Month: January 2023

Please note, this group is NOT what is known of…

Please note, this group is NOT what is known of in Facebook lingo as a “fan page,” and, while we encourage participation by any and all leaders and laity who are part of the Church of God from around the world, posts made in this group should not be construed as necessarily representing the beliefs and practice of the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) denomination. Posts made in this group... »

According to the Church of God Declaration of Faith the…

According to the Church of God Declaration of Faith the work of sanctification is subsequent to the new birth. It is altogether a different doctrine to say that sanctification is simultaneous with the new birth. When will the Declaration of Faith be changed to reflect the practice of “sanctification simultaneous with the new birth”? Can the COG remain Wesleyan with the change in belief... »

Did anyone watch the FAITH MATTERS videos sponsored by the…

Did anyone watch the FAITH MATTERS videos sponsored by the CoG? If so, what is your observation of FAITH MATTERS regarding HOLINESS, the 7th article in the CoG DECLARATION OF FAITH as presented by the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) regarding a discussion between CoG General Overseer Mark Williams and Seminary Professor Steve Land? »

2018 Church of God Minutes Hardback Now Available

96 2018 Church of God Minutes Hardback Now AvailableDue to the number of changes in the Minutes effected by the 2018 General Assembly, every pastor, treasurer, and minister needs a copy of the Minutes<!-- ... »