Nasty :: By Daymond Duck

According to the Bible, God would bring Israel back into being at the end of the age, and that tiny nation will never be destroyed again (Amos 9:15; Ezek. 37:25; Psa. 89:30-37).

God will correct and punish the Jews at the end of the age; He will destroy all the other nations (during the Tribulation Period and at His Second Coming), but He will not destroy Israel or allow other nations to destroy Israel (Jer. 30:11; 46:28).

Though every nation on earth comes against Israel, they will not be able to destroy Israel because God wants everyone on earth to know something about Israel; her God is God, He is faithful, and He keeps His promises.

Most Jews do not know that Jesus is their Messiah. They will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, but God is faithful. He will not break His covenants with the Jewish people, and all of Israel will eventually get saved (Gen. 17:7-8; Rom. 11:26).

Israel will eventually wind up with all the land from the river to the sea and a whole lot more.

Having said this, realize that since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, nations have been trying to destroy her, and all have failed.

There have been many efforts to force a peace treaty on Israel and her enemies, but all have failed.

Israel’s enemies do not keep peace treaties; they always break them, and the international community ignores them.

Even now, there is talk of forcing a peace treaty on Israel and her neighbors, but they will fail.

On Mar. 4, 2024, Israel’s ex-defense minister, Benny Gantz (he is also a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet), visited the U.S. to discuss a ceasefire in the Middle East without the permission of Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu.

On Mar. 6, 2024, Gantz traveled to the UK to discuss the same thing.

He drew strong criticism in Israel, and some in the Netanyahu government said he might be committing treason.

In Washington, Gantz told Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, that “ending the war without clearing out Rafah is like sending a firefighter to extinguish 80 percent of the fire.”

Putting out 80% of a fire won’t work, a premature Israeli withdrawal from Gaza won’t work, forcing a peace treaty on both sides won’t work, and the head of a world government (the Antichrist) confirming a temporary covenant for 7 years of peace won’t work.

So then, what will work?

Peace on earth requires the fulfillment of God’s Word.

Israel must accept Jesus as their Messiah, and Israel must get all the Promised Land.

It will take the Tribulation Period and Second Coming of Jesus to bring this about.

Until then, things are going to get nasty.

(Reminder: I believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture.)

Here are some recent reports that seem to relate to Bible prophecy.

One, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Mar. 7, 2024, it was reported that a newspaper in Lebanon that is affiliated with Hezbollah said Israel has set Mar. 15, 2024, as a deadline for a diplomatic settlement of its ongoing conflict with Hezbollah.

According to the report, if there is no diplomatic settlement by Mar. 15, Israel will expand its operations to a widescale war (things could get nasty).

(More: On Mar. 10, 2024 – the beginning of Ramadan in some nations – Hezbollah in Lebanon fired more than 60 rockets into Israel. An Israeli official said Israel is preparing for an all-out war with Hezbollah.)

(More: On Mar. 11, 2024, it was reported that the Israeli military is planning to build temporary bomb shelters stocked with food, water, beds, and cots in preparation for a war with Hezbollah. According to the report, they have already acquired 80,000 meal packages in the event that they are needed.)

Two, concerning a ceasefire in Gaza: on Mar. 9, 2024, it was reported that officials in the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt agreed that Hamas does not want a ceasefire at this time.

Hamas prefers to keep the war going, start trouble in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and use the situation to cause a broader war in the region during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Three, concerning the decline of America: on Mar. 6, 2024, the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen fired an anti-ship missile at a cargo ship in the Red Sea.

The missile struck the ship, killed 3 people, and injured 4 (3 are in critical condition).

The U.S., UK, and others have attacked the Houthis at least 4 times, but the Houthis continue to say they will not stop attacking cargo ships until Israel stops attacking Hamas in Gaza.

As many see it, Biden is weak, America and its military are in decline, and no one is afraid of the U.S. military anymore.

Weakness in the White House is setting the stage for more wars and rumors of wars.

(More: On Mar. 8-9, 2024, the Houthis fired at least 37 drones and missiles at cargo ships and U.S. Warships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Have you got that? The Houthis are attacking the U.S. Navy, and Biden’s efforts to stop them have failed.)

