
Tessa’s Nursery

Tessa’s Nursery

Ben and I both knew from the beginning that if we had a girl we didn’t want to completely “pink” out the place. Not that there’s anything wrong with pink! We just prefer something a bit more neutral. So…we decided on yellow and gray as our main colors. I’m a visual person so I created [...] »

The Matt Smith Guide to Attraction.

Now that we are past all the Valentine's Day super-emotional crap, some people are still looking for significant others.However, some are hindered in this endeavor by some very small, but very important, "roadblocks" to attraction.Thus, this guide is i... »

Mac vs. PC: "Clone."

Mac vs. PC: "Clone."

For my Single-Camera Applications and Aesthetics II class, I had to make a commercial. This is it, a parody of Apple's Get a Mac campaign, popularly known as "Mac vs. PC."Enjoy. »

Update: 28 weeks and 5 days!

Update: 28 weeks and 5 days!

Sorry (mom) for missing several weeks in a row. I have been sick and that takes a lot out of you when you’re pregnant. But onto the goods: How far along: 28 weeks and 5 days! How big is the baby: She’s probably over 2 lbs and almost 15 inches long (Baby Center compares her [...] »