Jasper crossed Australia’s east coast as category 2 with 87 mph winds. There are warnings of snakes and crocodiles hiding in ‘unexpected places’: yards, sheds, vehicles, houses and play equipment.”


First it was wheat, then rice, now onions are on India’s restricted export list. Food inflation prompted the government to shore up domestic food supply through export bans and higher imports. Average retail prices of onions, tomatoes, rice and sugar in India jumped 98%, 32%, 14%, and 5%, respectively, from a year earlier. The measures have spilled over into the global market, threatening food supplies from Asia to Africa and boosting some prices.


Iranian-backed Houthi terror militia strikes Norwegian-owned vessel on the Red Sea.

Israel must respond to increased attacks by Hezbollah, War Cabinet Minister Gantz tells Blinken.

IDF destroys Hezbollah positions; troops prepare for combat in Lebanon.

Gaza terrorists have fired more than 11,500 rockets launched at Israel since Oct. 7.

‘Nothing will stop us’ – Netanyahu says war against Hamas will continue despite global pressure.

‘Major’ Russia-Iran deal in the works as U.S. and Israel look on with concern. Russia and Iran are speeding up work on a “major new interstate agreement.” The announcement comes after Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov spoke with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. U.S. National Security Spokesperson John Kirby voiced Washington’s concern over the expansion of the Iran-Russia military cooperation. He warned that there is “clearly a growing relationship in the defense realm” between Russia and Iran, following reports of the potential short-range missiles sale and construction of a plant for Iranian drones in Russia.


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” (John 1:5).

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1).

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4).

The post 18 Dec 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.