(More: On Mar. 11, 2024, FBI Director Wray told a U.S. Senate Committee that organizations are smuggling criminals from other nations into the U.S., and we are already seeing a wide array of extremely dangerous threats in the U.S.)

(More: On Mar. 12, 2024, it was reported that U.S. military officials said the U.S. has sent vast amounts of our weapons to Ukraine, we are out of many weapons, our military budget is overdrawn, and our military doesn’t have the money to replace the shipped weapons. Pres. Biden said we have come up with $300 million in cost savings on contracts, and we will send that money to Ukraine without Congressional approval.)

Four, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age: on Mar. 7-8, 2024, North Platte, Nebraska, got 17.4 inches of snow (15.3 inches on Mar. 7, the most ever in one day).

Five, concerning a departing from the faith and persecution of believers at the end of the age: on Mar. 7, 2024, it was reported that Canadian lawmakers are considering a bill to criminalize the quoting of Scripture in defense of marriage.

If passed, telling people what the Bible says about gay issues could be deemed hate speech and lead to criminal prosecution.

Six, concerning world government: on Mar. 10, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is demanding that governments, the media, big tech companies, and civil society silence critics of their unelected globalist agenda.

They want to force people to accept everything they say as truth.

(FYI: On Mar. 5, 2024, Hungary’s Prime Min. Viktor Orban said, “The hegemony of the West has ended. A New World Order is emerging.)

Seven, concerning an increase in pestilences at the end of the age: on Mar. 12, 2024, it was reported that 1,800 immigrants (including 95 children 2 years old and younger) are housed at a shelter.

Four people have come down with measles, and a fifth case has been reported elsewhere.

Health officials have been quarantining (21 days) and vaccinating the migrants, but some unvaccinated migrants have violated their quarantine.

The CDC is sending in a team of experts to try to get the situation under control.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024 (Day 152): The ninety-seventh day of the resumed war.

  • The Hamas ceasefire negotiating team left Egypt and said a ceasefire before Ramadan is unlikely.

Thursday, Mar. 7, 2024 (Day 153): The ninety-eighth day of the resumed war.

  • Biden plans to build a seaport at Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid.
  • Biden said he and Netanyahu need to have a “come to Jesus” meeting over getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Friday, Mar. 8, 2024 (Day 154) The ninety-ninth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. said, “Anybody talking about a Palestinian state right now must be living on another planet.”
  • Canada will resume its funding to the UNRWA, Canada will continue to take the allegations against some of UNRWA’s staff extremely seriously, and Canada will remain closely engaged with UNRWA and the UN to pursue accountability and reforms.

Saturday, Mar. 9, 2024 (Day 155): The one-hundredth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel said Hamas is not interested in reaching an agreement now and instead seeks to inflame the broader region during the upcoming Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024 (Day 156) The one hundred-first day of the resumed war.

  • Netanyahu said, “They (most Arab countries) basically understand (the war) and even tacitly agree with it. They understand that Hamas is part of the Iranian axis of terror, which threatens them as much as it threatens us.”
  • Thousands of Muslims gathered in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque, and there were clashes with the Israeli police.

Monday, Mar. 11, 2024 (Day 157): The one hundred-second day of the resumed war.

  • There were unconfirmed reports that Israel may have killed the #3 man in Hamas over the weekend.
  • Israel killed a terrorist armed with weapons, ammunition, and a ready-to-use explosive device that they believe was on his way to Tel Aviv to trigger an uprising on Ramadan.
  • Ramadan has begun, and there is no ceasefire.

Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2024 (Day 158): The one hundred-third day of the resumed war.

  • Following Israeli strikes on two targets in Lebanon, Hezbollah fired more than 100 Katyusha rockets into the Golan Heights. Israel retaliated by striking 3 Hezbollah rocket launchers.
  • Israel has tripled its attacks on Hezbollah targets in the last 3 weeks.

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2024 (Day 159): The one hundred-fourth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel’s Defense Min. said we are getting closer to an invasion of Rafah.
  • He said, “We will bring every single person involved in the October 7 massacre to justice – we will either kill them or try them in Israel. There is no safe space, not here, not outside Gaza, not across the entire Middle East.”

