This Day, October 9, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


768: Carloman I and Charlemagne are crowned Kings of The Franks. Charlemagne treated to his Jewish subjects well, even if it meant parting from the doctrine of the Church. For example, he extended the rights previously granted to the Jews of Narbonne by his father. Jews “mingled freely at the Frankish court in defiance of canon law…Disputes between Jews were resolved in Jewish courts.” The increased protection and freedom offered to the Jews by Charlemagne resulted in increased commercial and financial activity, especially trade with the Islamic world.

1184: Judah ben Elijah Hadassi a Karaite Jewish scholar who lived in Constantinople began working on Eshkol ha-Kofter, “a treatise on the Ten Commandments.”

1192: After having negotiated a treaty with Saladin following the Battle of Jaffa, that created a three-year truce, Richard III left Acre for a planned return to England.

1217: During the 5th Crusade, a force led by King Andrew II of Hungary landed on Cyprus “from where they sailed to Acre and joined John of Brienne, ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem” and others who were preparing to fight the Ayyubids of Syria.

1238: In Spain, King James I of Aragon founded the Kingdom of Valencia. In 1263, James I presided over the disputation between Nachmanides and a convert to Christianity named Paul Christian.

1253: English scholar and theologian, Robert Grosseteste, the Bishop of Lincoln who in 1244 “decided that the jurisdiction in disputes between Jews and Scholars at Oxford should rest with the Chancellor of the University and who was “widely consulted on the correct attitude to be adopted toward Jews” passed away today.

1261: Birthdate of Denis I who as King of Portugal resisted pressure by the clergy to “invoke the restrictions placed on the Jews by the Fourth Lateran Council.
1264: The army of King Alfonso the Wise of Castile conquered the Spanish city of Jerez that had been held by the Moors since 711. The Jewish community of Jerez, complete with a separate Juderia or Jewish quarter had existed since the time of the Moors. At the time of the Spanish conquest, the city had two synagogues with Don Yucaff and his son Don Todros each living in one of the “houses of the rabbis” Among those Jews to whom the king gave houses and/or lands were “Don Yehuda Mosca who made translations from Arabic into Spanish for the king; the "almoxarife" Don Mayr, or rather Mür de Malhea, and his son Çag (Isaac); Çimha (Simḥah) Xtaruçi, whose father lost his life and the whole of his large fortune during the rebellion of the city; Don Vellocid (Vellecid), "ballestero del rey a caballo"; Solomon Ballestero; and Axucuri Ballestero—the last three being in the king's army.” [Editor’s Note – As can be seen from this entry, the image of the Spanish Jews flourishing under the Moors and suffering under the Christians is not an accurate one.]

 1290(3rd of Cheshvan, 5051): Today, St. Denis’s Day, the Jews of London departed in accordance with the Edward’s order of expulsion which was to take full effect in November.

100 English history book.

1328: Birthdate of Peter I, the King of Cyprus and Kingdom of Jerusalem one of those monarchs who attended “The Banquet of Five Kings “ in 1363)
1334: Casmir the Great (Poland) renewed the Charter of Boleslav, granting Jews the freedom of residence in all areas of the kingdom. This document was instrumental in encouraging Jews to begin to flee Germany and move east. King Kazimierz showed how favorably disposed towards Jews he was when he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslaus V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. He invited Jews who were being persecuted elsewhere to settle in Poland, protecting them as 'people of the king.'

1390: Despite the best efforts by “his physician Moses ibn Zarzal” King John I died today.

1390: Henry III who appointed the Jewish convert to Christianity Paul of Burgos keeper of the royal seal and Lord Chancellor began his reign as King of Castile and Leon.

1480: A royal order was dispatched by Ferdinand and Isabella “to the governors of provinces to furnish the new inquisitors and their retinue with everything necessary for their journey to Seville” and at the same time declared that their privileges were the same as those ranted by Emperor Frederik II to the inquisitors in Italy in the 13th century.

1526: Today, the Queen regent Maria, the widow of Louis II, continued her anti-Jewish policies first displayed when by expelling the Jews of Sopron by allowing the city of Pressburg, to expel its Jewish citizens.

1547: Christening of the Don Miguel de Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote. According to some sources, Cervantes mother, Lenor de Cortinas was a descendant of Conversos, Jews who chose Christianity over death or despoliation of their wealth.

1580: Immanuel Tremellius, the Italian Jewish convert to Catholicism who then became a Protestant and was the Regius professor of Hebrew at Cambridge before becoming the Professor of Old Testament at the University of Heidelberg passed away today.

1619(1st of Cheshvan, 5380): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1619(1st of Cheshvan, 5380): Thesolonika born “Italian rabbi and merchant” Joseph Prado, the Hakham of the Bet Ya'akob congregation in Amsterdam starting in 1597 and the husband of Reina Pardo with whom he had three son – Isaac, Abrahm and David, the father of English hazzan Joseph Prado passed away today in Amsterdam.
1635: Colonial American Separatist Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts for preaching that civil government had no right to interfere in religious affairs. (Williams was seeking to establish freedom of worship through the separation of church and state.) Rhode Island would provide the model for the rest of the United States on this issue. In addition to which, William's policy would Rhode Island an attractive place for Jews to settle during the colonial and Revolutionary War periods.
1666(10th of Tishrei, 5427): Yom Kippur

1666(10th of Tishrei, 5427): In Hamburg, Germany, blessings were offered in honor of Sabbatia Zvi during Yom Kippur. The Hamburg community was unaware of the fact the self-proclaimed Messiah had converted to Islam in September of 1666.

1676(16th of Tishrei, 5528: Second Day of Sukkoth

1691: English merchant Erasmus Smith whose philanthropy was recognized by Trinity College when it created the Erasmus Smith Chair of Hebrew in 1724 passed away today.

1701: The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. In 1805, Moses Simons became the first Jew to attend Yale. Seventeen years later, Judah P. Benjamin attended Yale Law School, making him the school’s second Jewish student. Benjamin left without graduating. According to recent records 1,200 of Yale’s 5,300 undergraduate students are Jewish while 200 of the 1,200 graduate students are Jewish. The school offers 45 Jewish courses and a minor in Jewish studies but no major. This is a vast improvement over the situation for Jews at Yale as late as the 1960’s when administrators, faculty and alumnae sought to limit Jewish enrollment at the Ivy League school through quotas and other forms of social pressure. You have to wonder if these people knew that Elihu Yale’s Jewish mistress, after whom the school was named, had born him a son. Would the Yalies have accepted Yale’s son?

1762(22nd of Tishrei, 5523): Shmini Atzeret

1764: Richea Myers-Cohen and Barnard Gratz who were married in 1760 gave birth to Rachel Gratz, the wife of Solomon Etting whom she married in 1791 and with whom she had nine children.

1766: Uriah and Eva Esther Hendricks gave birth to Jochabed Sarah Hendricks

1770(20th of Tishrei, 5531): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1771:  Count Jan Klemens Branicki, the Polish nobleman who proclaimed the Jews of Bialystok to be subject to bylaw and other local laws on an equal footing with the other townsmen, passed away.

1773(22nd of Tishrei, 5534): Shmini Atzeret

1775(15th of Tishrei, 5536): First Day of Sukkoth observed for the first time during the American Revolution.

1778(18th of Tishrei, 5539): Fourth Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that during the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams wrote to the Sicilian Ambassador to France, Domenico Caracciolo, expressing their “thanks to the Sicilian king for allowing ships of the United States of America to enter Sicily's ports.”

1780(10th of Tishrei, 5541): Yom Kippur observed as Barbados, whose Jewish community dated back to the last half of the 17th century, began to feel the first effects of what would come to known as The Great Hurricane of 1780.”

1784: Benjamin Nones, a native of Bordeaux, France who served with distinction during the American Revolution became a naturalized citizen of the United States today.

1786(17th of Tishrei, 5547): Third Day of Sukkoth

1786: In Newport, RI. Isaac Cohen d’Azevedo and his wife gave birth to Moses Azevedo who would die before his first birthday.

1789: Birthdate of Meno Burg, “the first and for a long time the only Jew serving as a Prussian staff officer.”

1792(23rd of Tishrei, 5553): Simchat Torah observed on the same day that James Madison wrote to James Monroe, both of whom were future presidents of the United States, proposing to nominate Aaron Burr instead of Governor Henry Clinton as Vice President of the United States.

1794(15th of Tishrei, 5555): First Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that President Washington reviewed the troops that were going to put down the Whiskey Rebellion, the first violent challenge to the authority of the U.S government.

1797(19th of Tishrei, 5558): Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

1797(19th of Tishrei, 5558): The Vilna Gaon passed away.  There is no way that we can do justice to this Giant of Judaism.  We urge you all to consult the numerous books, websites and other sources that can give you some sense of the importance of this sage who was such an expert in matters of Torah, Talmud and Halachah that even the descendants of those to whom he stood in opposition recognize his merit.

1798: In Bamberg, the chief rabbi and his wife gave birth to German jurist Karl Feust.

1799(10th of Tishrei, 5560): Final Yom Kippur of the 18th century

1800(20st of Tishrei, 5561): Sixth Day of Sukkoth observed for the last time under the Presidency of John Adams.

1802(13th of Tishrei, 5563): Parashat Ha’azinu

1802: In “an attempt to ameliorate the condition of his Jewish subjects, Czar Alexander summoned a special commission by a ukase issued today that drafted “a set of regulations, which resulted in the "Enactment concerning the Jews" 

1803(23rd of Tishrei, 5564): Simchat Torah

1803: Rabbi Meanchem Mendel Rubin of Linsk, “the first rebbe of the Rosphitz dynasty and the son-in-law of Rabbi Yizchak Halevi Horowitz passed away today.

1805(16h of Tishrei, 5561): Second Day of Sukkoth observed as Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery broke camp near what is today Spalding, Idaho.

1807: Birthdate of Alzey, Germany native and future acting Mayor of Baltimore, MD, Leon Dyer, the quartermaster-general of the Louisiana State Militia a Major in the Army of Texas during its war for independence and a Colonel and quartermaster general serving under General Winfield Scott during wht Mexican American War who settled in San Francisco in 1848 where he founded what was reported to be the first Jewish congregation “on the Pacific Coast.

1808(18th of Tishrei, 5569) Fourth Day of Sukkoth

1809: Birthdate of Adolphe Franck the French philosopher whose work on the Kabbalah was popular with the public and was President of the Société des Etudes Juives

1811(21st of Tishrei, 5572): Hoshana Raba

1813(15th of Tishrei, 5574): First Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that Techumseh was reportedly killed following the American victory at the Battle of the Thames during the War of 1812.

1816(17th of Tishrei, 5577): Third Day of Sukkoth celebrated on the same day that former President Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison seeking a government job for a soldier who had fought at Fort McHenry and had since fallen on hard times.

1817: Johanna Benzinger and Secekel Loeb Wormser, “the Wonder Rabbi of Michel City” gave birth to Jaidel Wormser

1817: Daniel Rees married Priscilla Davis at the Western Synagogue today.

1818: Birthdate of Benedict Zuckerman, the native of Breslau who was a leading German mathematician who served on the faculty of the Breslau Seminary under the leadership of Zacharias Frankel.

1821: In London, Abraham Pinto, the Morocco born son of Meir Pinto and his wife Esther Pinto gave birth to Joseph Pinton, the husband of Sophia Pinto and the “father of Esther Olivia Bottenheim; Elizabeth Pinto; Florence Louisa Pinto and Phineas Abraham Pinto.”

1823(4th of Cheshvan, 5584): Jacob I. Cohen, a native of Bavaria and the son of Joshua and Peslah Cohen, who fought in the Battle of Beaufort while serving under Captain Lushington and who in 1789 “took the lead in organizing the first synagogue in Virginia, passed away today in Philadelphia

1823: In London, Frances Cohen and Joel Benjamin gave birth to Leon Benjamin.

1823: Copenhagen native Dr. Ludwig Lewin, the surgeon who treated casualties during the British bombardment of Copenhagen, who served as a surgeon with the French army to improve his medical skills and who “invented several appliances which proved of great benefit to the surgical profession” which led to the the Académie des Sciences awarding him one of the Monthyon prizes and being created a knight of the Dannebrog passed but who refused to abandon the faith of his fathers for career advancement married Angelique Jacobine Vilhelmine

1824(17th of Tishrei, 5585): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth observed for the last time during the Presidency of James Monroe.

