A while ago, me and my friend were discussing about…

A while ago, me and my friend were discussing about…

A while ago, me and my friend were discussing about abortion. As a christian I am not for it for that is against God’s Law. However in his defense, he is all for abortion because of 2 premises:
1.) Suffering
2.) Kids that do not want or did not consented to be alive… (??? HM?? ???? ? not mocking him or anything, I just don’t understand how he came to it)

The only thing that have defended well is, although I haven’t delved into it more, is the problem of suffering. I told him that we all face problems, sufferings, burdens, regrets, and families that left their offsprings or kids running away from home because of bad parents. He suggested that the suffering should end by death except there are more productive alternatives than that. The sufferer’s suffering is not justifiable for us to end it, however instead of the individual dying with the suffering, the productive notion would be to take it off or have the person live with the pain. The point is, there are immensely beautiful things in life outside of there suffering and it would be more inspiring when those kids that suffered in life earlier will speak of their incredible testimonies on how they survived the cruel reality of their bad conditions. Another argument is, what if the parent of that orphan or vice versa end up seeing each other later on. As much as I wanted to say that falls on the person whether by guilty consent or by rape that they regret it and it haunts them, it is more productive to raise the orphans, whether they become successful or at least doing well in life, will definitely put that biological parent at ease and will be less enraptured on their guilt or what ever psychological tension they have. As far as rape is concerned, the rapist should be put to death as it is stated in the Bible. Although I don’t agree to birth control, but if we have it, why do we need abortion? Even vasectomy can be an option but it takes away the natural use of the reproductive organs. However, people fail, which makes Proverbs 6:22 a necessity for our future generation. Finally, we came to an agreement in which that we as a people (and not just the government) must do something to make abortion unecessary or we can forget about doing it since we have means (such as counseling, reviewing our orphanage systems, and strict protocols for adoption) for not doing it.

P.S. this a long read….. sorry ?

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