Month: July 2014

Internationalization vs. Naturalization of the Church of God

In the beginning of 21st century, when perspective and persona are changed by postmodern thinking, church planting is most important. Providing a strategy for church planting and growth is to serve as a roadmap to success for Bulgarian church leaders and people who have dedicated their lives to making a difference within the community of […] »

Study Bible is Complete

Study Bible is Complete

Perry Stone celebrates the completion of his soon coming Study Bible! »

REPOST: #ourCOG app in time for Orlando 2014


Emotional Bullying: Using Guilt to Lead Kids to God

I was talking to a friend who, although raised in the church, is pretty antagonistic toward Christianity. He was talking about his childhood and how Sunday school and VBS constantly beat into his head his personal responsibility for Christ’s death. Not in the “Christ died for your sins” vein, but more like, “It was your […] »