The Death of Truth :: By Daymond Duck

When asked about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus mentioned deceit four times in Matt. 24 (vs. 4, 5, 11, and 24).

In an article titled “Truth Has Become a Casualty in Modern Journalism,” Pastor Mike Spaulding (author, speaker, radio host) wrote on Apr. 27, 2024:

  • We should all be mourning the death of truth, but alas, few recognize what has happened to truth as a tool to strengthen nations and guard against ruinous corruption.
  • The murder of truth was intentionally committed by individuals and organizations who cannot accomplish their goals through rational, logical, and reasonable public debate. The world is in the grips of mass propaganda, deceit, and an otherworldly strong delusion.
  • Murdering truth results in people being dislodged from any form of objective morality. A morality that celebrates murder, rape, and acts of torture (as has happened regarding the Oct.7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel) is not morality. It is a subjective blood lust, which can only be attributed to wicked delusion and the resultant unhinged evil.

It reminds me of something God said in Old Testament times about the prophets in Judah:

  • “In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen the hands of the evil doers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah” (Jer. 23:14).

God saw something that He said is horrible: People that have abandoned me, and they are walking in lies.

This ungodliness and deceit are encouraging wicked people, and there is no repentance.

The first sin of humanity occurred when Satan deceived Adam and Eve (Gen.3).

Jesus would later call the corrupt religious leaders of His day the children of Satan.

He called Satan a murderer and a liar from the beginning (Jn. 8:43-44).

God is not fooled by the death of truth today.

Concerning the end of the age, God said,

  • “The Antichrist will come after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thess. 2:9-12).

The death of truth will ultimately lead to the rise of the Antichrist and the betrayal of Israel, and it will cost multitudes their souls.

Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that we are close to the end of the age.

One, on May 3, 2024, Just The News reported:

  • In a stunning admission, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team is admitting that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated since it was seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time.

How this will impact the case remains to be seen, but government officials altering evidence and deceiving the court clearly signifies the death of truth.

It is truly amazing that they admitted it.

(More: on May 7, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. House of Representatives has launched an investigation into these “serious ethical lapses” and gave Smith until 5:pm on May 20, 2024, to produce documents and respond.)

Two, six states have filed lawsuits against Pres. Biden’s recently released Executive Order that will let boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, let males compete against females in sports, etc., simply by saying they identify as female.

The fact that people at the highest levels of government choose to ignore the fact that there are biological differences between males and females signifies the death of truth.

Thank God for those officials who know that males and females are different and are still willing to fight for the truth.

Three, on May 4, 2024, the great Hal Lindsey wrote:

  • The world is staggering under the weight of billions of bad decisions — bad decisions by regular citizens and by the world’s leaders. Of those choices, one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems. We have seen where this decision leads (In Germany, it led to Hitler’s decision to annihilate the Jews).

The decision of world leaders to blame Israel for all the problems in the Middle East signifies the death of truth.

Hal asked, “How far will it go?” and he replied:

  • The Bible teaches that hatred of Jews will be a feature of the last days. I had hoped it would be a post-rapture phenomenon — that the Church would be morally strong enough to hold back this evil as long as the Church stays on earth. It still could. The next few days and weeks will tell quite the story.

(My opinion: This will lead to a horrible thing: a satanic world government that will “walk in lies” and try to destroy Israel at the Battle of Armageddon.)

Four, concerning world government, the International Pandemic Treaty (Accords), and the International Health Regulations (IHRs): on May 1, 2024, 49 U.S. Senators (all Republicans) sent a letter to Pres. Biden that said:

  • The most recently available version of the pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival.
  • The amendments to the existing International Health Regulations are not in order. (The nations have not been given the required 4 months’ notice of changes to the regulations before they vote at the end of this month. Why would they want nations to vote on a document they have not seen? It is called deceit and could be called the death of truth).

Pres. Biden has now been officially notified that every Republican U.S. Senator opposes these two globalist documents that will surrender a lot of U.S. sovereignty to an unelected group of foreigners.

Five, a poll that was conducted by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research (released on May 1, 2024) found that over half of Americans (53 percent) are extremely or very concerned about news organizations reporting inaccurate information during the election.

Six, on May 4, it was reported that Biden’s handlers intend to shorten his speeches to give quality of words over quantity of words.