1827(18th of Tishrei, 5588): Fourth day of Sukkot

1828(1st of Tishrei, 5589): Rosh Hashana

1830: The Will of David Moses Dyte, Pen and Quil Manufacturer of Strand , Middlesex, the husband of Hannah Lazarus and member of the Great Synagogue was probated today.

1832(15th of Tishrei, 5593): Sukkoth

1833: In Laupheim, Jewish merchant Viktor Steiner and his Sophie gave birth to German banker and industrialist Kilian von Steiner.

1835(16th of Tishrei, 5596): Second Day of Sukkoth

1835: In Wurttemberg, Germany, Bernhard Frankfurter, the son of Mirjam and Moses Levi Frankfurter, and his wife Esther gave birth to “Mirjam Frankfureter.”

1837(10th of Tishrei, 5598): As the economic crisis known as the Panic of 1837 grips the United States Jews observe Yom Kippur.

1838(20th of Tishrei, 5599): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1840: In England, merchant Michael (Meyer) Solomon and artist Catherine (Kate) Levy gave birth British painter Simeon Solomon. [There is no way to do justice to this complex man’s life and work in this small space. Among other sites, look at

1841(24th of Tishrei, 5602): Parshat Bereshit, the cycle begins again for the first time during the presidency of John Tyler.

1843(15th of Tishrei, 5604): Sukkot

1845: The Sephardic Synagogue of Kingston, Jamaica celebrated taking possession of a new Sefer Torah." The service was conducted by the Isaac Lopes, who served as the congregation’s rabbi.

1846(19th of Tishrei, 5607): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1846: In New York City linguist and orientalist Elias Markens and his wife gave birth to journalist Isaac Markens, a manager and/or reporter for the United Press Association, the New York Commercial Advertiser and the New York Evening Mail and Express who was a member of the Free Sons of Israel, author of Hebrews In America and the husband of Rachel Benjamin.
1848: In Lübeck, laws were adopted that “abolished all the disabilities” of the Jews thus making them true citizens of the city.

1849: In London, Rosetta Pinto, the Lond born daughter of Rabbi David Aaron de Sola and Rebecca (Rica) de Sola and her husband Henry (Haim) Pinto gave birth to Esther Pinto.

1849: In Charleston, SC, Fannie and Bendix Abraham Weinberg gave birth to Amelia Weinberg who became Amelia Strauss when she married Alfred Abraham Strauss with whom she had six children before her untimely death at the age of 31.

1850(3rd of Cheshvan, 5611): Fifty-four-year-old Israel Friedman of Ruzhyn the Chasidic rebbe known as Der Heiliger Ruzhiner ("The holy one from Ruzhyn"), passed away today.

1851: Today’s edition of the San Diego Herald described the observance of the first Yom Kippur observance in that California town which had taken place on October 6.


“The Israelites of San Diego, faithful to the religion of their Forefathers, observed their New Years days and Day of Atonement with due solemnity. $e Day of Atonement – one of the most solemn

and sacred days in the Jewish calendar – was observed by Messrs. Lewis Franklin, Jacob Marks, and Chas. A. Fletcher (the only three Hebrews in town) by their assembling in the house of the former gentleman and passing the entire day in fasting and prayers. We are glad to record such an act of

religious faith under circumstances the most unfavorable.”


1853: Birthdate of German native Moritz Falkenstein, the husband of Cacilie Falkenstein and the father of Frieda and Harry Falkenstein

1854(17th of Tishrei, 5615): Third Day of Sukkot

1855(27th of Tishrei, 5616): Joseph Abendana, the husband of Abigail de Costa Gomes and the father of Hananel Abendana, a “Steward at the Spanish Portuguese Hospital pass away today.

1856(10th of Tishrei, 5617): Yom Kippur

1856: “A God-Send For The Express” published today reported that “the German organ of the Buchanneers in Philadelphia accuses Fremont of being a Hebrew by birth and having been educated in the Mosaic faith besides being born in Alsace. As the Express must by this time be tired of calling Col Freemont a Jesuit, it will be delighted of an opportunity to accuse him of being a descendant of Abraham.” Fremont is John C. Fremont, a native of Virginia, an Episcopalian, military hero and explorer known as the Great Pathfinder. He was also the Republican Party’s first Presidential nominee.
1857(21st of Tishrei, 5618): Hoshana Raba
1857: In New York, the Recorder heard a second day of testimony in the case where Nathan Levin, a recently arrived Jewish immigrant from Hungary, had accused Israel Steinhardt, a fellow Hungarian co-religionist of stealing 940 pounds in Bank of England notes. A witness named Francois Guilland testified that he and Steinhardt had sailed on the same ship in September and that he had seen Steinhardt holding several of the bank notes that Levins claim Steinhardt had stolen from him just two days ago in New York. Two other witnesses testified that Levins had not the bank notes in his possession when they met with him just before the theft. It would appear Levins’ accusation that his fellow Jew had violated the 7th commandment was false and that Levins was attempting a swindle. The Recorder is holding the case over until tomorrow at which time a decision will be made as to which Jew is trying to cheat which Jew.
1858: "Chronology of Comets" published today reported that "Josephus the historian includes the appearance of a comet among the miracles which announced the destruction of Jerusalem and the ruin of its temple." In 1208, "the Jews of the West" thought that a very bright comet that appeared for two weeks foretold the coming of the coming of the Messiah.

1858: In Arva, Hungary, Philip Greenbaum and Marie Goldfinger gave birth to Philadelphia Dental College graduate Leopold Greenbaum, the “assistant professor Materia Medica and Chemistry at the Philadelphia Dental College.

1859: Birthdate of Alex Vigransky, the husband of Lithuania native Agnes “Aggie” Salaway Vigransky with whom he had nine children – Moses, Isidor, Harry, Benjamin, Nathan, Gertrude, Solomon, Samuel and Jessie.

1859: In Mulhouse, Alsace, Raphael and Jeannette Dreyfus (née Libmann) gave birth to the ninth child, Alfred who would enter history as Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish army officer at the center of scandal that rocked France for a decade and helped to produce the modern Zionist movement.

1860: Birthdate of Count Walter Puckler-Muskau, the anti-Semitic agitator known as "Dreschgraf" (the thrashing count) for the calls for violent attack against the Jews that fill his speeches.

1862(15th of Tishrei, 5623): Sukkoth

1862: During the American Civil War, as the Jews on both sides observed Sukkoth, JEB Stuart’s Confederate Cavalry humiliated Union General George McClellan by riding around the Army of the Potomac completely unscathed.

1864(9th of Tishrei, 5625): Yom Kippur

1864: In New York City, “Raphael Levy Maduro Peixotto , a prosperous Ohioan involved in trade with the South, and Myrtillie Jessica Davis gave birth educator and writer Jessica Blanche Peixotto, the second woman to earn a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkley, the “first women to become a full professor at Cal, Berkley and the university’s first woman department chair.

1864: As Sherman’s victorious Union Army completed the occupation of Atlanta during the Civil War, one wonders if the Jewish soldiers serving under him joined the Jews of Atlanta in observing Yom Kippur.

1865(19th of Tishrei, 5626): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1865: In Russia, Deborah Wolk and Benzion De Waltoff gave birth to University of Moscow doctor David De Waltoff, the husband of Dora Frank and escapee from Siberia who served in the U.S. Intelligence Department during the Spanish American War, invented Agavin Cream and served as the president of the B’nai Israel Community Center in Brooklyn. (Some sources show his birthdate as December 1861)

1866: The Law Reports column published today described in detail the breach of contract case brought by a young Jewess named Nanna Solomon against Jewish tailor named Bernard Brown. According to the evidence presented, there was no dispute over the fact that the two were engaged to married and that there had been ample public ceremonies to celebrate the event. There is no dispute that the marriage did not take place. Miss Solomon claimed that the Brown did not marry here because of interference from her mother. Brown implied that Miss Solomon had been seeing other men and was not the stellar character she had presented herself to be. In the end, the jury found for the plaintiff but awarded her only five hundred dollars in damages when she had sought $10,000.

1867(10th of Tishrei, 5628): Yom Kippur

1867(10th of Tishrei, 5628): Abraham Mapu “one of the first, and finest, of the novelists to write in Hebrew” passed away. “Heavily influenced by a wide range of sources--the Bible, the Romantic Novelists, and renewed pride in ancient Jewish history--his works recall the finest works of writers such as Flaubert and other great romantic novelists. His first novel, Ahavat Ziyyon (The Love of Zion), published in 1853, won immediate acclaim. Its sixteen editions attest to its continued popularity. (As reported by Toby Press)

1873: Birthdate of violinist Carl Flesch whose pupils included Jewish violinists Szymon Goldberg, Ivry Gitlis, Ida Haendel, Yfrah Neaman, Eric Rosenblith, Max Rostal, Henryk Szeryng, Henri Temianka and Roman Totenberg

1875(10th of Tishrei, 5636): Yom Kippur which the secular press described as “a solemn fast universally observed among the orthodox Jews by abstaining from food or drink of any nature whatever for twenty-four hours and spending the entire day in continuous attendance at their places of worship.”

1875: In New York City, “Josephine (née Solomon) and Selmar Hess” gave birth to Columbia trained physician Alfred Fabian Hess, the husband of the former Sara Strauss, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Strauss with whom he had four children and the developer of the Hess Test which came about while studying “the role of nutrition in scurvy and rickets.”

1875: In the Washington, D.C., Isaac Ottenberg, the Bavarian born son of Rosa and Maier Ottenberg and his wife Regina Ottenberg gave birth to Samuel Ottenberg.

1876(21st of Tishrei, 5637): Hoshana Rabah

1876: In Poznan, Maks Kantorowicz, the “owner of a spirits factory” and the former Rosalinde Pauly gave birth to their child Gertrude Kantiriwucz who is interesting life turned out to a circuitous route Theresienstadt.

1867: Fanny Janauscheck the Austrian actress who would perform in “Zillah, The Hebrew Mother” made her American stage debut at the Academy of Music in New York.

1876: The New York Times featured a review of “Daniel Deronda” by George Elliot which was the penname of Mary Anne Evans. This was her last novel and it featured a sympathetic portrayal of Jewish characters and was sympathetic to the concepts of Zionism.

1877: Charles Stein, who is described the most dangerous confidence man of our times, was arrested in St. Louis, MO. [It can’t always be about Nobel Prize Winners

1878(12th of Tishrei, 5639): Seventy-eight-year-old Abraham Oppenheim who had begun his career as a partner in the banking house of his father Salomon Oppenheim passed away.

1878: Birthdate of Lyon, France native Lucien Hirsch, the husband of Andrée Babette Marthe Bernheim and father of Marcelle and Rene Abraham Hirsch.

1879(22nd of Tishrei, 5640): Shemini Atzeret

1880(4th of Cheshvan, 5641): Sixty-four-year-old Joseph Mayer Montefiore, a nephew of Sir Moses Montefiore who was a member of the Board of Deputies and a director of the Alliance Insurance Company and the National Provincial Bank of Ireland, passed away today.

1880: “Persecution of the Jews of Morocco” published today relies on information that originally appeared in the Petit Marseillais and the Pall Mall Gazette, to describe the brutal murder of a Jew named Bendahan's by the Moslem governor of Estifa.  Bendahan’s crime was that he had taken a Moslem woman into his home during the recent famine and provided her with food and shelter.  When the governor heard of this he summoned the Jew and him beaten to death. Apparently, any relationship between a Moslem and a Jew was unacceptable even if was only intended to save a life.

1881: Birthdate of Victor Klemperer, a businessman, journalist and eventually a Professor of Literature, specializing in the French Enlightenment at the Technische Universität Dresden. His diaries detailing his life, successively, in the German Empire, the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany and in the German Democratic Republic were published in 1995. He passed away in 1960.

1881: It was reported that the Minister of Justice in Hungary has introduced a bill in the lower house of the Diet that would legalize marriages between Jews and Christians.

1881: It was reported today that the Russian government “intends to all Jews to acquire land in places where there is no fear of collision between them” and the non-Jewish locals.

1881: “The Wander Jew in Hull, 1769” recounts the history of this anti-Semitic tale which reinforced the view of the Jew as an evil villain who has walked the earth since the days of the Crucifixion

1881: “Old York,” published today provides a brief history of this ancient English castle and city, including the time when it was “the scene of a gruesome tragedy” when a group of “landless knights” and “broken men” penned up the Jews in the castle with the intent to “plunder” and “murder them.”  However, most of the Jews, their intended victims, “with desperate courage, forestalled them by burning their property and killing their families and themselves.

