This Day, June 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


1287:  Kublai Khan defeated the force of Nayan and other traditionalist Borjigin princes in East Mongolia and Manchuria.  It is quite possible that there were Jewish soldiers serving under the great Mongol warrior who became Emperor of China.  According to Marco Polo, Kubla Kahn celebrated the festivals of the Jews as well as those of the Muslims and Christians, indicating that a Jewish community existed that could make itself felt at the highest level of the Empire.

1514: Azemmour, a city in Morocco, offered privileges to Jews fleeing from Portugal.

1637: William Prynne, an opponent Jews settling in England and Puritan leader who opposed everything from stage plays to the celebration of religious holidays “was sentenced to a fine of £5,000, to imprisonment for life, and to lose the rest of his ears.”

1656: Directors of the Dutch West India Company sent a strong letter to Peter Stuyvesant in New Amsterdam ordering him to give "more respect" to the "Jews or Portuguese people" in his city. A principle shareholder in the company, a Jew named Joseph d'Acosta had assisted in obtaining this statement.

1728(18th of Tammuz, 5488): Sixty-three-year-old Moses Raphael Levy, the German born brother of Joseph and Samuel Levy, who was an advocate for “erecting a synagogue to tale the place of the frame building which had been for a long time in use on Mill Street,” passed away today in New York City.

1751 Pope Benedict XIV issued an encyclical “On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place” in which he bemoans the growing presence of Jews in Poland. (The Pope would seem to be a little late in dealing with this.  Jews had been living in Poland for centuries, having been encouraged to settle their by the monarchs who saw them as financial and commercial asset.  By the middle of the 18th centuries, the position of the Jews had deteriorated and in less than fifty years, Poland would disappear as an independent Kingdom.

1760(30th of Sivan, 5520): Parashat Tammuz; Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1786: Abraham Benjamin Cohen, the Dutch born son of “Benjamin Johan Cohen and Eva Jacob” and his first wife “Elisabeth Gompertz” the daughter of of Salomon Barend Gompertz and Martha Gompert gave birth to “Lewis Abraham Cohen.”

1790: Today, George Washington wrote to the Hebrew Congregation of the City of Savannah. “I rejoice that a spirit of liberality and philanthropy is much more prevalent than it formerly was among the enlightened nations of the earth; and that your brethren will benefit thereby in proportion as it shall become still more extensive.”

1796:  French forces attacked Frankfurt.  An artillery barrage aimed at the Austrian arsenal next to the ghetto struck the Judengasse instead.  The subsequent fired burned so much of the ghetto that 2,000 of its inhabitants were left homeless.  This forced the city’s senate to suspend the decree forbidding Jews from living elsewhere in the city.  The fire effectively marked the end of the Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt.

1798(30th of Sivan, 5558): As events in France tumbled toward revolution, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz was observed three days before the third estate, with its representatives drawn from the commoners, reconstituted themselves as the National Assembly, a body whose purpose was the creation of a French constitution.”

1799(11th of Sivan, 5569): The avoidance of massacre when the French forces withdrew gave rise to the annual observance of Purim Ubrino

1804(5th of Tammuz, 5564): Forty-nine-year-old Isaac Abraham Euchel, the Copenhagen born Hebrew author and founder of the “Haskalah Movement” passed away in Berlin.

1809: Jacob Davis married Leah Barnett in the United Kingdom today.

1813: In Breslau, Roeschen and Alexander Baruch Schefftel gave birth to Simon Barcuh Schefftel, the husband of Henrietta Schefetel who was a successful merchant in Posen and the author of “a large Hebrew commentary on the Targum Onkelos which was published posthumously by his son-in-law Joseph Perles.”

1821(14th of Sivan, 5581): Seventy-two-year-old Chaim Volozhin (Chaim ben Yitzchok of Volozhin), author of Nefesh Ha-Chaim passed away.  Born in 1749, he studied with the Vilna Gaon before establishing the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1803 in which he applied the methods of his famous master.  The Yesshiva outlived its creator, remaining open for 90 years. 

1821: In London, Samuel Moss Solomon and Esther Solomon gave birth to Elizabeth Solomon who became Elizabeth Cashmore when she married Michael Cashmore.

1822: In Freudenthal, Germany, Hayum Löb Moses Horkheimer and Händle Moses Horkheimer gave birth to future Ohio resident Simon Horkheimer, the “son of Hayum Löb Moses Horkheimer and Händle Moses Horkheimer, the husband of Babette Horkheimer and father of General Morris Horkheimer; Bennett Horkheimer; Diana Horkheimer; Meyer Horkheimer and Nellie Horkheimer.