His critics charge that they are shortening his speeches to reduce the chances of cognitive failure.

This is about the president of the U.S. So, what is the truth?

(More: On May 6, 2024, Wayne Allen Root (author, TV host, political commentator) warned former Pres. Trump that he needs to prepare to run against Michelle Obama in the next presidential election. We will soon know.)

Seven, on May 5, 2024, from a command and control center inside a UN hospital in Gaza, Hamas attacked a group of Israeli troops, killed 3 and injured 11.

Israeli jets struck the command and control center, and it is no longer operational.

UN denials that terrorists are using UN hospitals are false.

Eight, concerning deceit: on May 1, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is proclaiming that the greatest peril humanity now faces is misinformation and disinformation (deceit).

(My opinion: Many people do not trust the WEF because its leaders are trying to deceive the public (censor the truth) about its efforts to establish a world government.)

Nine, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling (Mark of the Beast) and the globalist effort to get people to eat less beef, eat locusts, worms, etc.: on May 3, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it is requiring all cattle and bison to have Electronic Identification Tags (EIDs) that store information about the animal (vaccination schedules, feed routines, medical history, etc.).

Some farmers are concerned that government officials will be able to track everything that they have done with their animals, and if the farmer hasn’t done what the government wants, they will not be allowed to sell their animals.

(My comment: If they can track the buying and selling of cattle, they will soon be able to track the buying and selling of everything.)

(More: On May 8, 2024, Clayton Morris – former Fox News Host; Morris Investment Co. – said he has received an announcement that Master Card, Wells Fargo, Citi Group, and the Central Banks are now going to roll out their own digital currency pilot program. Personal Note: This doesn’t appear to be a global digital currency yet, but a global digital currency is a prerequisite to tracking all buying and selling.)

Ten, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Apr. 30, 2024, it was reported that Hezbollah in Lebanon has fired projectiles into northern Israel almost every day for about 7 months (since Oct. 7, 2023), and tens of thousands of Israelis have had to vacate their homes and live in temporary shelters.

Israel’s Foreign Minister told his French counterpart, who was trying to de-escalate the situation:

  • The situation is untenable.
  • We are not going back to October 6th.
  • If Hezbollah does not withdraw (from the border region), we are heading to an all-out war. If that happens, Israel will act against Hezbollah in all of Lebanon and occupy a large area in southern Lebanon to create a security buffer zone, which will be controlled by the IDF and allow the residents of the north to return home safely.

If the international community wants to prevent another war, they need to force Hezbollah back to the agreed-upon line (the north bank of the Litani River) now.

(More: On May 5, 2024, Hezbollah in Lebanon fired more than 100 rockets and missiles at homes in northern Israel. Three Israelis were injured; many houses, buildings, and vehicles were damaged; roads were damaged, and some houses were without electricity for several hours.)

Eleven, concerning U.S. efforts to force Israel to end its war with Hamas: on May 2, 2024, it was reported that:

  • A Hamas representative in Lebanon said Hamas was planning to reject the latest ceasefire deal.
  • Iran and its proxies were helping Hamas prepare to defend against an Israeli attack on Rafah.
  • Iran and its proxies are growing stronger as the war drags on.

If there is any truth to this, U.S. restraints on Israel have probably prolonged the war, and that will likely make the death and destruction worse when the war resumes.

Twelve, concerning the Two-State Solution: on May 3, 2024, it was reported that this week, former President Donald Trump said:

  • That he no longer supports a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians following the October 7 massacre.

Earlier this year, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said:

  • I am very consistent, and I’m saying something very simple; this conflict is not on the lack of a state of Palestine, but the existence of a state, the Jewish State.
  • In the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea.
  • This truth I say to our American friends, and I also stopped the attempt to impose on us a reality that will jeopardize us.

(My opinion: Our current president – or whoever is running the U.S. – is making a mistake by pushing the Two-State Solution. But regardless of Trump’s, Netanyahu’s, and God’s warnings in the Bible, Israel will be divided, the Jews in Judea will have to flee the Promised Land at the middle of the Tribulation Period, and God will send the Battle of Armageddon for scattering the Jews and dividing His land; Matt. 24:15-22; Rev. 19:11-21.)

