Now days the atheist groups attacking Christians with an argument…

Now days the atheist groups attacking Christians with an argument…

Now days the atheist groups attacking Christians with an argument that “the story of Noah and flood a mythical story that stolen from the book called The Epic of Gilgamesh and added to the Bible” so today I want introduce a little bit about “The epic of Gilgamesh”
‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ is one
of the oldest recorded stories in the
world. It’s about an ancient king of
Babylonia, Gilgamesh, who lived
around 2700 Be. According to the
story, Gilgamesh was part god and
part human, and had many special
powers. This epic is nota single story
written by one author. It has many
stories and myths woven together.
These stories were first narrated
orally by different people. Later,
they were combined with tales from
other languages and written down
on clay tablets in what is now cal led
the cuneiform script. The written
texts were created over a thousand
year period,and remained unknown
to the modern world until 1 872,
when stone tablets written in the
Babylonian language were discov-
ered, creating a great deal of ex-

# a little knowledge with Christin Peter
# God bless you
# Have a Blessed Sunday

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