The Invasion Of Lebanon Has Begun As IDF Soldiers Begin Ground Assault To Root Out All Traces Of Hezbollah And Their Cache Of Missiles And Rockets

The Invasion Of Lebanon Has Begun As IDF Soldiers Begin Ground Assault To Root Out All Traces Of Hezbollah And Their Cache Of Missiles And Rockets

IDF soldiers entered southern Lebanon as part of a ground assault on Monday night as the conflict with Hezbollah continues to escalate, AFP reported.

After a stunning direct hit on Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut last Friday, IDF troops have officially entered into southern Lebanon in their quest to dismantle the complete organization of the terror group. The IDF at 8:39 p.m. Israeli time took additional last-minute concrete measures leading toward an invasion, declaring closed military zones at Metulla, Misgav Am, and Kfar Giladi. So the question we ask, does this go all the way to the border of Iran? It’s sure starting to look like that from where we sit.

O inhabitant of Lebanon, that makest thy nest in the cedars, how gracious shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee, the pain as of a woman in travail!” Jeremiah 22:23 (KJB)

William Shakespeare wrote in his historical play Henry V, about King Henry the Fifth of England, “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”. It is not known if King Henry actually ever said that, but it certainly could be applied to Benjamin Netanyahu and the nation of Israel right now. Later on in that same scene, Shakespeare has the king utter “I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start. The game’s afoot”. Man, oh man, is it ever. The “startup nation” of tiny little Israel is in uncharted territory right now, having sailed off the pages of politics clear into the scrolls of the prophets who form the foundation of the Old Testament. Habakkuk 1:5 has said of these days “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” You want to know where we are on the end times timeline? You are here.

IDF troops invade Lebanon, according to foreign reports

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: This is the first IDF ground operation in Lebanon since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. This follows earlier reports that Israel notified the US that it intends to launch a limited ground operation into Lebanon that could begin within hours, a US official confirmed to CBS on Monday. Other news sources have reported that an Israeli incursion could come within the coming days.

The IDF invasion follows an ongoing pattern of escalation between Hezbollah and the IDF since the start of the Israel-Hamas War.

On Friday, the IDF carried out an airstrike on Hezbollah’s central headquarters, killing former secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah. Previous IDF strikes have killed numerous senior Hezbollah terrorists in recent weeks, including a strike on Beirut that killed at least 16 high-ranking Hezbollah members, including Hezbollah’s Operations Division chief Ibrahim Aliq.

This also follows a series of widespread incidents throughout Lebanon and Syria where several communications devices owned by members of Hezbollah, such as pagers and radios, mysteriously exploded, killing several and wounding thousands. Hezbollah and foreign reports accused Israel of being behind the incidents.

The Iran-backed terrorist group has also been firing numerous rockets, drones, and missiles at the Jewish state since the start of the Israel-Hamas War, with the frequent barrages forcing tens of thousands of Israelis to flee from their homes in the North. READ MORE

Israel is widening its attacks on Iran-backed groups, both inside Lebanon and across the region. On Sunday, Israel’s military said it carried out strikes in Yemen targeting Houthi rebels, hitting sites in the city of Hodeidah on Yemen’s Red Sea coast. At least four people were killed and around 30 others wounded. Dozens of Israeli warplanes took part in the operation. A day earlier, the Houthis fired a ballistic missile at Tel Aviv’s international airport. The group has also repeatedly been attacking Red Sea shipping allegedly linked to Israel.

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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