
6 Things To Bring To Every Brainstorming Meeting

Brainstorming meetings have the potential to create brand new programs, outreaches and systems that can cause your ministry to explode. Make sure you show up with the following in order to see the results you want:1) Bring your faith-filled, wide-open imagination.If you are not open, well rested and excited, why would your team be??2) Bring at least 3-5 of your key leaders or students with them s... »

Who am I? No, this is Who I am…

From a recent message.I had kids go home an write these over the mirror in permsnent marker. That way they had to see who He says they are verses what they are looking at at that moment.Hope it helps!!pgThe Message (Matt. 10: 38-39)"If you don't go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don't deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if ... »

IronLeader Challenge

Last month, I competed in my gym's annual ironman competition. Now before you call me a liar or get impressed, they give us a month to complete the ironman verses the insane people who can achieve it in 1 day or less. If you don't know what it takes to... »

Final sermon checklist before go time

Here are 8 questions I ask myself about each sermon I speak before I hit the pulpit. It helps me stay focused on the immediate and trajectory of where I am taking my kids for the year. This is the template discussed at the leadership session at shabbac... »