1882: Three days after he had passed away, sixty year old “Samuel Gettenstein Salaman,” the husband of Rosa Salaman with whom he had two children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1882: It was reported today that G.P. Putnam’s Sons will be publishing Fundamental Questions Relating to the Hebrew Scriptures, a liberal view of the subject by Edson L. Clarke.

1884: In Minks, M.A. and Sarah (Epstein) Slonimsky gave birth to Dr. Henry Slonimsky, the dean emeritus of the New York School of Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion,

1886(10th of Tishrei, 5647): Yom Kippur

1886: In “Yom Kippur” published today J.S. Moore, a non-Jew, provides a complete description of the observance of the holiday including the observations that “no other religion…has a similar festival” “ and that “ it may be safely predicted that nations, empires and peoples may and will pass and be only remembered in history while the ‘Yom Kippur’ will retain its hold upon a race which has already during the vicissitudes of thousands of years withstood annihilation and bids fair to hold fast to its religion as long as this globe is populated.”

1886: The Uptown Gossip column published today attributed the low attendance rate at theatres in New York yesterday to the fact that the Jews were observing the “fast of Yom Kippur.”  “Jewish people are the most liberal patrons of the theaters, and any fast day which they observe makes a very marked difference in the receipts of theatre’s treasury.”

1886: “Big Hebrew Fair” published today described efforts to host a fundraiser this December that provides funds for the establishment of a “Jewish Cooper Institute.”  The project has the support of the city’s temples and synagogues as well as the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1887: “Levitcal Names” published today contends that there is strong evidence of an Egyptian connection between the Levites – the leading tribe of the Exodus – and those who enslaved them.  The names of Moses, Miriam and Pinhcas, Aaron’s grandson, have an Egyptian etymology . The mother of Pinchas was the daughter of Putiel, a name with an Egyptian rather than Hebrew etymology.   Finally, Aaron’s ability to address Pharaoh would indicate a knowledge of the Egyptian language that would be more consistent with an educated Egyptian than a wandering Semitic nomad.

1887(21st of Tishrei, 5648): Sukkoth Chol HaMoed

1887: The day after he had passed away, Nathan Samuel Raphael, the son of “Samuel Raphael and the former Charlotte Levy” who had left his native London for Austrailia in 1849 was buried today in “Orange, NSW, Australia.”

1887(21st of Tishrei, 5648): Sixty-two-year-old Czech born American musician and impresario Maurice Strakosch, whose autobiography Souvenirs of an Impresario was published in 1886 passed away today in Paris.

1888: As the London police investigated the murder of Catharine Eddowes, The Evening News reported that Jacob Levy, the son of butcher from Aldgate, was “obstinate” when questioned, refusing “to give the slightest information “ leaving “one to inter that he knows something but…is afraid to be called” during the inquest.

1889(14th of Tishrei, 5650): Erev Sukkoth

1889: In Germany, Carolina Evers and Joseph Feibelman gave birth to Indiana resident Frederick W. Feibelman, the husband of Inez M. Hellman Lasky.

1889(14th of Tishrei, 5650): Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips, the son of Samuel Phillips, a London tailor, who founded the publishing house of Faudel, Phillips & Sons, was a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community and the first Jewish Lord Mayor of London, passed away today.

1890: In Germany, Das Volk accuses the committee “engaged in gathering the municipal addresses” which are to be presented to Count Von Moltke on his 90th anniversary as being made up of “Jews….seeking pecuniary benefit from their connection with the movement to honor the Count.”

1891: “A Fire on Fifth Avenue” published today described the fire that swept through the New York home of August Belmont.

1891: Mrs. August Belmont and her children awoke at the old Belmont mansion at 109 Fifth Avenue where they had spent the night after their new home at 101 Fifth Avenue had been destroyed by fire.

1891: In Wilkes-Barre, PA, Mendel S. and Rachel Naomi Salsburg gave birth to Philip Salsburg who was the Treasurer of Il Minatore Publishing Company in Scranton, PA.

1891: Gustave S. Drachman of the law firm of Drachman & Nelson who has been retained by Charles Horwitz, a 23-year-old Russian Jewish peddler “to look after his interest in an alleged estate in San Francisco valued at $30,000,000” said today that he has not been able to learn about “any man by the name of Horwitz” who “ever died in San Francisco leaving a large fortune.”

1891: According to today’s American Hebrew, “the letter of Mr. Harold Frederic…continue to present the case of the Jews in Russia in vivid colors and convincing tones.”

1892: In the wake of a decision by the Reform movement that circumcision is no longer a necessary part of the conversion process, a “conclave of rabbis” is scheduled to begin meeting today in New York.

1892: “Phases of City Life” published today described eastside Jews as being “as careful with their money as any people in the world” who will “part with the dollars freely under two conditions –sickness or death in the family” as can be seen by the round the clock medical care being provided for a child who was scaled two weeks ago which has required all of the to “work harder than ever to get the money for it all.”

1892: Construction began on a building that would be called the Frances Jacobs Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Frances Jacobs, known as Colorado's "Mother of Charity," devoted her life to community service. She is the only woman included among the sixteen Colorado pioneers depicted through stained glass portraits in the state's Capital Rotunda. Born in Kentucky and raised in Cincinnati, Jacobs moved with her husband to Colorado in 1863; they settled in Denver in 1870. Jacobs quickly became involved in Denver's Jewish and non-Jewish communities. Jewish issues were especially important to Jacobs. Soon after moving to Colorado with her husband in 1874, she became president of the Hebrew Benevolent Ladies Society (today known as Jewish Family Service of Colorado). By 1872, she was president of the Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society and in 1874 helped found the nonsectarian Denver Ladies' Relief Society. She pushed for the creation of Denver's first kindergarten and helped organize Denver's Charity Organization Society, a forerunner to the United Way, in 1877. Jacobs also pushed the Denver Jewish community to attend to the care of the many Jewish tuberculosis sufferers who came to Denver. At that time, the only known treatment for tuberculosis was clean air and sunshine; since Denver had both of these resources in abundance; it became a popular destination for infected immigrants from the industrial Northeast. When these immigrants arrived in Denver, they found no facilities available to treat or even shelter them, and the community ignored their plight. Jacobs did her best to help those who were ill on an individual basis, but worked to convince the Jewish community to help, leading to the construction of the hospital, whose motto became "None may enter who can pay, and none can pay who enter". Jacobs died, at the age of 49, weeks after the hospital's cornerstone had been laid. The hospital's trustees voted to name the hospital after her. Today the institution is known as the National Jewish Medical and Research Center, and is the only medical and research center in the United States devoted entirely to respiratory, allergic, and immune system diseases. Jacobs died, at the age of 49, weeks after the hospital's cornerstone had been laid. The hospital's trustees voted to name the hospital after her. Today the institution is known as the National Jewish Medical and Research Center, and is the only medical and research center in the United States devoted entirely to respiratory, allergic, and immune system diseases.

1892: The 15 Jewish families living in the tenement at 100 Suffolk lost personal property in yesterday’s fire that was valued today at approximately $2,000.

1892: In Boston, MA, “Jewish Lithuanian immigrants Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski gave birth to economist Harry Dexter White.

1893: It was reported today that villages on the German borders with Austria and Russia are crowded with Jewish “families who have been expelled from Russia and are eager to come to United States but are so destitute that they “prostrate themselves before travelers and beg for bread or money.”

1894: It was reported today that Mrs. Elke Rubenstein the widow of convicted murderer Pesach Rubenstein has been ordered to leave the country because she might become a public charge and without having been able to claim the $1,000 which her husband when police arrested him for the murder of Sara Alexander.

1894: It was reported today that Brooklyn resident Nathan Bernstein must have died a happy man since he lived to see his son John married by a rabbi to Miss Ida Korne.

1894(9th of Tishrei, 5655): Erev Yom Kippur

1894(9th of Tishrei, 5655): Sixty-year-old Wolf Cohn “dropped dead while attending services at Adelphi Hall on 52nd Street and 7th Avenue.

1894: John Most is scheduled to play the lead in “Die Weber” which is part of the anti-Yom Kippur revelry planned for tonight by the Hebrew Anarchists at the Clarendon Hall.

1894: Voter registration is set to begin in New York City which will be a problem because the sites owned by the Jews will have to close well before the official 9 pm closing time due to the Jewish Holiday.

1894: “Anti-Semitic Groups Combine” published today described the formation of the German Social Reform Party which was created by the delegates to a conference led by Jew baiters at Eisenach Germany.

1895(21st of Tishrei, 5656): Hoshana Raba

1895: Abraham Stern, a wealthy real estate lawyer, filed a the will of his late aunt, Mrs. Babet Karl, for probate today and discounted reports that there was another will which had been prepared under the influence of Rabbi Aaron Wise and son Otto who is an attorney.

1895: Tonight, Tammany Hall nominated Joseph E Newburger, a graduate of Columbia Law School, a Judge on the City Court, a director of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the President of Rodolph Sholom to run for a position on the Court of General Sessions in New York.

1896: As David Schwarz worked to develop a successful airship, a test failed today because the hydrogen used “was not of required purity” and was unable to provide the required life.

1897(13th of Tishrei, 5658): On Shabbat, in Newark, NJ 45-year-old Simon Davis “one of the best known” Jews in the city who has been a partner for the last twenty years in a catering service with his brother, passed away today.

1897(13th of Tishrei, 5658): Kate Lintine, the sister of Mrs. Harry Stone of Johannesburg, SA, passed away today in Birmingham, UK.

1898(23rd of Tishrei, 5659): Simchat Torah

1898: Birthdate of Aaron Nissenson, who came to United States from his native Russia in 1911, earned “a degree in pharmacy from Fordham” which he did not use turning instead to a life as “a poet, essayist, novelist and journalist working for The Jewish Morning Journal while being married “the former Kate Heller” with whom he had “a son, Herschel.”

1898: Herzl has another audience with Grossherzog Friedrich of Baden. On the same day Herzl is received by Foreign Minister Bernhard von Bülow and Reich’s Chancellor Hohenlohe.

1898: “Sixty or seventy of the most prominent lawyers” in Chicago attended a banquet at the Union League Club in honor of the 70th birthday of Julius Rosenthal who began his career in 1854 as clerk at the banking of house of R.K. Swift before passing the bar.

1900: Harvard educated attorney Edwin South Mack, the Cincinnati born son of Jennie Wolf and Herman S Mack married Della Adler after which he became a professor of law at the University of Wisconsin and practiced law in Milwaukee.

1900: Twenty-five-year-old Cornell University graduate and University of Colorado trained attorney Ernest Morris, the Thorn, Germany born son of Rosalie Lowensohn and Edward R. Morris and member of Temple Emanuel in Denver married Lillian Epstein today after which he served as “a special counsel for city and county of Denver” who “handled Buffalo Bill litigation in the federal courts.”

1901(26th of Tishrei, 5662): Seventy-year-old Sigmund von Henle who represented the city of Munich in the Bavarian Diet from 1873 to 1881 and who served on the board of trustees “of several Jewish societies” passed away today.

1901(26th of Tishrei, 5662): Seventy-five-year-old Kate(nee Reuben)Aaron the wife of Samuel Aaron  and the mother of Louisa, Rachel and Simeon Aaron passed away today after which she was interred at the Bath Jewish Burial Grounds.

1901: Simon Lipkie married Emily Somers today.

1902: Today, the Athens correspondent for The Times of London, said the best hope for the Jews of Rumania lies in the soon to be reached “moment when the Rumanian floating debt must be converted by means of a great loan” because, according to him “the influence of Jewish capitalist may then be of more avail in helping their suffering kindred than the whole force of the humanitarian sentiment on both sides of the Atlantic.”

1903: It was reported today that Cyrus L. Sulzberger has been notified that he is the Fusion nominee for Borough Present and that Abraham Gruber “has been tendered the nomination for Sheriff.”

1904: Samuel Golden, the Bialystock born son of Gussie and Harris Golden who in 1886 came to the United States where he eventually founded the Golden Shoe Company married Bessie Penn today, after which they had two children – Raymond and Evelyn.

