The Cliche List
It’s a new year. So we talk about fresh starts, blank pages, and new goals and resolutions.
The reality is, we’ve started over before, and sometimes that didn’t work out too well. I recently heard that gyms get 70% of their new members in the first 2 weeks of January. If you’ve ever visited a gym 6 weeks later, you can use any machine you want…those memberships have been cancelled or are not being used anymore
But, I’m a glass half full guy, and I think this year will be different. I’ve actually done very well in recent years with my goals/resolutions because I’ve given specific action points to these goals. For example, I’m not just saying I’m going to lose weight. I’m saying I want to lose 20 lbs by May 1, and I’m going to do that by joining Weight Watchers.
So, on our car ride home from Christmas the other night here are the resolutions I pitched to Corrie.
1) Read the Bible through Chronologically this year.
– I’m using the Youversion app on my phone/iPad, and committing to read before checking Facebook or Twitter each day.
2) Corrie and I are going to have at least 1 date night per month.
– First, let me say that I know some people recommend a date night a week. I would love to do that, but with our stage of life that’s just not realistic. We have made a priority of doing things together on a regular basis, but this date night will be a night out, away from the kids. In order to make this happen we are going to be more proactive in choosing the night in advance, rather than trying to make it happen last minute and looking for a babysitter.
3) More generous with our giving.
– My wife has called on dozens of occasions to inform me that she felt led to buy the meal, groceries, items, etc of the person in front of her. That being said I really want us to identify some needs that we can give too that will stretch us a bit, while still being open to the “in the moment” promptings. I have a specific amount that I would like us to give this year, and we’re working on some action steps to make this happen.
4) Get aggressive with our debt.
– Like many people we have some debt. I wouldn’t characterize it as inordinate or even overwhelming, but to us, it’s a reality. These include some credit card, but mostly student loans. I don’t want to be paying on these things forever. So we are working on some specific action plans to change the momentum of our debt.
5) Get a 3.5 GPA in the Spring Semester.
– I did well in school this fall, especially considering other factors that needed my time and attention. I would like to improve on that. In order to make this happen, I have set aside some specific time each week that will be fully devoted to school. I think this will help me be more proactive in this endeavor.
6) Get accepted into a Master’s program.
– I graduate in May with my B.A. in Christian Studies after several years of distance learning education. I have a Master’s program that I would like to start in August. To make that happen, I have to apply. That process starts next week. If I don’t get accepted, we’ll move down the list. No matter what, I want to continue my educational process as soon as possible after graduation so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
7) Blog at least twice per week.
– I love to write. It’s therapeutic for me. This blog is an outlet I have to regularly make that happen. While I have written a book (that you can purchase HERE, shameless plug), and would love to write another one…I can’t right now. I will at some point, and have some ideas, but I don’t have the time. So, some of those thoughts need an outlet. I’m going to attempt to use this blog as one of those outlets.
So there you have it. There are other things we plan to do or want to do, but these are a few of the specifics that I wanted to publicly announce to (hopefully) hold me accountable.
What are your goals for the year?