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


The post Nasty :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Nasty :: By Daymond Duck

According to the Bible, God would bring Israel back into being at the end of the age, and that tiny nation will never be destroyed again (Amos 9:15; Ezek. 37:25; Psa. 89:30-37).

God will correct and punish the Jews at the end of the age; He will destroy all the other nations (during the Tribulation Period and at His Second Coming), but He will not destroy Israel or allow other nations to destroy Israel (Jer. 30:11; 46:28).

Though every nation on earth comes against Israel, they will not be able to destroy Israel because God wants everyone on earth to know something about Israel; her God is God, He is faithful, and He keeps His promises.

Most Jews do not know that Jesus is their Messiah. They will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, but God is faithful. He will not break His covenants with the Jewish people, and all of Israel will eventually get saved (Gen. 17:7-8; Rom. 11:26).

Israel will eventually wind up with all the land from the river to the sea and a whole lot more.

Having said this, realize that since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, nations have been trying to destroy her, and all have failed.

There have been many efforts to force a peace treaty on Israel and her enemies, but all have failed.

Israel’s enemies do not keep peace treaties; they always break them, and the international community ignores them.

Even now, there is talk of forcing a peace treaty on Israel and her neighbors, but they will fail.

On Mar. 4, 2024, Israel’s ex-defense minister, Benny Gantz (he is also a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet), visited the U.S. to discuss a ceasefire in the Middle East without the permission of Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu.

On Mar. 6, 2024, Gantz traveled to the UK to discuss the same thing.

He drew strong criticism in Israel, and some in the Netanyahu government said he might be committing treason.

In Washington, Gantz told Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, that “ending the war without clearing out Rafah is like sending a firefighter to extinguish 80 percent of the fire.”

Putting out 80% of a fire won’t work, a premature Israeli withdrawal from Gaza won’t work, forcing a peace treaty on both sides won’t work, and the head of a world government (the Antichrist) confirming a temporary covenant for 7 years of peace won’t work.

So then, what will work?

Peace on earth requires the fulfillment of God’s Word.

Israel must accept Jesus as their Messiah, and Israel must get all the Promised Land.

It will take the Tribulation Period and Second Coming of Jesus to bring this about.

Until then, things are going to get nasty.

(Reminder: I believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture.)

Here are some recent reports that seem to relate to Bible prophecy.

One, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Mar. 7, 2024, it was reported that a newspaper in Lebanon that is affiliated with Hezbollah said Israel has set Mar. 15, 2024, as a deadline for a diplomatic settlement of its ongoing conflict with Hezbollah.

According to the report, if there is no diplomatic settlement by Mar. 15, Israel will expand its operations to a widescale war (things could get nasty).

(More: On Mar. 10, 2024 – the beginning of Ramadan in some nations – Hezbollah in Lebanon fired more than 60 rockets into Israel. An Israeli official said Israel is preparing for an all-out war with Hezbollah.)

(More: On Mar. 11, 2024, it was reported that the Israeli military is planning to build temporary bomb shelters stocked with food, water, beds, and cots in preparation for a war with Hezbollah. According to the report, they have already acquired 80,000 meal packages in the event that they are needed.)

Two, concerning a ceasefire in Gaza: on Mar. 9, 2024, it was reported that officials in the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt agreed that Hamas does not want a ceasefire at this time.

Hamas prefers to keep the war going, start trouble in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and use the situation to cause a broader war in the region during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Three, concerning the decline of America: on Mar. 6, 2024, the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen fired an anti-ship missile at a cargo ship in the Red Sea.

The missile struck the ship, killed 3 people, and injured 4 (3 are in critical condition).

The U.S., UK, and others have attacked the Houthis at least 4 times, but the Houthis continue to say they will not stop attacking cargo ships until Israel stops attacking Hamas in Gaza.

As many see it, Biden is weak, America and its military are in decline, and no one is afraid of the U.S. military anymore.

Weakness in the White House is setting the stage for more wars and rumors of wars.

(More: On Mar. 8-9, 2024, the Houthis fired at least 37 drones and missiles at cargo ships and U.S. Warships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Have you got that? The Houthis are attacking the U.S. Navy, and Biden’s efforts to stop them have failed.)