1904: “In the city of Kamenyets, Platon Artemovych Bazhan and his wife gave birth to Ukrainian poet Mykola Bazhan whose 1943 poem “Babi Yar” “explicitly depicted the infamous massacre in the ravine” but does not mention the fact that the victims were Jews.

1905(10th of Tishrei, 5666): Yom Kippur

1905(10th of Tishrei, 5666): Forty-two-year-old Isaac Levy, the husband of Lena Levy, passed away today after which he would be interred at the Jewish Cemetery in Natchitoches, LA.

1906(20th of Tishrei, 5667): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1906: Birthdate of Chicago native and Harvard educated investment banker Edward Gudeman, an “Under Secretary of Commerce in the Administration of President Kennedy” and the husband of “the former Frances Alschuler” with whom he had two sons, “Jon Edward and Stephen Frederick Gudeman.

1906: In answer to a reporter’s question, “Can the Jews in Russia hope to obtain complete freedom” Premier Stolypin replied that “that was a question which only the representatives of the Russian National could answer.”

1907: Three days after he had passed away, Posen native Louis Braun, the husband of the former “Julia Joseph” with whom he had eight children was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1908(14th of Tishrei, 5669): Erev Sukkoth is observed William Jennings Bryan attacks Republican presidential nominee William Howard Taft and President Teddy Roosevelt, both of whom enjoy great support among Jewish voter, blaming them for the Panic of 1907.

1909(24th of Tishrei, 5670): Parashat Bereshit

1909: The Tennessee Volunteers coached by George Levene lost to the University of North Carolina that scored only three points.

1909: The Sick Benevolent Society of Zialkamian, the hometown of Naphtali Herz Imber who passed away yesterday, asserted its right to take care of the burial of the poet superseding the claim of those who wanted to bury him “in a Rumanian Jewish cemetery at Bayside” where he reportedly owned a plot.

1910: Ty Cobb, the great baseball player with a streak of the anti-Semite, won the Chalmers Award today.

1911: Birthdate of Joe Rosenthal. In 1945, at the age of 33, Rosenthal snapped the most famous of all World War II photos – The Raising of the American Flag on Iwo Jima.

1911: In Paris, France, founded of the Der Yidisher Arbeyter (The Jewish Worker) a Yiddish language newspaper aimed at the “working class” that went out of business in 1914 because it espoused pacifist beliefs at a time when France was on the brink of war.

1911: Birthdate of Jacob L. Trobe, the son of an Orthodox rabbi, who as a representative of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee was among the first relief workers to enter the concentration camps.

1912: President Winthrop and Vice President Green delivered eulogies at today’s special meeting of the Board Education held today following the death of Professor Morris Loeb which occurred yesterday.

1913: “The indictment of Mendel Beiliss charging him with the murder of the boy Andrew Yushinsky on March 25, 1911, near Kiev, was read immediately upon the reassembling of the court this morning.”

1914: It was reported today that at Columbia University, John Dyneley Prince will teach several foreign language courses including one in Hebrew.

1915(:1st of Cheshvan, 5676): Parashat Noach; Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1915(1st of Cheshvan, 5676): Seventy-nine-year-old Augusta Hortensia Jacobsson, the daughter of Mauriz Jacobsson and Carolina Weslig and the wife August Abraham Josephson passed today in Stockholm.

1915: It was announced today that Catholics, Protestants and Jews at the Columbia University’s Teacher College have joined together to create “a co-operative union to be known as the Students’ Religious Organization.”

1915: Birthdate of New York City native and Barnard College Belva Offenberg, who married ophthalmologist Dr. Irving Plain which was known as Belva Plain when she began her successful career as a novelist at the age of 59.  (As reported by Elsa Dixler)

1915: “The Phillies’ Erskine Mayer loses a 2-1 decision to Boston in Game 2 of the World Series.

1916: Among the newly released books available to the public is Charles Frohman: Manager and Man, the “authorized biography of the great manager written by those who had access to all the papers, correspondence and records of Charles Frohman and the Empire Theater.”

1917(23rd of Tishrei, 5678); Simchat Torah

1917(23rd of Tishrei, 5678); After enduring days of torture at the hands of the Ottoman authorities Sarah Aaronsohn committed suicide rather than betray her comrades. Aaronsohn was a member of Nili, a Jewish spy ring working for the British in Palestine. Aaronsohn had been born in Palestine in 1890 and was motivated to work for the British when she the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide. She was buried in the cemetery in Zichron Yaakov. There are those who make an annual pilgrimage to her grave on the anniversary of her death so the memory of this brave young Jewess will always be part of the heritage of the Jewish people.

1917: Fuad I began his reign as Sultan of Egypt.

1918: Today, ten months after the Parliament of Finland had promulgated an act making it possible “for Jews to become Finnish nationals” “Frederick Charles was elected King of Finland by that same Finnish Parliament.

1919(15th of Tishrei, 5680): Sukkoth

1919: The Cincinnati Reds defeat the Chicago White in the World Series that would become known as the Black Sox Scandal. According to many “experts” Arnold Rothstein, a Jewish born gambler of unsavory reputation, supplied the money to bribe selected members of the White Sox. Abe Attell, a former boxer known as “The Little Hebrew,” was Rothstein’s bagman. According to information left on this blog “Attell was Jewish, but he grew up in an Irish neighborhood. Because of that, he often found himself involved in fights, and according to him, he would get involved in as many as 10 bouts each day as a kid. Attell's father abandoned his family when Attell was 13, and Attell had to sell newspapers to support his family. He used to sell them on the streets and corners, and while selling newspapers, he got a chance to witness the fight between Solly Smith and George Dixon for the world's Featherweight championship. With that, Attell and two of his brothers were convinced that maybe they had a future in boxing.”

1920: Dr. Enlow is scheduled to deliver a sermon “Lessons from the Life of Jacob H. Schiff” during Shabbat Services at Temple Emanu-El in New York.

1920: Birthdate of Jason Wingreen, the native of Brooklyn and graduate of Brooklyn College whose decade’s long-acting career known to many as the bartender on “All in the Family.”

1921: Dr. Morris Murray Peshkin married Lillian Rapaport today.

1921: In Berlin “historian George Herlitz, the founder of the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem” and his wife gave birth to MK and diplomat Esther Herlitz who became Israel’s first female ambassador when she served represented Israel in Denmark in 1966.

1922(17th of Tishrei, 5683): Third Day of Sukkoth
1922: In Brownsville immigrant tailor Harry Finkel and his Mary gave birth to Philip “Fyvush” Finkel, the veteran of the Yiddish Theatre, who won an Emmy for his role as a lawyer in the television hit “Picket Fences.”

1922: Elinor Fatman Morgenthau and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. who would serve as FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury gave birth of Dr. Joan E. Morgenthau, the wife of Fred Hirschhorn, Jr.

1923: Birthdate of Israeli, poet, novelist, journalist and filmmaker, Haim Gouri. A sabra. Gouri worked with Jewish refugees in Hungary after WW II and fought with the Palmach in the Negev during the War for Independence before pursuing his literary career. He has won the Bialik, Israel and Uri Zvi Grinberg awards.

1924: Dutch diamond polisher and baseball player Hartog Hamburger, the father of psychiatrist and “Jewish resistance fighter Max Hamburger, “was hit in the head by a line drive” today in a freak accident that would lead to his death on the following day.

1924: In Manhattan, “Dr. Sebastian Smigel and the former Bella Soloway” gave birth to Irwin Elliot Smigel, the dentist whose clients included numerous stars.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1925(21st of Tishrei, 5686): Hoshana Rabah

1925: In Sosnowiec, Poland, ‘chocolate salesman Issachar Feiner and Rivka Herzberg gave birth to Haim Feiner who immigrated to Palestine in 1936 and gained fame as songwriter, poet and author Chaim Hefer.

1926: A conference of State and city chairman who will be leading United Jewish campaign to raise twenty five million dollars is scheduled to begin today at the Standard Club in Chicago.

1926: Max Derfiner, a pioneer silk manufacturer who arrived in New York from Tel Aviv last week continued to tout the possibilities for developing the silk industry in Palestine. Derfiner who already expressed his belief that in ten years Tel Aviv can become a “second Lyon” said today that one of his keys to success was his ability “to concentrate in one plant all the processes of silk manufacturing…which in France, Switzerland or America would be performed in separate establishments.” Derfiner also said that the Zionists had “developed the ‘Made in Palestine’ label into a commercial asset...” In Jewish homes through the world the name Palestine had a business value as well as a sentimental appeal.

1927(14th of Tishrei, 5688): Erev Sukkoth

1927: According to a statement issued today by Judge William M. Lewis, National Chairman of the United Palestine Appeal, “an invitation to attend a national conferred on Palestine at Cleveland at October 29 and 30 has been extended to representative Jewish men and women throughout the United States by Nathan Straus…”

1928: It was announced today in Cincinnati, OH, by Rabbi Henry G. Enlow of New York at the 39th annual meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbis that “Lucius N. Littauer of New York City has given $5,000 a year to maintain a foundation for advancing Judaism along literary and spiritual lines…”

1928: In Elizabeth, NJ, Ben Solotaroff, the owner of a plate-glass company who “who brutalized his wife” and Rose Solotaroff gave birth to University of Michigan and University of Chicago educated “writer, editor, and literary critic” Thedore “Ted” Solotaroff, the editor of Commentary magazine and the founder of The New American Review and the author of The Red Hot Vacuum and Other Pieces on the Writing of the Sixties.

1929: Birthdate of Samuel Rahamin Levy a Zimbabwean businessman and property developer best known for his construction of the Sam Levy's Village shopping mall in Borrowdale, a suburb of Harare, in 1990.

1929: “June Moon,” a play co-authored by George S. Kaufman premiered on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre.

1930(17th of Tishrei, 5691): Third Day of Sukkoth

1930: As Dr. Drummond Shiels, British Under-Secretary for Dominions, left his hotel today an angry crowd shouted, “Away with Parliament which does not do justice to Jews,” “Shame to the British Government” and “Remember Hebron, Safed and Motza,” a reference to the 1929 sites of bloody Arab attacks on defenseless Jews. The crowd sang Hatikvah as Shiels sped away under the protection of the local police. “The demonstration was caused by a report from London that Shiels had promised an Arab delegation that a Parliament for Palestine” would be established. Creation of such an institution was part of a plan to circumvent the creation of a Jewish home in Palestine and guarantee that Jews would always be a minority in Eretz Israel.

1930: “Sir John Monash” published one day after his death stated that “It is not an exaggeration to say that Sir John Monash…was one of the ablest soldiers that the British colonies sent to the World War.”  Monash was known for his ability to train troops as could be seen from his work with the Third Australian Division.  A brave soldier, he was an able tactician and strategist who played a key role in the great assault that broke the Hindenburg Line which forced the Germans to sue for peace. It was said of him “that he would command a division better than a brigade and corps better than a division.” [Nowhere in the article that traced Monash rise to prominence was it mentioned that he was Jewish.]

1931: More than 300 guests attended the reception marking the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Benno Lewinsohn, the father of Sara Lewinsohn, “the former secretary of the late Oscar S. Straus.

1932(9th of Tishrei, 5693): Kol Nidre was chanted for the last time during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover.

1932: HIAS is scheduled to conduct services for the Day of Atonement beginning this evening.

1932: Services are scheduled to be held this evening for the Jewish immigrants detained on Ellis Island.

1933(19th of Tishrei, 5694): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1933: In Manhattan, Yetta Kleinberg and pressman David Sokolsky gave birth to Melvin Sokolsky “a photographer who pushed boundaries by creating fantastical tableaus for fashion bibles like Harper’s Bazaar that seemed to defy both gravity and logic…” (As reported by Alex Williams)

1933: “Wedding at Lake Wolfgang” a musical directed by Hans Behrendt who died at Auschwitz was released today in Germany.

1933: Birthdate of Martin Gottfried “a drama critic and the author of several biographies of entertainers and playwrights as well as two influential studies of the Broadway musical.”  (As reported by Daniel Slotnik)

1934: In New York, Minnie and David Alper gave birth to long term IBM employee Ralph Abraham Alper, the husband of the former “Linda Ann Propp.

1935: “Hot Off the Press,” produced by Sam Katzman, the son of Jewish immigrants Rebecca Sugarman and Abe Katzman was released today in the United States.

1935: U.S. premiere of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” directed by Max Reinhardt at the Warner Bros. Hollywood Theatre in New York City.

