Church of God Evangel August 8, 1910. Letter from L….

Church of God Evangel August 8, 1910. Letter from L. P. Adams of Memphis, Tennessee inviting CoG people to a camp meeting in Memphis. This is where it can be said that the CoG’s response determined the success of the church in Memphis. The Assembly of God and the Church of God in Christ availed themselves of a golden opportunity.

It is a copy and paste of the evangel

Memphis, Tennessee.
Our Camp Meeting’ will be held this
year in Jackson Mound Park, in the
south part of this city, September ‘the
1st to the 15th. It is on the bluff of
the MississippiRiver, the tabernacle,
which is on a large mound,
seating 2,000 people, you can see al’ up
and down the great river over into
the State of Arkansas, making it the
most beautiful place for camp meeting’
that we have seen; it is a historical
piace, The mouund was made
by the Mound Builders, During fhe
late war the soldiers. encamped here, and
kept their amunition in this mound.
‘I’his is the place Desoto discovered the
Mississippi River. ,it derives its name
from General Jackson, and now the
“Soldiers of the Cross” are going to
camp there, and discover greater things
in the grace of God. Besides the large
tabernacle, there is a large dining hall,
and sleeping apartments, with plenty
of room for tents on the ground. ‘l’he
Park is beautifully shaded with
trees, lighted with electricity, and watered
with city water. ‘1’heAssembly
here is praying, !)lllllnitlgand working’
to make this II bleased time 1:01’all who
assemble with UB before the Lord, in
the love and fellowship of His Son.
We are expecting unlimber of workers
present. Dr. Yoakum has written that
he wouldbe here. Also, MotherBarnes,
of St. Louis. We hope to run the camp
on the free will ofp..ring’ pi lin,
Write at once for particulars which
we have published tc send out. It gives
all the details concermng the services,
meals, sleeping, children’s tent and
other things. We prefer that all who
aim to attend would write and make al'”
rangements, We would like so.much
for every editor of the Pentecostal papers
to be with us ill this gl’eat meeting
in the South. Let all Who want prayers.
for themselves Orfor fl’iends selld
in.their requests by September the 7th.
MaKe your letters brie£.Pray· much and come in the Sp.irit ofChrililt and
obey the L01’d, We have leased this
Park for~ three months, and at the close
of. the meetillg: a Bible school will be
conducted. . .. .
Yours for His..Kingdom,
L. P. Adams
978 Mississippi Boulevard Memphis,

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