(More: On Mar. 11, 2024, FBI Director Wray told a U.S. Senate Committee that organizations are smuggling criminals from other nations into the U.S., and we are already seeing a wide array of extremely dangerous threats in the U.S.)

(More: On Mar. 12, 2024, it was reported that U.S. military officials said the U.S. has sent vast amounts of our weapons to Ukraine, we are out of many weapons, our military budget is overdrawn, and our military doesn’t have the money to replace the shipped weapons. Pres. Biden said we have come up with $300 million in cost savings on contracts, and we will send that money to Ukraine without Congressional approval.)

Four, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age: on Mar. 7-8, 2024, North Platte, Nebraska, got 17.4 inches of snow (15.3 inches on Mar. 7, the most ever in one day).

Five, concerning a departing from the faith and persecution of believers at the end of the age: on Mar. 7, 2024, it was reported that Canadian lawmakers are considering a bill to criminalize the quoting of Scripture in defense of marriage.

If passed, telling people what the Bible says about gay issues could be deemed hate speech and lead to criminal prosecution.

Six, concerning world government: on Mar. 10, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is demanding that governments, the media, big tech companies, and civil society silence critics of their unelected globalist agenda.

They want to force people to accept everything they say as truth.

(FYI: On Mar. 5, 2024, Hungary’s Prime Min. Viktor Orban said, “The hegemony of the West has ended. A New World Order is emerging.)

Seven, concerning an increase in pestilences at the end of the age: on Mar. 12, 2024, it was reported that 1,800 immigrants (including 95 children 2 years old and younger) are housed at a shelter.

Four people have come down with measles, and a fifth case has been reported elsewhere.

Health officials have been quarantining (21 days) and vaccinating the migrants, but some unvaccinated migrants have violated their quarantine.

The CDC is sending in a team of experts to try to get the situation under control.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024 (Day 152): The ninety-seventh day of the resumed war.

  • The Hamas ceasefire negotiating team left Egypt and said a ceasefire before Ramadan is unlikely.

Thursday, Mar. 7, 2024 (Day 153): The ninety-eighth day of the resumed war.

  • Biden plans to build a seaport at Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid.
  • Biden said he and Netanyahu need to have a “come to Jesus” meeting over getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Friday, Mar. 8, 2024 (Day 154) The ninety-ninth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. said, “Anybody talking about a Palestinian state right now must be living on another planet.”
  • Canada will resume its funding to the UNRWA, Canada will continue to take the allegations against some of UNRWA’s staff extremely seriously, and Canada will remain closely engaged with UNRWA and the UN to pursue accountability and reforms.

Saturday, Mar. 9, 2024 (Day 155): The one-hundredth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel said Hamas is not interested in reaching an agreement now and instead seeks to inflame the broader region during the upcoming Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024 (Day 156) The one hundred-first day of the resumed war.

  • Netanyahu said, “They (most Arab countries) basically understand (the war) and even tacitly agree with it. They understand that Hamas is part of the Iranian axis of terror, which threatens them as much as it threatens us.”
  • Thousands of Muslims gathered in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque, and there were clashes with the Israeli police.

Monday, Mar. 11, 2024 (Day 157): The one hundred-second day of the resumed war.

  • There were unconfirmed reports that Israel may have killed the #3 man in Hamas over the weekend.
  • Israel killed a terrorist armed with weapons, ammunition, and a ready-to-use explosive device that they believe was on his way to Tel Aviv to trigger an uprising on Ramadan.
  • Ramadan has begun, and there is no ceasefire.

Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2024 (Day 158): The one hundred-third day of the resumed war.

  • Following Israeli strikes on two targets in Lebanon, Hezbollah fired more than 100 Katyusha rockets into the Golan Heights. Israel retaliated by striking 3 Hezbollah rocket launchers.
  • Israel has tripled its attacks on Hezbollah targets in the last 3 weeks.

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2024 (Day 159): The one hundred-fourth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel’s Defense Min. said we are getting closer to an invasion of Rafah.
  • He said, “We will bring every single person involved in the October 7 massacre to justice – we will either kill them or try them in Israel. There is no safe space, not here, not outside Gaza, not across the entire Middle East.”

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


The post Nasty :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.