1936(23rd of Tishrei, 5697): Simchat Torah

1936: In Chicago, at a rally featuring Al Landon, the Republican candidate for President, Anna Smith told the throng that “It is necessary for Christians, Jews and Gentiles to join together to resist this sinister movement, communism” which ironically was part of what would become a decades long campaign to equate Democrats, liberals and Jews with the Communists and a conspiracy to take over the United States.

1936: It was reported today that “the version of the story” surrounding the arrest and conviction of a Jew named Abraham Kaiser for writing a letter to a friend in America that was critical of Hitler and the Nazis “stated that the police discovered the letter in his flat” while at the same time claiming that Kaiser who lived in Duisburg had mailed the letter from Dusseldorf in order to conceal his identity. (Editor’s Note – accuracy is not necessary in the world of anti-Semitism)

1936: “Libeled Lady” a comedy produced by Lawrence Weingarten was released in the United States today by MGM.

1937: Birthdate of Queens College and Columbia University children’s book author Johanna Hurwitz.

1937: The Los Angeles Examiner reported today that when Vittorio Mussolini, the son of the Il Duce, came to Hollywood, the Hollywood Ant-Nazi League (HANL) “denounced the visit on behalf of all ‘artists and writers’ declaring that ‘Fascism means the suppression of all freedom of expression.’”

1938: Thirteen-year-old future “Monuments Man” Harry Ettlinger, and his family arrived in New York having “escaped” from Germany in September.

1938: Today, Maurice Babadu, the Swiss Catholic theology student tried to assassinate Hitler “travelled from Brittany to Baden-Baden, then on to Basel, where he bought a Schmeisser 6.35 mm (.25 ACP) semi-automatic pistol.”

1939: In London, Bill Sedley and his wife gave birth to British jurist Sir Stephen Sedley.

1939: In Philadelphia, Herman Levin, a police officer and the former Madeline Simmons gave birth to Ronald Stanley Levin “the self -described ‘most fabulous colorist in the word,’” whose clients included Nancy Sinatra, Farrah Fawcett and Marilyn Monroe. (As reported by Alex Vadukul)

1939: Himmler declared that 550,000 Jews living in Polish provinces should be relocated

1939: “Hitler’s Plan for Jews Scored” published today described the decision of the delegates attending the Order of the Sons of Zion Conference at the Hotel Astor to adopt a resolution condemning the Nazi plan “establish a Jewish State in Polish Territory” as “a hypocritical scheme, fraught with the gravest of dangers to European Jewry.”

1940: Adina Gerstel and Rabbi Louis Wefel were married today.  Werfel would gain fame for his role as a chaplain during WW II who was known as the flying Rabbi.  Unfortunately, his would be cut short when he died when his aircraft crashed in 1943 while he was bring the joy of Chanukah to U.S. troops fighting in North Africa.

1940: In Great Britain, the Committee of Privileges reported that the detention of the anti-Semitic MP Archibald Maule Ramsay under Regulation 18B that applies to people “suspected of disloyalty” “was not a breach of privilgege.” He would be released in 1944 and would return to the House of the House of Commons where he introduced a resolution calling for the banishment of the Jews as had been done by King Edward I.

1941(18th of Tishrei, 5702): Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

1941(18th of Tishrei, 5702): Forty-seven-year-old Dallas resident Herbert Mallinson, “the chairman of the Southwest region of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the son of Samuel and Rose Mallinson and husband of Beatrice Mallinson, passed away today “while attending a meeting of the Dallas Jewish Federation for Social Service.”

1941: The Nazis murdered 3,726 Jews including 717 children in the Poligon barracks near Swieciany, Lithuania.

1941: A recruiting rally was held in Tel Aviv as part of a campaign to get another 5,000 Jews from Palestine to enlist in the British Army. Currently there are approximately 10,000 Jews from Palestine serving in the British Army and RAF throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East. The leading Jewish institutions sponsoring the campaign have adopted the slogan “Jews are fighting with the Allies for victory.”
1941: Parades of Jewish veterans of World War I were greeted by cheering throngs in Haifa and Tel Aviv. The parades were the climax of week’s long effort to recruit more Jewish recruits for the British military. Jewish leaders encouraged every man who can be spared to “enroll under the Union Jack” to “help in the fight against Adolf Hitler.”

1941: Hans Frank told the ministers of the General Government in Cracow; "As far as Jews are concerned . . . I want to tell you quite frankly that they must be done away with one way or another."

1941: The Nazi-allied government led by Marshal Ion Antonescu began deporting Jews to camps located in Transnistria, an occupied area in the former Soviet Union.

1941: J.D. Salinger who had been corresponding with Marjorie Sheard, “a Toronto woman about his age” wrote to her today asking that she send him a picture of herself.

1941: Governor Lehman will not be attending “the dinner forum on ‘Europe Today’ scheduled to be held this evening which is co-chaired by Lillian Hellman and Ernest Hemingway because a number of the committees sponsoring the event “have long been connected with Communist activities.”  (Editor’s note – Hemingway was not Jewish.  The dinner demonstrated the problem that was to plague America for years: how to oppose fascism without ending up “in bed” with the Communists.)

1941: Two months before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt approved what became known as the Manhattan Project, America’s unprecedented effort to build an atomic bomb.  The number of Jews involved in this decision including Einstein is surpassed only by the number of Jewish scientists involved in the effort.

1942: Eighty-one-year-old Jesse Houghton Metcalf, the former Republican Senator from Rhode Island passed away.  In 1933, Metcalf was one of the Senators who spoke out against the German treatment of the Jews. While addressing the chamber declared, “We as a nation can only declare the existence of racial or religious prejudice to be untenable as a national ideal.

1942: Anne Frank, who was hiding with her family in an Amsterdam warehouse, wrote in her diary: “The British radio speaks of their (the Jews) being gassed.”

1942: In Brussels, Belgium, five of six leading members of the Belgian Jewish community are released from incarceration following the intervention of Cardinal Joseph-Ernst van Roey and Belgium's Queen Elizabeth.

1942: The USS Drum, the submarine on which Maurice Rindskopf served throughout WW II survived a heavy depth charge attack from the vessels escorting the cargo ships she had sunk the day before.
1942: “Three Men on a Horse,” produced by Alexander Yokel opened today on Broadway at the Forrest Theatre.
1942: Thousands of Jews from Miedzyrzec, Poland, are deported to the Treblinka death camp.

1943(10th of Tishrei, 5704): Yom Kippur

1943(10th of Tishrei, 5704): On Yom Kippur, over 1,000 men and women at Birkenau, deemed too sick to work, were gassed to death. At Plaszow, 50 Jews were murdered. Ironically, 600 Jews were permitted to pray in Sobibor

1943(10th of Tishrei, 5704): Hundreds of Jews were deported from Trieste and shipped to Auschwitz.

1943(10th of Tishrei, 5704): In Anconcia, a Catholic priest, Don Bernadino, warned the local Rabbi, Elio Toaff, of the impending deportation of the Jewish population. The Jews went into hiding, most of them being sheltered by Christian families. Only ten Jews would be caught and deported and one of them survived the war.

1943: An unnamed Jewish pilot went to Yom Kippur Services in the Grande Synagogue in Tunis “and spent almost the entire day in prayer and please for life and safety and happiness.” (As reported by Rabbi Louis Werfel, the chaplain known as “The Flying Rabbi”)

1944(22nd of Tishrei, 5705): Shemini Atzeret

1944: At Birkenau, on Simchat Torah, 650 boys involved with the Birkenau revolt were locked in the barracks together. Most of them would be tortured and then killed on October 20.

1944: Mordechai Adler (who became Mordechai Eldar) “celebrated his 15th birthday at Auschwitz-Birkenau

1944: Mordechai Eldar cheated death today.  Having been “selected” at Auschwitz and having already stripped naked, for some unknown reason German officers had Eldar and 49 others step outside, put on shoes and uniforms, and sent them to work in Canada, the facility where the Germans had prisoners sort and store all the possessions of those who arrived at the Death Camp.
1944: The SS arrests three Jewish women at the Auschwitz munitions factory for complicity in the smuggling of explosives used in the uprising of October 6-7

1945: Among those whom the Board of Examiners placed on the eligible list of holder of licenses as teachers of common branch subjects in day elementary schools were  Bernard Hirschhorn who scored a rating of 71.9 and Harry Rosen who scored a rating of 68.r

1945: Tonight, "security at the Atlit Detention Center near Haifa - a camp for 'illegal' Jewish immigrants in Mandatory Palestine - was breached; 200 detainees mainly Holocaust survivors and recent arrivals from Europe, were released in a daring operation launched by the Palmach."

1945: After his trial in Paris, Pierre Laval, head of the Vichy Government is executed by firing squad. General Petain was the titular head of the Vichy Government. Laval really ran the show. Vichy was the name of the French collaborationist government that worked with the Nazis during World War II. Vichy’s supporters included France’s own, home-grown anti-Semites. The Vichy government was so eager to ingratiate itself with the New German Order, that it was rounding up Jews and turning them over to the Nazis before the Nazis asked them to do so.

1945: Loy Henderson, the head of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs at the United States State Department who was an Arabist opposed to the creation of Jewish state in Palestine sent Secretary of State James Byrnes “a memo regarding what he called ‘urgent problems relating to Palestine.’”
1945(2nd of Cheshvan, 5706): Fifty-five-year-old Dr. Julius Essrig, the Tampa, FL born son of Meyer and Esther Essrig and the husband of Juliet Hanncock Essrig who practiced medicine in Mt. Vernon, NY for 33 years, served as President of Mount Vernon Medical Society and acted as “an interpreter for the International Hygiene Congress held at Washington during the Taft administration” passed away tonight.
1946(16th of Tishrei, 5710): Second Day of Sukkoth

1946(16th of Tishrei, 57100” Ninety-year-old Lottie Miriam Jaffe, the mother of Louis Isaac Jaffe, the “Pulitzer Prize winning editor of the Norfolk Virginian Pilot. 

1946: An announcement was made today that “Israel Aron Friedman, a member of the board of directors of General Mercantile Corporation of Palestine, Ltd., has arrived in New York from Tel Aviv. “The corporation is concerned with the procurement of raw materials and machinery for the basic Jewish industries of Palestine.”

1946: Birthdate of Gustin L. Reichbach, the Columbia University protest leader who went on to a career in the law and as a distinguished jurist. (As reported by Jim Dwyer)

1947: “High Button Shoes, a musical with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Sammy Cahn opened on Broadway at the New Century Theatre.

1947: “The Jewish Agency…called upon…Jewish veterans of the North African and Italian campaigns” now living in Palestine “to form the nucleus of a Jewish army that would be ready for a ‘life or death showdown’ with Arab forces. Mrs. Gold Meyerson, head of the Agency’s political department told veterans assembled at Tel Aviv that salvation for Palestine Jews rested not at Lake Success but ‘right here. If the Arab leaders have their way, we must either give up the link between the Jews and Palestine or die in a last-ditch struggle…We are not looking for trouble, but we are ready for it.’”

1947: President Truman learned that the Arab League Executive had requested its member nations to dispatch troops to the Palestine border as part of a plan to invade the Mandate Territory. Truman responded by instructing Secretary of State Marshall to support the planned partition of Palestine.
1948: During the War for Independence, Egypt launched a major attack in the Negev. This
attack constitutes a major violation of the UN brokered truce. This Egyptian offensive along with other violations will lead to a major Israeli military effort later in the month of October.

1949(16th of Tishrei, 5710): Second Day of Sukkoth

1949: “Despite the political struggle between Arabs and Jews, cooperation between Israel and its Arab neighbors will be achieved in the near future, Eliahu Elath, Israeli Ambassador to the United States, said tonight at the annual meeting of the Institute of Ethnic Affairs.”

1949: It was reported today that “Sholem Asch was on his way to Rome this week when” Mary, the final novel in his New Testatment trilogy was published.

1951(9th of Tishrei, 5712) Erev Yom Kippur

1951: Birthdate of actor Robert Wuhl who played the title role in the HBO hit “Arli$$.”

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that since 1948, Youth Aliyah had absorbed more than 5,000 young people from Morocco. Their parents were given a choice of three types of educational institutions: Orthodox, traditional (keeping of Sabbath, festivals and Kashrut), and non-religious.

