Year: 2022

Princeton Church Live Stream

Princeton Church Live Stream


Bible Possibly Written Centuries Earlier, Text Suggests

Scientists have discovered the earliest known Hebrew writing - an inscription dating from the 10th century B.C., during the period of King David's reign. The breakthrough could mean that portions of the Bible were written centuries earlier than previou... »

Im curious, as someone who believes the scriptures overwhelmingly support…

Im curious, as someone who believes the scriptures overwhelmingly support a pre-trib rapture: How do individuals harmonize the teaching of the doctrine of Immanency, with the teaching that the letters of the seven churches of Revelation are prophetic states of the church? In my mind there is no way to reconcile that. Please change my mind…… »

Thursday Night November 3rd

Thursday Night November 3rd

Join us at North Greensboro Church of God Sunday School 10am Sunday Morning Worship 11am Sunday Evening Worship 6pm (Except Last Sunday) Thursday Evening Worship 7pm Wendesday Evening Worship 7pm (Last Wednesday of the Month) Prayer 15 Minutes before Each Service 3 Ways to Give: In-Person During Worship Online: Mail: 3605 Summit Avenue Greensboro NC 27405 »