Raise Your Voice Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin

Raise Your Voice Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Raise Your Voice: Part 1”. The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit http://jentezenfranklin.org/watch?cid=sm-yt & subscribe to this channel: http://goo.gl/yfkXHy

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