Proving Yourself

If you are the Son of God…

Matthew 4:3, 6

One of the big temptations of life is the temptation to prove yourself.

Maybe today you’re still hearing the voices from childhood that insulted and diminished you.

Maybe you’re still trying to please a parent or other voice of authority.

Maybe you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid that tells you that to be somebody you have to do this or do that or wear this or go there or own that…

Stop it!

Trying to prove yourself is like trying to drink the ocean. You can’t do it. There will always be one more voice, one more expectation, one more benchmark that somebody lays down for you to conquer.

Instead of trying to prove yourself, show yourself.

Show up.

Be faithful.

Give your best.

Care about something greater than yourself.

Get out there and do something that matters and enjoy the life you’ve been given.

If that’s not enough for someone, that’s their problem, not yours.

The ONE THING for today: You have nothing to prove, you have something to do. Stay focused on the mission. Produce results that matter. That will be proof enough.