Month: January 2023

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God can…

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God can be amended through a rigorous process in general assemblies. What are the possibilities of eliminating sanctification subsequent to justification and regeneration and hold to a progressive work with regeneration. It seems to me that there would be sufficient support to make that amendment. There seems to be so few who support a definite and entire ... »

Did any one get a chance to watch CoG's FAITH…

Did any one get a chance to watch CoG's FAITH…

Did any one get a chance to watch CoG’s FAITH MATTERS by former GO Mark Williams and Dr. Steve Land, in particular, Episode 29 that deals with CoG’s Declaration of Faith, Article 6 that gives the CoG formal statement regarding the Doctrine of Sanctification? Personally, this was my observation – (1) Mark Williams posed some very excellent questions; however, (2) Dr. Steve Land ga... »

Seventh Annual ‘Agree’ Prayer Event Set for January 9-10

Seventh Annual ‘Agree’ Prayer Event Set for January 9-10 ... »

Is it possible to post something other than pictures of…

Is it possible to post something other than pictures of Bishops Wive’s on here? I mean, can we discuss our declaration of faith? Or maybe the state of the church from what Bro. Williams spoke on? How about our newly elected officials coming into office? Or maybe modesty and holiness without the use of pictures of other men’s wive’s? »