1828(2nd of Tammuz, 5588): Parashat Korach

1831: Birthdate of Copenhagen native and University of Copenhagen trained physician Frederik Jacob Trier, the “resident physician of the clinical division of the Communal Hospital of Copenhagen, and president of the medical section of the International Congress of Physicians, held at Copenhagen in 1884, who  was a member of the medical board of revisers of the "Pharmacopea Danica"

1837: Birthdate of Lyon Levy Emanuel, the native of Philadelphia, PA and brother of Louis Manly Emanuel who served in the Union Army from 1861 to 1864 and moved to New York to pursue business interest before returning to Philadelphia due to being seriously ill.

1839(2nd of Tammuz, 5599): Alice Abrahams, the daughter of Judith and Emanuel Abrahams, the wife of Solomon Solomons and the mother of Caroline, Fanny, Joseph and Emma Solomons passed away today in Charleston, SC.

1841: Colonel Charles Henry Churchill wrote to Sir Moses Montefiore expressing his support for the creation of Jewish state in Palestine and identifying the first steps that must be taken.  First, the Jews must “take up the matter universally and unanimously. Secondly, the European Powers” must aid them in their endeavor by taking Syria and Palestine “under their protection” and governing them “according to the spirit of European administration.” Churchill was a British soldier and diplomat who was among the first people, if not the first person, to propose a practical political plan for the creation of a Jewish state in what is now the state of Israel.

1842(6th of Tammuz. 5602): Dr. Joel Hart passed away today.  Born in Philadelphia in 1874 he was trained in London where he married his wife Louisa Levien. He served as U.S. Counsel of Leith, Scotland from 1817 until 1832.  He was a charter member of the Medical Society of the County of New York.

1845: In Melbourne, Michael and Elizabeth Cashmore gave birth to Esther Cashmore who became Esther Cohen when she married Henry Cohen.

1846: In Richmond, VA, William Thalhimer, the German born founder of Richmond, VA, Thalheimer Brothers, Inc. and Mary Millhiser Thalhimer gave birth to Gustavus Thalheimer, the husband of Pauline Thalhimer.

1847: Joseph Ullman, the German born “son of Hayim Simon Uhlmann and Rosa V Uhlmann” and his wife Sarah Ullman gave birth to Rosa Ullman who became Rosa Gottschalk when she married Albert Gottshalk.

1848: In Charleston, SC, Jacob J. Moses of Columbus, GA and Sara Ottolengui were wed today.

1848: Henry Woolf married Jane Silver at the Great Synagogue in London.

1852: In Wilkes-Barre, PA, David Coons and Helena Lang gave birth to attorney Joseph David Coons the husband of Ella Constine who was an active member of the B’nai B’rith and President of Congregation B’nai B’rith in Wilkes Barre.

1854: In Baltimore, Md, Aaron and Augusta Straus Bachrach gave birth to future Illinois resident John S. Bachrach, the husband of Emilie Mandel Bachrach.

1854: Saul Henriques Valeinte married Sarah Russel today in Bishopgate, London.

1855: In London, Rosetta Pinto, the London born Daughter of Rabbi David Aaron de Sola and Rebecca (Rica) de Sola and her husband Henry (Haim) Pinto gave birth to Jessie Pinto who died as an infant.

1856: Rosa and Jacob Seligman gave birth to Washington Seligman

1858: Birthdate of the Marquis de Morès, an anti-Semitic French nobleman who attacked Jews in France and Algeria

1861: In Eufaula, Alabama, Frank Rothschild, the German born son of Henreitte and Isack Rothschild and Amanda Blun, the Worms born daughter of Wilhelmina and Nathan Blun,  gave birth to Simon F. Rothschild, the husband of Lillian Abraham who served as member of the Board of Directors for the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Brooklyn society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

1862: In Philadelphia, PA, Wolf and Caroline Meyer Steppacher gave birth to Emanuel Meyer Steppacher, the husband of Blanche A. Allman Steppacher.

1863: Twenty-six-year-old Aaron Friedenwald, the Baltimore born son of Merle Baier and Jonah Friedenwald married twenty-two-year-old Bertha Bamberger the German born daughter of Babette Treu and Isaac Jacob Bamberger today in Baltimore, MD after which they had five children – Harry, Julius, Bernard, Norman and Edgar.

1863: Today, the 38th Iowa Infantry crossed the Mississippi River, and occupied the bluff above Warrenton, Mississippi as part of General Grant’s plan to take Vicksburg and open the Mississippi River during the war to save the Union.

1867: In what is now the Czech Republic, Daniel Low, the son of David and Eva Low and this wife Helene Low gave birth to Rich Low.

