the new preaching tape

But the truth is between wearing out all tape decks in my possession and my schedule involving less traveling (the timespan of listening to a whole sermon) I have not listened to many in quite a while. But the beauty of technology steps in.
Kim and I got ipods about 6 months or so ago, and we listened to music for months. I had some knowledge and experience with podcasts but had not gotten into them. But recently, I have shopped for podcasts of notable churches/preachers and it has been a very enriching

I have some concern about doing so much multitasking and not devoting time to the single purpose of spiritual growth as should be given. I am not sure what the didgital age means for spiritual disciplines such as solitude (as per Barth), and I hope I am not savving my guilt at not giving enough time to such by listening to podcasts while engaged in other business. But I have been greatly blessed as well as challenged by the experience so far, and am thankful for it.