1955(23 of Tishrei, 5716): Simchat Torah

1955: A Double Simcha for Sid Gillman as his Los Angeles win their third straight of the season defeating the Detroit Lions 17 to 10.

1956(4th of Cheshvan, 5717): Arab terrorists killed two workers in an orchard of the youth village, Neve Hadassah, in the Sharon region.

1957: “Catch a Falling” written by Lee Pockress was recorded today by Perry Como who used to sing Kol Nidre each year on his television show.

1958: HMS Springer an S class submarine of the Royal Navy was sold to the Israeli navy today and renamed the Tanin

1958: Pope Pius XII passed away 19 years after being elevated to the Papacy. The Pope’s role in the Holocaust has been too well documented to need to be covered here.

1959: “One for the Angels,” “the second episode of the American anthology television series The Twilight Zone” starring Ed Wynn (born Isaiah Edwin Leopold to Jewish immigrants Minnie Greenberg and Isaiah Edwin Leopold) using music by Bernard Herrmann was broadcast for the first time today by CBS.

1960:  Birthdate of actress and “voice” Madeleine Blaustein,

1961: In Los Angeles Boris Sagal and his wife Sara Zwilling of blessed memory gave birth to twin daughters Jean and Liz Sagal who made it possible for them to star in the television series “Double Trouble.”
1962: The film adaptation of “Long Day’s Journey into Night” “directed by Sidney Lumet, produced by Ely Landau with Joseph E. Levine and Jack J. Dreyfus, Jr. as executive producers with a score by Andre Previn and cinematography by Boris Kaufman” was released in the United States today by Embassy Pictures.

1963(21st of Tishrei, 5724): Hoshana Raba

1963(21st of Tishrei, 5724): Ukraine native Yehezkel Kaufmann “an Israeli philosopher and Biblical scholar associated with the Hebrew University whose main contribution to the study of biblical religion was his thesis that Israel's monotheism was not a gradual development from paganism but entirely new passed away today.

1963: Birthdate of journalist Daniel Pearl who was brutally murdered by Moslem terrorists on February 21, 2002.

1965(13th of Tishrei, 5726): Parashat Ha’azinu

1965(13th of Tishrei, 5726): Sixty-six-year old social worker Harry Gershon “Doc” Ratner, the Grodno, Belarus born son Louis and Mollie Raffel Ratner, the husband of Rose Rabinovitz Ratner Goldberg whom he married in 1977, the father of Elliot Ratner who ran Ratner’s Hardware for forty-two-years and “Iris Rainer Dart, author of eight best-selling novels, including Beaches, and Some Kind of Miracle, much of which takes place in Squirrel Hill passed away today after which he was buried at Beth Abraham Cemetery in Pittsburgh.

1966: Ian Cameron and his wife gave birth to  British Prime Minister David Cameron a great-grandson of Arthur Levita who describes 16th century as Elia Levita “a Renaissance Hebrew grammarian, scholar, and poet” as “my forefather Elijah Levita who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel"

1967(5th of Tishrei, 5728): French author Andre Maurois, born Emile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog, passed away at the age of 82.

1968: Hugo Weisgall’s ‘Nine Rivers from Jordan” premiered today at the New York City Opera

1968: Forty-seven Jews praying at the Tomb of the Patriarchs were wounded in a grenade attack by Arabs.

1969: In Boston, a funeral service is scheduled to be held at Temple Israel for sixty-nine-year-old Russian born, Harvard educated Dr. William Dameshek, “a pioneer in the study of blood” and leader in the movement to “establish hematology as a specialty” who was married to Rose Dameshek with whom he had one child.

1970: Eighty-year-old Carl William Ackerman the Richmond, Indiana native and an American journalist, author and educational administrator, the first dean of the Columbia School of Journalism who in 1919, as a correspondent of the Public Ledger of Philadelphia,  published the first excerpts of an English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion but changed the text so that it appeared to be a Bolshevik tract which did not lessen the anti-Semitic nature of the work, passed away today.

1970(9th of Tishrei, 5731): Erev Yom Kippur

1970(9th of Tishrei, 5731): Hetty Lazarus passed away today after which she was buried in the Rainham Jewish Cemetery in Rainham, Greater London.

1971: “The Incomparable Max” a play co-authored by Jerome Lawrence based on a short story by Max Beerbohm had its first “preview” performance today.

1972: Birthdate of Etan Kalil Patz

1973: On the third day of the Yom Kippur war a pessimistic Moshe Dayan addresses a group of journalist leading them to believe that Israeli forces are in such precarious shape that they will have to surrender most of the Sinai to the advancing Egyptians and make a stand in the eastern edge of the peninsula. Prime Minister Golda Meir is so alarmed by Dayan’s emotional about-face that she refuses to let him address the nation on television in the evening. Israeli news broadcasts reported for the first time that the Egyptian attack had driven Israeli forces from the east bank of the Suez Canal. While Syrian artillery was able to shell villages in the Jezreel Valley, Israeli planes had attacked installations in around Damascus. Inadvertently, one of the attacks had hit the Soviet Cultural Center in the Syrian capital. In a television later in the evening an Israeli general pointed out that the Soviets had been arms into the Arab states for the past six years creating a military imbalance of striking proportion. He also said that Israeli forces would not cease operation action until the Arab states learned that they could not violate a truce with impunity without paying a high price.

1973: During a meeting of the war cabinet, Defense Minister Dayan voiced confidence in the Israeli forces' ability to overcome Syria and asked permission to bomb targets in Damascus. "There's an order: No retreat on the Golan," he said. "Fighting to the death and not moving ... What I'm suggesting and asking for approval of [is] bombings inside the city." Prime Minister Meir asked whether he meant within the city itself, and Dayan confirmed this. He said the IDF can't muster a column to march on Damascus even as a decoy, but bombing in and around the city could "break the Syrians" - though he conceded, "You can't say the population wouldn't be hurt."Why would it necessarily break them?" Meir asked. "Would a bombing here break us?” General Elazar replied: "A heavy bombing here, on Reading and Ramat Aviv, would seriously disrupt things."

1973: Aharon Sagi, Harel Gilutz and Yosef Ye'ari made it back safely to Israeli lines after their F-4E Phantom Jets were shot down.

1973: Lt. Col. Yossi Ben Hanan who had cut short his honeymoon in Nepal at the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War “took command of a scratch force of Israeli tanks that had been put together by Shmuel Askarov, one of the survivors of the decimated 188th Armored Brigade. Leading his command in a desperate battle against overwhelming numbers of Syrian T-62s, Ben Hanan restored the tactical situation but at the cost of most of his command and his own Centurion tank. Blown out of the turret when his tank was hit by a Sagger anti-tank missile, Ben Hanan lay wounded on the battlefield until he was rescued from behind enemy lines by Yonatan Netanyahu, a legendary member of the IDF's elite Sayeret Matkal.”  A Sabra, born in 1945, Hanan was a second-generation military leader.  He father, Michael Ben Hanan had been a Haganah commander in Jerusalem.

1973: As of today, those parts of the Golan that were the responsibility of the Golani Brigade were back under Israeli control, and the Syrians had been pushed back over the Purple Line. The Purple Line was the name given to the cease fire line drawn between Israel and Syria after the 1967 war.

1973: “Against orders, reserve Maj. Gen. Ariel Sharon launches a counterattack against Egyptian forces in the canal area which led to the loss of 20 tanks, most of which were left in enemy territory. Sharon’s actions lead to moves for his dismissal.”(As reported by JTA)

1973: U.S. Jewish leader Max Fisher urges President Richard Nixon in a meeting at the White House to “please send the Israelis what they need.” That night, Nixon tells Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir that “all your aircraft and tank losses will be replaced.” (As reported by JTA)

1973: Lt. Colonel Avigdor Kahalani was awarded the Medal Valor for his leadership and valor shown starting today during the Yom Kippur War when “he commanded a hastily assembled group of tanks and crews from different armor units” that “repelled a vastly superior Syrian force which had overrun the Israeli positions  in the first days of the war.”  The scene of the fighting was so “littered with hundreds of burned tanks that it was renamed “Emek Ha-Bacha” (the Valley of Tears)

1973: Birthdate of Erin Daniels. Born Erin Cohen the Vassar College grad is known for her career as a television actress.

1974(23rd of Tishrei, 5735): Simchat Torah

1974: Birthdate of Dina Aviv, the daughter of Aliza Avi, who gained fame as Israeli pop singer Din Din Aviv.

1974: Oskar Schindler, the Schindler in “Schindler’s List” passed away.

1974: “Shanks” an “American horror film” starring Marcel Marceau was released in the United States today by Paramount Pictures.

1975: It was announced today that Andrei Sakharov, a leading Soviet dissident and champion of human rights whose wife’s mother was Jewish, had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

1975: In a move designed to strengthen their influence in the Arab world, the Soviets greeted President Assad of Syria on the first day of his visit to the Soviet Union.

1976(15th of Tishrei, 5737): Sukkoth is celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of Gerald Ford.

1976(15th of Tishrei, 5737): Sixty-four-year-old Polish born American Zionist leader and JNF executive Abram Salomon, the husband of the “former Helena Himmelbblau” with whom he had three children, passed away today.

1976: The “second Broadway production of ‘The Robber Bridegroom, a musical with a book and lyrics by Alfred Uhry’ opened today at the Biltmore Theatre.”

1977(27th of Tishrei, 5738): Twenty-four-year-old Boston University graduate Glenn H. Rifkin, the New York bon son of Harry and Lillian Rifkin married Deborah Falck today while working as a news assistant in the design department of the Polaroid Corporation.

1977: In New Orleans, Arlene S. Wieder was married at the New Orleans Hilton the hotels first such event.

1979(18th of Tishrei, 5740): Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

1979: Two days after he had passed away funeral services are scheduled to be held “at the Congregational Son of Israel Temple in Upper Nyack, NY for eighty-four year old “Irving Maidman, a major owner of properties around Times Square, the dean of West Side Development,” “a founder of the Albert Einstein Medical School” and husband of “the former Edith Shvitiz with whom he had four children – Robert, Mathew, Rebecca and Ellen – followed by burial “at Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, Queens.”

1980: Barbara Walters had an exclusive interview with President Jimmy Carter on the ABC Nightly News.

1980(29th of Tishrei, 5741): A bomb planted in a motorcycle saddlebag outside the Copernic Street synagogue in a wealthy eastern Paris neighborhood exploded on a Friday night, killing three Frenchmen and Aliza Shagrir, 42, and wounding 22 others. Shagrir, an Israeli cinematographer, was walking past the synagogue with her 15-year-old son, Haggai, who would eventual go to work at the Foreign Ministry. Aliza Shagrir was the wife of Micha Shagrir a well-known television, film and documentary producer who lives in Jerusalem and who established the Aliza Shagrir Fund prize for outstanding documentaries in her name. Eventually, Hassan Diab a Lebanese native living in Canada would be charged with crime.

1980: The funeral for seventy-eight-year-old hotel owner and philanthropist Hyman B. Cantor who was survived by his wife Gertrude, his son David and his daughters Marcia Wasserman and Nancy Lynn, is scheduled to be held today at Temple Isaiah in Forest Hills, Queens

1981: Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Thomas T. Johnson ruled in favor of Mel Mermelstein, finding that he had provided sufficient evidence to prove his claim that Jews were gassed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. The Court issued a judgment requiring the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) to pay Mermelstein $50,000, plus $40,000 for personal suffering, and to write a public apology to Mermelstein.

1981: “Tatoo, a thriller” produced by Richard P. Levine and Joseph E. Levine was released in the United States today by 20th Century Fox.

1981: “Body and Soul” a remake of the 1947 classic produced by Yoram Globus and Menahem Golan was released today in the United States

1982(22nd of Tishrei, 5743): Shabbat and Shmini Atzeret

1982(22nd of Tishrei, 5743): Eighty-six-year-old Anna Freud, the youngest of Sigmund Freud’s children who followed in his footsteps to become a leading psychoanalyst.

