Author: ourCOG


"I've never really loved you."She buries her tear-stained face deeply in her pillow,As he walks out the door.Disappointment gives way to heartache,As her fragile soul begins to shatter.She tries to speak, but there's no voice left.She tries to lov... »

God is NOT Double Minded

God is NOT Double Minded

I don't even know where to begin with this one, other that to say that I get weary of hearing people blame God for their instability. Let's be clear, James tells us that a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways. It is immaturity and a lack of... »

The Mission of the Church: Missions.

“The mission of the churchis missions.” The church is filled with individuals who each haveunique God-given abilities to fulfill their role in the mission. But first,Christians must be educated about their world and how to reach it. For thisreason,... »

A question that changed my life…

A question that changed my life…

Affirmation: I shall not “parade” myself and I shall not be “puffed up” (I Corinthians 13:4) As I read today’s affirmation from “the Love Chapter” (I Corinthians 13) my mind went back to those many sad days that I would sit with my father-in-law in the Alzheimer’s ward of the Richard M. Campbell Veteran’s home [...] »