One of the textbooks, at Wheaton on the subject of…

One of the textbooks, at Wheaton on the subject of communications, was ” The Image ” by Daniel Boorstin. It spoke to me of what I was experiencing in the COG. Boostin spoke of the general society but I applied his observations to the COG.
” We expect to much of the church ( and of God ) going beyond the limits of reason or moderation. In short we have extravagant expectations.” ” For never has a people expected so much more than the world ( or the church ) could offer. ” We invent our standards and then pursue them as if we had discovered them or they had been revealed.” ” We suffer not so much from our vices but rather from our illusions.”
That book is now over 60 years old and is worn and tattered and heavily marked but it has been good for me.

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