1982(22nd of Tishrei, 5743): “Stefano Gaj Tache, a 2-year-old Jewish boy was killed and another 37 were injured in an attack on the Great Synagogue of Rome carried out by Palestinian terrorists.” (As reported by Forward)

1985: A day after having murdered Leon Klinghoffer, a wheel-chair bound Jewish American passenger and then throwing his body overboard, the Arab/Moslem terrorists who had high jacked the Achille Lauro negotiated with authorities as the ship steamed towards Port Said

1986: Senator Claiborne Pell (D- R.I.) enter into the Congressional Record an article, "Navy Rabbi To Join Iceland Team: Russian immigrant's grandson picked to lead staff services," published in the Providence Journal that described the role played in by Rabbi Arnold Resnick, a U.S. Navy Chaplain in leading Yom Kippur services in Greenland during the planning meetings for the latest Soviet-American summit

1987: Claire Boothe Luce passed away. Most people remember her as the wife of Henry Luce, the man who created the Time-Life publishing empire. Others remember her as a Republican Party political figure and ambassador. But Mrs. Luce considered herself first and foremost a playwright, a role that brought her great success before World War II. In 1939, she wrote Margin for Error, a comedy about a policeman assigned to protect the German consul in New York. The Consul is a Nazi. The police officer is an American Jew. The play was considered the first successful anti-Nazi play to reach Broadway.

1988(28th of Tishrei, 5749): Eighty-four-year-old playwright Edward Chodorov, a friend of Moss Hart and S.J. Pereleman passed away today.
1988: Today CBS released “Liberace: Behind the Music” a biopic “co-starring Victor Garber and Saul Rubinek” and featuring Shawn
1988: Active polio viruses have been discovered in sewage and a water purification plant in four more Israeli cities, bringing the total number of infected areas to nine, Israel Radio said today. ''

1989(10th of Tishrei, 5750): Yom Kippur

1989(10th of Tishrei, 5750): Nine-one year old Richard F. Ulhmann, the former head of Ulhmann Grain Company and former “president of the Chicago Board of Trade” who was the husband of Catherine Ulhmann with whom he had three children – Frederick, Janis and Audrey – passed away today in Highland Park, Il.

1989: Penthouse Magazine's Hebrew edition hits the newsstands

1990: Saddam Hussein threatens to hit Israel with a new missile.

1991: “Homicide” a crime film “written and directed by David Mamet” and featuring Robin Spielberg was released in the United States today

1992: Janet Rosenberg Jagan became the “First Lady of Guyana” today.

1992: “A River Runs Through It” a cinematic gem based on a novel of the same name featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt was released in the United States today.

1993(24th of Tishrei, 5754): On Shabbat, “Dror Forer and Aran Bachar were murdered by terrorists in Wadi Kelt in the Judean Desert. The Popular Front and the Islamic Jihad 'Al-Aqsa Squads' each publicly claimed responsibility.”

1994: “Nowhere to Hide” a made for television film co-starring Max Pomeranc was broadcast for the first time on ABC.

1994(4th of Cheshvan): Holocaust survivor, successful businessman and founder of the NYC Marathon, Fred Lebow, passed away. (As reported by Michael Janofsky)

1994: Corey Pavin won the Tokai Classic.  The golf tournament was Japanese; the golfer was Jewish.

1994: Alfred Doulton wrote to Sir Martin Gilbert describing the heavy casualties suffered by the 49th Infantry Division, including the murder of their brigadier on October 25, 1945, as the British sought to quell the uprising by the Indonesians who had declared their independence from the Netherlands.

1995(15th of Tishrei, 5756): Sukkoth

1995(15th of Tishrei): Ninety-five-year-old Polish born Lillian Nassau, a major mogul in the world antiques and the wife of Dr. Leo S Palitz passed away today.

1996(26th of Tishrei, 5757): Ninety-year-old Julius Raskin, the captain of CCNY basketball team known as “Little Tubby” because his older brother Morris was called “Big Tubby” who went on to career in education passed away today.

1999(29th of Tishrei, 5760) Parashat Bereshit; the cycle begins again

2000(10th of Tishrei, 5761): Yom Kippur is observed for the first time in the 21st century.

2001(22nd of Tishrei, 5762): Shmini Atzeret

2001: Protests against the airstrikes in Afghanistan erupted into extraordinary confrontations today in the Gaza Strip, when Palestinian security forces opened fire on Palestinian student demonstrators and killed at least two people, including a 13-year-old boy which brought no voice of rage from the Arab or international community and which was seen by some as a way that Arafat retained his hold over the Palestinians some of whom might be looking to Osama bin Laden for  leadership.

2002: Today, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “expressed regret for the loss of civilian life” but warned that there would be more raids into Gaza because they were “a necessary bulwark against terrorists attacks” by Hamas and others.

2002: It was reported today that a major survey released October 8 “estimated the Jewish population in the United States at 5.2 million, a decline of 300,000 from 10 years earlier. Other studies last month had reported figures of more than 6 million.”

2003: The Israeli Gesher Theater starts its tour of Moscow. The Moscow critics have already called the tour the biggest event of the theater season. The Gesher Theater was founded in 1990 in Tel Aviv by Russian immigrants

2004: The first National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust was held in Romania. October 9 was chosen as a date for this event because it marks the beginning of Romanian deportations of Jews to Transnistria, in 1942.

2004: Final performance of the London production of Stephen Sondheim’s “Sweeny Todd.”

2004: While play Georgia Tech today, University of Maryland punter Adam “Podlesh had a then-career high nine punts for a then-career high 448 net yards.

2004(24th of Tishrei, 5765): On Shabbat Jews begin the cycle of Torah readings with Bereshit.

2004(24th of Tishrei, 5765): Sixty-five-year-old economics professor Herschel Grossman passed away unexpectedly today.

2004(24th of Tishrei, 5765: Philosopher Jacques Derrida passes away at the age of 74. (As reported by Jonathan Kandell)

2005: The Romanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, participated in the laying of a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in Iasi and the inauguration of The Centre for Hebrew Studies. During the inaugural National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust, the National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania was also opened.

2005: The Histadrut labor federation renews the strike against the Religious Councils. Funerals will be performed only at night and there will be no registration of marriages or Kashrut supervision in restaurants, hotels and catering halls.

2005: Despite threats from suicide bombers and other terrorists, Israelis work to develop a fruitful society and create an air of normalcy. For example, Haaretz reported that Israel’s 2 – 1 victory over Faroe Islands in a World Cup soccer qualifier in the Ramat Gan stadium means Israel still has a chance of qualifying for the World Cup in Germany 2006. Israel will not know if it will qualify for the automatic birth or if it has to play a European team to get to the match in Germany until later in the week. The Israeli coach had said earlier that if the announcement if made on Thursday which is Yom Kippur, he will have to wait until Thursday night to find out the fate of his team.
2005: Bishop Von Galen, the German bishop known as the "Lion of Muenster" for his courageous anti-Nazi sermons during World War II took a step on the road to sainthood when he was beatified in St. Peter’s Basilica.

2005(6th of Tishrei, 5766): Comedian Louis Nye passed away. (As reported by James Barron)

2005: The New York Times reviewed The Pagoda in the Garden: a Novel in Three Parts by Wendy Lesser.
2005: The Times of London reviewed We Are at War: The Remarkable Diaries of Five Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times by Simon Garfield

2006: A ceremony took place for setting the keystone of the National Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest.

2006: Haaretz reported that Holocaust survivor groups here have joined the recommendation of the Polish president, Lech Kaczynski, to award the Nobel Peace Prize to 96-year-old Irena Sandler who was a member of the Polish underground group Zegota that was dedicated to saving Jews, was recognized by the Yad Vashem Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority in 1965 for smuggling numerous Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto.
2007: A special preview screening of The Counterfeiters takes place as part of the UK Jewish Film Festival. “The Counterfeiters is based on the true story of the largest counterfeiting operation in history, set up by the Nazis in 1936.

2008(10th of Tishrei, 5769): Yom Kippur

2008: At Adas Israel in Washington, D.C. during a late afternoon break between Musaf and Mincha, Washington Post columnist Marc Fisher and Emily Yoffe of Slate led a learning session that opens with the study of a classic text on the use of speech in public followed by a discussion of the ethical dilemmas of reporting and the spiritual importance of truth-telling.

2008: In Acre, both Jews and Arabs clashed with police in various parts of the ethnically divided city, leading to 10 arrests.

2008: CBS broadcast the first episode of season nine of the original CSI  (later known as CSI Las Vegas) a long-running cerebral crime series created by Antony E. Zuker and brought to the small screen by executive producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Carol Mendelsohn

2009: Michael Chabon, author of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Wonder Boys and the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, discusses his first book of nonfiction, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son, at Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

2009: Scott Turow, the bestselling author of the legal thrillers Presumed Innocent and The Burden of Proof, presents a lecture, "Confessions of a Death Penalty Agnostic," drawn from his book "Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer's Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty," at the Fairfax County Government in Fairfax, Va..

2009: Kol Shira will be performing at Java House in downtown Iowa City Kol Shira is an all women sextet known for its eclectic fusion performances of International Jewish music, including songs from Russia, Cuba, Eastern Europe, Iraq, Yemen, France, Spain, Middle East, Italy, Romania, Algeria and more. The group features vocals, flute, guitar, piano, bass, cello and hand-held percussion. Jim Musser, music reviewer for the Iowa City Press Citizen, described Kol Shira as “remarkable” and “exquisite.” At the end of 2004, Musser ranked their CD as one of the top six independent releases from the Eastern Iowa area.
2009 (21 Tishrei, 5770): Hoshanah Rabbah
2009: While Friday prayers ended without incident at the al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount, Palestinian rioters clashed with police in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Issawiya, Ras el-Amud and Sur Baher

2009(21st of Tishrei, 5770): “Stuart M. Kaminsky, a film scholar-turned-detective novelist who was widely known for his prodigious output, complex characters, and rich evocations of time and place, including Hollywood in its Golden Age, died today at the age of 75.” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2009 (21st Tishrei, 5770): Richard W. Sonnenfeldt, who fled Nazi Germany as a teenager, became the chief interpreter for American prosecutors at the Nuremberg war crimes trials and interrogated some of the most notorious Nazi leaders of World War II, died today  at his home in Port Washington, N.Y. at the age of 86.(As reported by A.G. Sulzberger)

2009: Even on Hoshanah Rabah there is no rest from reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife by Francine Prose (Los Angeles Times) and Michael Bloomberg: Money, Power, Politics by Joyce Purnick (NY Times)

2010: A special Ethiopian Shabbat luncheon is scheduled to take place at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan. This scheduled event is intended to provide “special opportunity for Ethiopian Jews and any interested Amharic speakers based in New York to get together as a community to celebrate Shabbat in their native tongue and to be in the presence of their revered Kessotch on a rare visit from Israel.”

2010(1 Cheshvan, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

2010: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has told Arab leaders he may seek U.S. recognition for a Palestinian state, which would include all of the West Bank, should peace talks with Israel break down, an aide said today.

2010: In a case of Jew versus Jew, Andy Samberg played the part of Mark Zuckerberg  in Saturday Night Live’s lampoon of Facebook and its creator.

2011: StrorahSteps is scheduled to present Norah’s Rainbow at the 14th Street Y in Manhattan.

2011: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Lucky Bruce: A Literary Memoir” by Bruce Jay Friedman.

2011: A top Israeli security official is visiting Cairo, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram reported today, amid recent tensions between Israel and Egypt over security arrangements in the Sinai.

2011: The Yom Kippur War ceremony in Tel Aviv was almost canceled today after not a single government minister attended, causing uproar among the bereaved families trained in order for it to be at its peak readiness to defend the State and its citizens at any given moment."

2012: A screening of Amos Gati’s “Field Diary” is scheduled to take place at the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center.

2012: “Fill the Voice,” “the first film about haredi life directed by an insider for a secular audience” is scheduled to have US premiere at the New York Film Festival

2012(23 of Tishrei, 5773): Simchat Torah for Orthodox and Conservative Jews.

2012: The funeral for Dr. Joan Morgenthau Hirschhorn is scheduled to take place Temple Emanu-El in New York City followed by a private burial.

2012: Two Kassam rockets fired by terrorists from the Gaza Strip tonight landed near the southern Israeli town of Sderot, while three Grad rockets fell outside the nearby town of Netivot.

2012: Serge Haroche, a French-Jewish physicist, has won the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with David Wineland from the United States. (As reported by JTA)

2013: Jerry Dauber, author of The Worlds of Sholem Aleichem: The Remarkable Life and Afterlife of the Man Who Created Tevye is scheduled to deliver The Bernard Wexler Lecture on Jewish History in Washington, DC

2013: “Meditations on Equilibrium: Works in Glass and Paper” by Alex Hirsch is scheduled to open at the Oregon Jewish Museum

2013: “Bat Mitzvah Comes of Age” is scheduled to open at the Oregon Jewish Museum.

