12 June 2024

Egypt sets hottest June day in African history; historic heatwave hits Cyprus
Aswan in Egypt recorded 50.9 °C (123.6 °F) on June 7, 2024, setting the highest reliable temperature ever recorded in Egypt and the hottest June day in African history. On the same day, Cyprus experienced its hottest June day ever with temperatures hitting 44 °C (111 °F), breaking its record for the second time this month.

Flash floods in Albuquerque arroyos result in one fatality, New Mexico 
One person was killed and two others were rescued in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Sunday, June 9, 2024, after heavy rain caused flash floods in the city’s arroyo system. Flash Flood Warnings were in place at the time of the incident, with 50 – 100 mm (2 – 4 inches) of rain forecasted by the National Weather Service (NWS).

UN Security Council approves US resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and hostage release
…Israeli officials defined the resolution as “problematic,” according to YNET, Israel reportedly told the U.S. administration that the resolution does not accurately reflect its offer for a hostage release deal.

Marine Le Pen Ends the ‘Painful Globalist Era: We Are Ready to Restore the Country, Ready to Bring France Back to Life’ 
The winds of change are sweeping across France and Europe, as recent political developments have revealed a powerful surge in conservative sentiment. The French people have boldly voiced their dissatisfaction with the current left-wing administration and shown robust support for conservative ideals. The dissolution of the French National Assembly, announced by President Emmanuel Macron, and the recent European Parliament elections have marked a pivotal moment in the continent’s political landscape.

Dr. Clare Craig: It’s clear the covid vaccines are unsafe 
Dr. Clare Craig gave her testimony to the UK People’s Vaccine Inquiry.  She testified that the covid injections were both unsafe and ineffective.  Reviewing data from Pfizer’s trial, the ONS, ambulance callouts and long-term sickness she demonstrated that to use the word “safe” to describe covid vaccines is a lie.

Vaccine injuries in the Canadian Armed Forces rose by over 800 per cent in 2021
According to Access to Information documents, Canadian Armed Forces vaccine injuries skyrocketed from 14 in 2020 to 128 in 2021, an 800% increase, with over 100 injuries being attributed to Moderna’s experimental covid injection.

Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit
Dr. Francis Boyle, a Harvard-trained professor and the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was unanimously approved by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush, has issued an affidavit declaring COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction, Dr. Joseph Sansone first reported.

Thousands join ‘Let Us Worship’ rally during Sacramento Pride
While much of downtown was decorated in rainbow flags to celebrate Sacramento Pride, close to 2,000 people gathered Saturday evening for a march and concert led by Christian worship leader and former California congressional candidate Sean Feucht.

Congressional Report Finds Half of All New Jobs are Going to Immigrants
The House Budget Committee released a report Friday that found more than half of all new jobs are going to immigrants, including those in the country illegally.

The Entire System Is Crumbling! Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers
If the economy is fine, why are so many signs of trouble erupting all around us?  Those that keep insisting that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction conveniently ignore the very troubling facts and figures that I regularly share with my readers.  When you take an honest look at the cold, hard numbers that the economy keeps producing, there is only one logical conclusion.  Our entire system is crumbling, and it appears that conditions will soon get significantly worse.

Our Apocalyptic “New Normal”: Most Global Conflict Since WWII, Most Billion Dollar Disasters Ever, And Most Hungry People In History
Our world is witnessing apocalyptic events so frequently that many of us are starting to become numb to it all.  Major wars are raging all over the globe, children in Africa are literally dropping dead from starvation as hunger spreads like wildfire, and “billion dollar disasters” are hitting us more frequently than we have ever seen before.

Germany reveals plan for citizens if Russia attacks, following threats by Putin: Subway bunkers, food rationing, compulsory conscription and evacuations
Germany has updated its strict wartime measures for the first time since the Cold War as the country’s leaders prepare for the possibility of conflict by the end of the decade.

School To Use Remote Tracking Wristbands On Children 
A school in Switzerland has controversially announced it will trial tracking wristbands on children to keep tabs on their location.

A Russian Submarine Capable Of Launching Nuclear Missiles Just Cruised Along
A Russian submarine and a Russian frigate that are both capable of nuking U.S. cities were both spotted traveling approximately 25 miles from the coast of Florida, but most of the U.S. population did not receive the message that the Russians were trying to send.  By sending these warships along the coast of Florida, the Russians are warning that they will use nuclear weapons if they are pushed too far, but hardly anyone seems to care.

Another Tsunami Prophecy – When Will The American People Start Listening To The Warnings?
….When I was a child, I was shown giant tsunamis in my dreams over and over again, but at that time I had no idea what I was seeing.  It was only many years later that I started to understand.  As an adult, I discovered that men and women of God all over the world have been shown enormous tsunamis that will absolutely devastate the coastlines of America.

The post 12 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.