Thirteen, concerning the decline of America: on May 2, 2024, it was reported that:

  • The U.S. has run out of Patriot missile batteries to send to Ukraine.
  • The U.S. is begging EU nations to send their air defense weapons to Ukraine.
  • The Pentagon has pledged a $6 billion package of weapons to Ukraine, but U.S. stockpiles are depleted, and the weapons cannot be sent until the U.S. signs contracts with suppliers and more are produced.

Fourteen, concerning the spreading hatred of Israel: on May 4, 2024, prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote that Christians need to recognize that the side effect of the hatred of Israel will eventually turn into hatred for those who support the nation of Israel.

According to Tsarfati, the current antisemitism will eventually migrate into a hatred of those who love the Jews and the King of the Jews, Jesus.

The spirit of antisemitism will spread the spirit of antichrist.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (Day 208): The one hundred-fifty-third day of the resumed war.

  • Turkey said it would officially join South Africa’s lawsuit at the International Criminal Court (ICC) that accuses Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
  • Netanyahu said he was undeterred by potential arrest warrants by the ICC, and he is willing to sacrifice himself for Israel.
  • Israel informed the U.S. that it has information that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is pressuring the ICC to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials and that if the ICC does issue warrants, Israel will retaliate against the PA.
  • A former Israeli national security advisor said the U.S. is on Hamas’ side, and there will be no progress in the ceasefire negotiations because Sinwar knows it.

Thursday, May 2, 2024 (Day 210): The one hundred-fifty-fourth day of the resumed war.

  • S. and Israeli officials said Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar is hiding behind at least 15 (perhaps as many as 20) hostages in tunnels below Gaza.
  • Turkey cut off all trade with Israel in protest over the Israel-Hamas war.

Friday, May 3, 2024 (Day 211): The one hundred-fifty-fifth day of the resumed war.

  • Egypt reported that Israel has given Hamas one week to accept a ceasefire proposal or Israel will begin its attack on Rafah.

Saturday, May 4, 2024 (Day 212): The one hundred-fifty-sixth day of the resumed war.

  • It was reported that Hamas agreed to release 33 hostages in exchange for a 40-day truce without a commitment from Israel to end the war. (But at this point, it is not official)
  • An Israeli official said if Hamas wants to end the war, they must leave Gaza. Israel will not end the war with Hamas still in power.

Sunday, May 5, 2024 (Day 213): The one hundred-fifty-seventh day of the resumed war.

  • The ceasefire talks ended with no agreement.
  • There are reports that Biden (the Pres. who says he has Israel’s back) put a hold on shipments of weapons and ammunition to Israel with no explanation of why.
  • An Israeli official said Israel is not another star on the American flag, and America doesn’t deserve to be called a friend of Israel anymore.
  • Netanyahu said we will fight alone if we have to. “Never again” (Israel will never surrender to another Holocaust) is now.
  • International organizations asked nations to reduce the amount of humanitarian aid to northern Gaza because too much is being sent and warehouses are full.

Monday, May 6, 2024 (Day 214): The one hundred-fifty-eighth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel said Hamas agreed to a ceasefire deal that Israel did not offer or accept.
  • It was reported that Biden’s CIA Director Burns guaranteed Hamas that the U.S. would force Israel to accept a ceasefire.
  • Israel said the U.S. secretly worked on a ceasefire agreement that Hamas would accept without Israel’s knowledge or asking Israel if it would agree.
  • Israel started evacuating citizens from eastern Rafah in preparation for a military invasion.
  • Israeli jets attacked several Hamas terrorist sites in Rafah.
  • Israel warned that there would be a powerful operation in Rafah very soon.
  • Israel said it would halt the invasion if Hamas offered an acceptable deal.
  • Israeli troops and tanks started entering east Rafah.
  • Israel seized the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing into Egypt.
  • It was reported that the U.S. has been trying to prevent the destruction of Hamas to use the group as leverage against Israel to get Israel to accept the Two-State Solution.
  • Tomorrow, the U.S. State Department will issue a Biden-mandated report to Congress on whether Israel is complying with U.S. rules on its use of U.S. weapons.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 (Day 215): The one hundred-fifty-ninth day of the resumed war.

  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres asked Israel to stop attacking Hamas in Rafah.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


The post The Death of Truth :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.