2013, Janet Yellen was officially nominated to replace Ben Bernanke as head of the Federal Reserve.

2013: Prof. Arieh Warshel, who was born in Israel and now lives in California, and Prof. Michael Levitt, a South African native who made aliya and now splits his time between the US and Israel, Prof. Martin Karplus, an Austrian native who fled to the US before the Holocaust won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry today. Warshel and Levitt are Israel’s 11th and 12th Nobel Prize laureates. (As reported by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich)

2013: Pope Francis told Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) he would visit Israel, but did not specify a date.

2013: Michael Applebaum, the first Jewish Mayor of Montreal, is scheduled to make his first court appearance after having been “arrested and indicted on 14 charges including fraud, conspiracy, breach of trust, and corruption in municipal affairs.”

2013: Two IDF soldiers were hurt today after two mortar shells fired from Syrian territory landed near their position in the Golan Heights

2013(5th of Cheshvan, 5774): Sixty-nine-year-old Roger Richman, the son of a rabbi who became a major “talent agent” passed away today. (As reported by William Yardley)

2013(5th of Cheshvan, 5774): Ninety-seven-year-old movie critic Stanley Kaufman passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2014(15th of Tishrei, 5775): Sukkoth

2014: In Romania observance of “National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust.”

2014: “Hamas continued to signal its willingness today to engage in negotiations with Israel to exchange the bodies of two IDF soldiers killed in Gaza for the release of Palestinian security detainees.” (As reported Eilor Levy)

2014: “Patrick Modiano of France, who has made a lifelong study of the Nazi occupation and its effects on his country, won the 2014 Nobel Prize in literature today for what one academic called “crystal clear and resonant” prose. (As reported by Karl Ritter and Malin Rising)

2014: “Gett,” “a stark divorce drama from brother-and-sister duo Ronit and Shlomi Alkabetz” is one of the films scheduled to be shown at the Hamptons International Film Festival which opens today.

2015(26th of Tishrei. 5776): Seventy-five-year-old Larry Rosen, “a founder of the pop- jazz record label GRP” passed away today. (As reported by Ben Ratfliff)

2015: A year after premiering at the Vienna International Film Festival, “99 Homes” starring Andrew Garfield was released in the United States today.

2015: The Eden-Tamar Music Center is scheduled to host “Loving Bach” part of The Three Piano Series.

2015: “Allied in the Fight: Jews, Blacks and the Struggle for Civil Rights,” “ a new exhibit” recounting “the efforts made by American Jews and African-Americans to fight for the fundamental American promise of equality before and during the Civil Rights era” is scheduled to go on display today at the Center for Jewish History.

2016: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Richard Posner by William Domnarski and the recently paperback edition of Give Us The Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America by Ari Berman

2016: Today “Jewish actress Arianne Zucker, the subject of Donald Trump’s comments about women from a decade-old tape” in which he discussed “sexually assaulting women and trying to have sex with married  while he was married to his current wife” commented on the subject declaring that she is “a strong, independent, hard working mother, business woman and partner to a great man” and announcing her “to stand tall with self-respect” while decrying the facts that “there are too many people in power who abuse their position…and rewarded for it.

2016: “The first group of Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel after waiting for three years is scheduled to arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport this evening, almost a year after the government approved the immigration of 9,000 Jews still left in Ethiopia.” (As reported by Melanie Lidman

2016: This afternoon, Temple Israel is scheduled to host a tour which will tell the story of the Memphis Jewish community “as it migrated from Main Street where the state’s first synagogue was established in in 1857 to present-day East Memphis.”

2016: In Coralville, IA, Odeh Bisharat and Galit Dahan Carlibach are scheduled to speak at the “Morning with the International Writers Prgoram.”

2016: Jews all over the world are scheduled to take part in the annual custom of “Kever Avot” – visiting the graves of our ancestors.

2016: “A Palestinian gunman, known to Israeli police for violence and incitement on social media, killed two Israelis and wounded several others while shooting a rifle from his car in Jerusalem” today.

2016: “A public concert schedule to be held in Tel Aviv’s Rabin square today” will not take place “because World Zionist Organization and Radio Lev Hamedina, two of the chief backers of the show, pulled out following a report, which revealed the event did not include any women among its lineup of seven performers because one of the financiers is opposed to women singing before a mixed audience on religious grounds.”

2016: Rabbi Mendel Deitsch  “a Chabad rabbi who was severely beaten in a train station in the western Ukrainian city of Zhitomir was airlifted to Israel by emergency medical transport.”

2016: On its closing night, SERET, DC, a celebration of contemporary Israeli cinema is scheduled to show “Sandstorm”

2016: Today, on the anniversary of the birth of Alfred Dreyfus, “one of his grandsons unveiled a stute of him at a local park’ in his hometown “Mulhouse.”

2016: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and Center for Jewish History are scheduled to present a conference on “The Blood Libel Then and Now: The Enduring Impact of an Imaginary Event” featuring Elissa Bemporad, Raphael Israeli, David Kertzer, Hillel Kieval, E.M. Rose, Magda Teter, and Barbara Weissberger.

2016: A memorial service is scheduled to be held today for Miky Gershenson of blessed memory

2017: In the United States; Columbus Day observed

2017(19th of Tishrei, 5778): Sukkoth Chol Ha’moed;

2017: Beit Avi Chai is scheduled to host a series of Sukkoth activities aimed children including a play about Saul including “struggles over kingship, desert chases and the magic of music.

2017: “The second annual NoshFest,, Toronto’s Jewish food festival” organized by Andrea Segal and Michelle Gordon is scheduled to take place to at Artscape Wychwood Barnes featuring “Jewish delicacies, cooking demonstrations, cookbook signings and the Klezmer band, Jonno LIghtstone and the Rock the Shtetl.

2017: Seventy-two-year-old Professor Richard Thaler “was award the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics today.”

2018: This evening the Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a dinner during which attendees will discuss “New Beginnings in Jewish Thought: A Start-up Practice.”

2018: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to host the book launch of Historical Atlas of Hasidism by “Marcin Wodziński, a professor of Jewish studies at the University of Wrocław in Poland and David Biale, the Emanuel Ringelblum Distinguished Professor of Jewish History at the University of California, Davis.”

2018: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “An Evening with Simon Schama” the author of two weighty tomes entitled The Story of the Jews.

2018(30th of Tishrei, 5779): First Day Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

2019 (10th of Tishrei, 5780): Yom Kippur;

2019: In New Orleans, the Jewish Federation is scheduled to the “Federation-JNOLA Break Fast.

2019: As Jews all over the world remember the 46th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, some may be wondering what the impact of the decision of the United States to abandon the Kurds and allow Turkey to invade parts of Syria will mean for the long term security of the region.

2020(21st of Tishrei, 5781): Hoshana Raba

2020: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea is scheduled to host a “new Simchat Torah Experience, where attendees create their own quills and write their names in Hebrew with Rabbi Feivel, have an Aliyah and say the Shema from the Torah with Abbie, and play Torah trivia with Rabbi Yaron

2020: In another session examining UC Berkeley’s Magnes Collection, curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi are scheduled to “talk about historian Koppel Pinson in Europe, 1945-46, and a photo of him on Hitler’s balcony.”

2020: In the Catholic Church observance of St. Denis, the day in 1290 when the Jews of London left the city after King Edward had expelled all of the Jews from his Kingdom after having stripped them of their “wealth.”

2020: Kerem Shalom is scheduled to present an online Simchat Torah and Erev Shabbat party where attendees bring their own beverage and a nosh and “enjoy wonderful music and even a little dancing.”

2020: For Jews, a double simcha – celebration of the 7th day of Sukkoth and celebration of Louise Gluck being named yesterday as the winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize for Literature.

2021: The Osher Marin JCC is scheduled to host a “two-mile walk through China Camp State Park with GTU Jewish studies professor Sam Shonkoff, who will teach how nature connects with Hasidic prayer practices known as hitbodedut.”

2021: In San Francisco, the Margaret Jenkins Dance Company is scheduled to present a preview of its upcoming show, a collaboration among dances from Israel, China and India…”

2021: The Jewish Film Festival at the Jacob Burns Film Center is scheduled to host the final screening of “When Hitler Stole the Pink Rabbit” and the first screening of “The Red Orchestra.”

2021: The Lockdown University Team is scheduled to host a webinar on “The Merchant of Venice in Film” with Professor David Peimer.

2021: The Edin Tamir Center is scheduled to host the Tel Aviv Wind Quintet with Aviram Reichiet” performing the works of Haydn, Verdi, Beethoven and George Gershwinn

2021: In Danville, CA, Beth Chaim Congregation is scheduled to host Jewish rock musician, Rick Recht, known for his albums “Shabbat Alive,” “Tov” and “Free to Be the Jew in Me.”

2021(3rd of Cheshvan, 5782): Parashat Noach

2022(14th of Tishrei, 5783): Erev Sukkoth

2022:  Starting today at 4 p.m. the IDF is scheduled to closing the crossings with the West Bank that will continue until the end of the first day of Sukkoth to avoid terrorist attacks which have all too often been attempted during Jewish holidays. (As reported by TOI)

2022: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host “Eldridge Arts and Learning” during which children five and older will “learn about the stained-glass windows in this historic synagogue.”

2022: American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present a panel discussing “Person Remembrances of Eli Evans, the Poet Laureate of Southern Jews.”

2022: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including American Midnight: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy’s Forgotten Crisis by  Adam Hochschild, the son of German-Jewish immigrant Harold K. Hochschild and Profiles in Ignorance by Adam Borowitz.

2022: Michael Twitty is scheduled to be the featured speaker at today’s Capitol Food Festival in Washington, D.C.

2023: In Metairie, LA, Conservative Congregation Shir Chadesh is scheduled to hold its board meeting.

2023: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host “Shuls of Grandeur Walking Tour of the Lower East Side} that will start the Bialystoker Synagogue, “the largest active Orthodox congregation on the Lower East Side” and end at the Museum at Eldrige Street.

2023: YIVO is scheduled to present an “in-person event” featuring the “Semer Ensemble which is dedicated to music recorded by Jewish artists during the Nazi period on the almost unknown Berlin-based Semer record label.”

2023: In New York, Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to hold a brief prayer service and candlelight vigil this evening on the steps of the Fifth Avenue Sanctury which is designed to provide an opportunity for people to share their “collective concern for Israel and those injured, taken hostage, on the fighting lines.”

2023: In response to the attack on Israel and the murder and kidnapping of innocent civilians, in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Rabbi Yaron and Cantor Abbie are scheduled to hold an in person minyan this morning.

2023: As October 9 begins in Israel, the country is dealing with a cascade of problems including, but not limited to,  reports of mounting numbers of dead and wounded, rocket attacks from Hezbollah, the possibility of an attack from Syria, continued terrorist attacks from Gaza and in one sense, worst of all, how to gain the freedom of the hundreds of hostages, many of them civilians being held by Hamas. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)

2023: Today, “the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to Claudia Goldin, a Harvard professor, for advancing the world’s understanding of women’s progress in the work force.”

2023: In Iowa, “Gov. Kim Reynolds ordered all flags in Iowa to be lowered to half-staff immediately on Monday, October 9, and remain at half-staff until sunset on Sunday, October 15, 2023, to honor the lives lost – including at least nine Americans – in the horrific attacks committed against Israel by Iran-backed terrorist organization Hamas.”

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Jeremy Rosen on “Middle Books of the Bible: Book of Joshua, Chapters 5 and 6: And the Walls came Tumbling Down”

2024: In New Orleans, Touro Synagogue is scheduled to hold a meeting of its Executive Meeting.

2024: The Jewish Climate Action Network is scheduled to present online “Election Phone Banking Training/Calling.”

2024: The Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University is scheduled to present online “October 7, One Year Later: A Webinar for Jewish Leaders”

2024: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host a walking tour of the Jewish Lower East Side.

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Sharonna Karni Cohen, Karina Dessau, Igal Tartakovsky and Roy Salomon on “Navigating Trauma: The Festivals and Beyond,”

2024: As October 9th begins in the Middle East, Israel is confronted with fighting a four-front-war following the attacks from Iran. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)

2024: As October 9th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 369 in captivity while Jerusalem braces for more rocket attacks by Hezbollah  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)