Author: ourCOG

the battle for Sunday

the battle for Sunday

The average church attender may think that their Pastor wants them to come to worship services on Sunday just to boost the numbers. That’s simply not true. He wants you to attend because what is happening there is vitally important and you are a vitally important part of the church. Here is what happens in [...] »

@LeX_factor707 #Glory!! I feel like sangin’ now!! #Holiness #ourCOG

@LeX_factor707 #Glory!! I feel like sangin' now!! #Holiness #ourCOG »

About to put on my 3-piece before I go to bed. My wife is gonna love me!! #ourCOG #glory

About to put on my 3-piece before I go to bed. My wife is gonna love me!! #ourCOG #glory »

@LeX_factor707 not to mention the lack of knowledge about such things as All-night tent prayer meetings and Red-back Hymnals. #ourCOG

@LeX_factor707 not to mention the lack of knowledge about such things as All-night tent prayer meetings and Red-back Hymnals. #ourCOG »