Month: January 2023

Your Story Isn’t Finished | Jentezen Franklin

Your Story Isn’t Finished | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Your Story Isn’t Finished.” How will you think and believe this year? Some report or prophecy bad days ahead. But the scriptures tell us that a second opinion comes from God’s word and the Holy Spirit. Believe THAT report. This report says your best days are ahead. It is well. Don’t nurse bad reports. Listen for the voice of God and believe the RIGHT report. This is an excerpt... »

Priscilla Diane Hersey

Pricilla Diane Hersey, 80, a resident of Dallas, GA, and formerly of Cleveland, passed away Saturday, October 29, 2022, at the home of her daughter in Dallas. She was preceded in death by her parents Otis and Alpha Mae Guthrie and her husband Reverend Bryan Hersey. Priscilla Diane Guthrie Hersey was born June 11, 1942, in the town of Douglas, ... Read More »

“As many Christians as are here present that are desirous…

The 1912 Assembly discussed these statements at length. Following some minor changes, such as dropping the word immersion from the statement on water baptism because it is not found in the Bible, they recommended that the “teachings” be reprinted.[25] These teachings have remained an important statement of Biblical doctrine and practice for the Church of God. From time to time, the church has amen... »

I grew up in an environment where people knew what…

I grew up in an environment where people knew what we were against…. Not what we were for…-inbox message sent to me by an executive bishop. He was raised in a differtent CoG than I. I was in the Church of God from 1947 and was raised that way. The Declaration of Faith and church teachings were drilled into me. What we were for was much greater than what we were against. This executive ... »