Birthday Tribute to My Sher

Birthday Tribute to My Sher

Dear Sher, 

On your birthday, I want to just say thank you for being who God called you to be.  You have blessed my life and our children's lives.  You have impacted all of us inside the home and countless others outside the home.  I'm humbled, honored, and privileged to be your husband. You are loved as a daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, leader, pastor's wife, and best of all as a child of God.  

I just want to declare this verse over your life as a blessing for this new year: 
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; 
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Psalms 34:8 (NKJV) 

On this day, I share some thoughts from some folks close to you as a tribute and memento to you on this day to celebrate the goodness of the Lord upon your life. Hope you enjoy!

Happy day of birth big/little/tiny fingers sis!! What a great year this has been and will continue to be!! You are a smart, strong, loving and nurturing woman of God! You have many roles, you "know your role" (cue the Rock song..."If you smell... that's for you !!)...and you live those roles out well and for that, I/we are blessed and grateful!! Hope you enjoy this special day and the new year ahead...God bless you, keep you and surround you with His presence in every moment of your life! You are blessed and have been a blessing to me and our family so Thank you!! We love you!! Time to partayyyy!!!

Happy bday Big sis and friend! Thank you for LEADING by example. You don't need to say much but you lead by your actions. There are a Lot of sacrifices you make both seen and unseen. Thank you. I see you forgive wen it's not easy to, sacrifice wen it's not easy to, love wen it's not easy to yet you still do it with such grace. Thank you for the example that you are. Thank you for the blessing you have been to me and my family. Have a beautiful beautiful day today! His promises are true in your life! We love you!

Happy birthday Sherin Chechiiii! So blessed to have you in my life and couldn't have asked for a more loving, caring and supportive sister like you. Thanks for always being there to talk to and giving advice. Praying that God continues to grow in your life in the many years ahead. LOVE YOU!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG CHECHI!!! Glad to have you as the first lady in this siblingry. You do a fantastic job in all the roles you have to play. From wife, to mother, to sister, to pastor's wife. You are strong loving and occasionally funny. Glad to have you as our OLDEST sister (no in-laws in this family). We love you and pray God continues to bless you and keep you strong in this coming year!!

Happy Birthday Sherin!!!! Continue to be the prayer Warrior the encourager and the woman of wisdom. Your role in the kingdom of God and in the life of others is very important. The part you play seen and unseen is vital to expansion of God's Kingdom. Let this new year bring strength and fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life. God Bless!!!!

Happy Birthday Sherin!!! God has blessed you with another beautiful baby and many more blessing to come. Have a wonderful mayo de cinco/bday and a blessed year to come.

Happy birthday friend!! Praise God for the STRONG woman of God that you are... Through many struggles and ups and downs you have been like that ship anchored in the Word and The Promises of God. Thank you for encouraging me to do the same and always speaking/sharing LIFE from The Word Of God and the right words at the right time! Praise God for your life and testimony! Thank you being an awesome friend/family to us and being there for us not just in word but also in action/deed in times of great need! We will never forget it .. We love you chica!! You are loved and cherished!! 29 looks great on you!

Happy happy birthday Sher our mama bear!!! I thank God for the blessing you are for the people around you. For that caring heart of yours, for the tears you shed when I was in pain.....God sees your heart!! God bless you this year and grant your heart's desires!!!

Happy Birthday Kochamme!! You pour out a lotta love from your life. You may not know it but when you speak or share you deposit little nuggets into our hearts that we carry with us and remember often in times of our struggle. #anchor. You have been a blessing to our family! Your prayers might not be loud and with a booming voice, but they come from the depths of your heart, and I know heaven answers those prayers. I've seen you handling so many situations with grace and have seen you grow over the years (not physically ... You still short and cute. The tough seasons in your life have made you a stronger person! Praying God blesses you this new year and takes you to new heights that you can't even imagine. Love you Sher!

Happy cinco de mayo!!! Oh and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERIN!!! Your life is a gift. A gift to all of us. You love and care for us deeply and so genuinely!! You wear many hats and handle it all with such grace!! You simply do not profess your faith and trust in GOD but you demonstrate your utter need and dependence on HIM alone. You get joy from seeing others prosper. And you hurt when one of us hurts. You are an admirable, classy, beautiful woman!! Your life story is written by an Almighty GOD who call us to trust HIM for all the chapters ahead. Thank you for blessing me and my family!! Thank you doing life with us!! Thank you for being you!! We love you mucho senorita bonita!! Can't wait to celebrate!!

There is nothing left to say, Absolutely agree with everything everyone said about you Sher, thank you for being a blessing in our lives, wish you a happy bday.

Happy Birthday!