ANGEL OF LIGHT: US Navy Successfully Test Fires High-Powered Directed Energy Laser Light Weapon Called ‘Helios’ From The USS Preble
A jaw-dropping new photo shows the US Navy firing off a drone-destroying directed energy laser light weapon — dubbed Helios — from the warship USS Preble
This story today on the stunning progress being made by the Pentagon with directed energy laser weapons, or DEW, is interesting to me for a couple a reasons. First and foremost, Dr. Judy Wood has famously asserted that it was a directed energy weapon that brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11, and that is the one explanation for the events of that day that makes the most sense to me. The second reason why ‘Helios’ is fascinating is it’s a light weapon they call ‘HEL’ for short. Oh yeah, man, that’s it, now we’re getting somewhere.
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJB)
The Bible says that Satan himself is transformed into an ‘angel of light’, a messenger of light, have you ever stopped to consider how light powers most of the cutting-edge technology we use today? There is Li-Fi, LEDs, Nanolasers, VCL or Visible Light Communication just to name a few, and both augmented and virtual reality experiences rely heavily on light-based technology. Semiconductor manufacturer giant ASML in the Netherlands uses EUV, or Extreme Ultraviolet Light to make the chips that power literally every computer and smart device, of any make, in the world. Do you see where our world is heading? It’s all light, electricity and air, the domain of the prince of the power of the air, Satan. His 7-year kingdom is being prepared. One more thing, Helios was the Greek god of the sun, often depicted wearing a radiant crown, who every morning drove his chariot across the sky causing daytime. Who is Helios? Why, he’s a counterfeit of the Sun of Righteousness Jesus Christ we see in Malachi 4:2 in your King James Bible.
US Navy fires its high-powered laser light weapon Helios that could obliterate warships and drones, incredible photo shows
FROM THE NY POST: The undated image, which was published in the US Center for Countermeasures’ annual report this month, captured the warfighting laser technology being fired from the USS Preble destroyer in the middle of the ocean.
The demo was “to verify and validate the functionality, performance, and capability of the HEL with Integrated Optical Dazzler and Surveillance system against an unmanned aerial vehicle target,” the report stated. The report stopped short of providing specific details about the test — including where, or when, the laser weapon was fired.
The Helios weapon, which uses a 60 kW high-energy laser that can engage targets at the speed of light, is an advanced directed energy system developed for the US by Lockheed Martin.
It obliterates targets — including drones, fast-attack craft and missiles — by melting or overheating them. In addition to being used as a destructive laser, the weapon can act as an optical dazzler in a bid to disrupt intelligence and reconnaissance sensors.
The United Kingdom successfully tested its own high-powered laser weapon — dubbed DragonFire — against aerial targets last year. Incredible images from that test, too, showed the laser shooting down a target in a fiery ball. READ MORE
US Navy Declassifies Laser Weapon Helios Pic As Iran Shows Secret Missile Hub Amid Trump Attack Fear
A declassified image has surfaced purportedly showing U.S. Navy’s laser weapon. The pic reportedly shows Helios system developed by Lockheed Martin for U.S. Navy. USS Preble is seen firing Helios laser to destroy an unmanned aerial vehicle
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)
“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB
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