1864: German born Julius Freiberg, who established a successful distillery in Cincinnati and his wife Duffie Freiberg gave birth to Sally Workum Heinsheimer

1868: In Baden bei Wien, Fanny Hess and Leopold Landsteiner gave birth to Karl Landsteiner, the Austrian born American physician who received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work on differentiating the blood groups in 1930.

1872: In Kansas City, MO, founding of Congregation B’nai Jehuda whose members included Leon Block, A.S. Flersheim, Alfred Hart and B.A. Feineman.

1874: In Berdychiv, Pauline and Fiebish “Feivel” Jolles gave birth to Estella (Estera) Jolles.

1874: “The Mystery of Metz: An Old Cause Célèbre” an article published today described the blood libel which took place at that ancient German city in 1669.  According to the author, who described the even in great detail, this was an example of another groundless attack that Jews had to suffer during the Middle Ages.

1876: Thirty-three-year-old Henry Solomon, the Plymouth, England born son of Josiah and Rose Solomon, who was “one of the founder of the Montefiore Home and Hospital married Harriet Simon today in Cincinnati, OH.

1877: “While on their way home to New York City, Joseph Seligman and his family were delayed by a boat accident and rerouted to the Grand Union Hotel in Saratoga Springs, New York. Saratoga was America’s top resort town, and the Seligmans had summered at the Grand Union for the better part of a decade. This time, however, and seemingly all of a sudden, the Seligman family was not welcomed. This unexpected rejection and the commotion it caused, now infamous as the Seligman Affair, compelled Jews of the time to reckon with how Protestant America viewed and even ranked them.”

1878: In Berlin, Emil Cohn and Deborah Lenore Cohn, the daughter of Dr. Marcus Mosse and Ulrike Mosse gave birth to Else Franziska Hirsch

1878: In New York City, “Sol and Esther (Emden) Sulzberger gave birth to NYU trained attorney Myron Sulzberger, the husband of Rena Fuld with whom he raised two sons, of Myron Jr and Edward and Democratic Party activist who served in the New York Assembly and Judge while being an active member of the Jewish community as can be seen by his services as a trustee of Tempe Beth-El and a member of the Beth-El Men’s Club.

1879: After having served in the United States Navy during the Civil War, Philadelphia merchant Edward J. Etting’s son, Theodore Minis Etting who had “studied law in the office of Henry R. Edumunds” and “attended lectures at the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania” “was admitted to the Bar” today.

1880: Mortiz Hartman, an official of the Simon Benevolent Association went to the morgue in New York and asked for the body of a young Jewess named Kate Ungerleider who had died of whooping cough. Hartman and Louis Davis took the body of the child that had been given to them and brought it to the Bay Ridge Cemetery where they turned it over to the wife of the cemetery caretaker so that she could wash it and prepare it for burial according to Jewish law.  The woman took the body into her house and immediately came back out telling the men that the body was that of a Christian boy.  They interred the remains in a temporary grave and returned to the morgue in search of Kate’s body.  When no action was taken, Hartman went to the Commissioner of Charities and Corrections who instituted a successful search for the body.  This was the third known instances of such errors in the last six weeks.  The officials returned to the Bay Ridge Cemetery and interred it there in accordance with Jewish law.

1880(5th of Tammuz, 5640) A 32-year-old tailor named Maurice Moses Heineltrop took his own life today after Seligman & May refused to pay him for a batch of waistcoats he had made for them.  Heineltrop’s sense of desperation stemmed from the fact that he employed 16 men and he would not be able to pay them for their work. 

1880: It was reported today that Professor Grazidadio Ascoli, the chairman of comparative philology at the Accademia Scientifico-Litteraria of Milan is scheduled “to publish his essay on the Hebrew inscriptions at Venosa, in Calabria.  These seem to be the earliest Hebrew inscriptions found in Europe…” [This may be reference to the inscriptions in Hebrew, Greek and Latin found in Jewish catacombs that date from the 4th and 5th centuries of the Common Era.

1881: “A grand festival” is scheduled to be held at the Trocadero today “to assist the unhappy Jews are just now have so rough a time of it in Southern Russia.”

1881: Ninety-year-old Bloomah (Jacobs) Levy the wife of Joseph Levy and the mother of Henry, Israel, Samuel and Elizabeth Levy, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1881: Based on a Reuter’s dispatch from St. Petersburg, it was reported today that peasants living in a village in the district of Kiev have paid 800 rubles to the Jews as compensation “for the sufferings they have undergone.

1882: In New Orleans, marriage of Miss Jessie Green and Isaac Feitel.  Born an Episcopalian, she converted before her marriage.  The couple had previously been married in a civil ceremony.  Today’s wedding was performed by a local rabbi.

1884: In Cincinnati, OH, Nannie and Emil A. Cohn gave birth to Pearl Trost, the wife of Phillips Solomon Trost, and mother of Philip Solomon Trost, Jr.who worked for the Curtis Publishing Company and was president of the Society for Crippled Children.

1884: It was reported today that a half shekel coin from the time of Simon Maccabeus was sold for $10.25 at an auction conducted this week to dispose of rare coins held by Thomas Warner, a member of the American Numismatic Society.  The price compares favorably when you consider that the rarest coin in the collection sold for 25 dollars.  The half shekel had a chalice of manna with a Hebrew inscription on one side and a render of a triple lily or Aaron’s Rod on the other side.

1885(1st of Tammuz, 5645): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1885: In a demonstration of the impact of Jewish culture on Western civilization Dr. A.P. Peabody chose the words from Nehemiah “Then I consulted with myself” as the text for the Baccalaureate sermon at Harvard.  “He could not, he said think of any more appropriate basis for his remarks than these words of the foremost figure in Hebrew history from the time of Moses to the time of Christ.”  [Yes, at Harvard, Jesus was apparently considered to be Jewish]

1887: Birthdate of Worcester, MA native and University of Pennsylvania graduate Rabbi Julius J. Price, the holder of a Ph.D. from Columbia and graduate of JTS who was “chaplain of the Bronx County Jail and spiritual director of Sinai Temple who was the husband of “the former Florence Cooper” with whom he had two sons, Winston and Ira Price.

1888: James H. Hoffman and H.M. Leipziger addressed the more than four hundred attendees at the fourth annual exhibition sponsored by the Hebrew Technical Institute located on Stuyvesant Street.  The exhibition gave the supporters of the school a chance to examine the projects and accomplishments of the 78 youngsters attending the school.

1888(5th of Tammuz, 5648): Russian teacher and poet Wolf Ha-Kohen Kaplan, whose most famous work was "Ereẓ ha-Pela'ot" passed away today in Riga.

1890: In New Orleans, LA, Rabbi Max Heller and Ida Annie Heller gave  birth to Cecile Mathilde Heller

1891: “Russia’s War On Jews” published today begins with an eyewitness account of the Czar’s plans for his Jewish subjects.  “Jews in bands of from 1,000 to 2,000 are being escorted to different points on the German frontier and put across the line into the latter country.  There can be no question as to the intention of the Russian Government to expel all the Jews from its domain.”

1891: “Helping Sick Children” published today includes a summary of the annual report issued by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children.  Among other accomplishments, the society sponsored ten free excursions last year for 18,124 sick children and their mothers and is about to begin using the new facility at Rockaway that cost $20,225.

1891: “Browning’s Story Told” published today provides a detail review of Life and Letters of Robert Browning by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. “Mrs. Orr begins this memoir of Robert Browning with a refutation of a story current in his lifetime and revived after his death, that Jewish blood coursed in his veins, active support of which was obtained from his known interest in the Hebrew language and literature and his friendship for many members of the London Jewish Community.”

1893: “Caught In A Death Trap” published today provided details of the fatal fire at building on Montgomery Street that was the home to numerous tailoring operations.

1893: While talking to reporters at the Victoria Hotel in New York City, Pierre Botkine, Secretary of the Russian Legation said that “The Russian laws enacted against the Jews which resulted in driving many of them out of the country are necessary to protect the Russians.  He went on to say that these laws were not a matter of religion but were a matter of economics.  “Jews are so much more clever than Russians…that they would capture everything if granted liberty.”

1893(30th of Sivan, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1893(30th of Sivan, 5653): Moses Bloom the native of Alsace, France who opened what became the “Moses Bloom Clothing Store” in 1857 at Iowa City, Iowa where he served as an alderman and Mayor before serving in the Iowa House and the Iowa Senate passed away today.

1893(30th of Sivan, 5653): Sixty-year-old Louis David, the German born son of David Israel Davis and Caroline 'Ketchen' Israel/David and husband of Julia Bermann passed away today.

1894: The annual commencement exercises of the Hebrew Technical Institute at Arlington Hall. Abraham Steinberg who worked in the second floor shop of Isidor Shlivek was one of the few who was able to escape down the stairway although he almost suffocated before reaching the street. Benjamin Signel, a Janitor at the Hebrew Free School said he saw two men standing at the third floor window who were afraid to jump. They tried the fire escape instead but one of the men still fell to his death.  (The Triangle Shirt Fire made headlines, but fires like this were all too common in the garment district for several decades.  It took the labor unions to create safe working conditions.  The description of this fire reminds one of those that take place in the 21st century in “third world garment factories”)

1894: Sidney Sonnino completed his service of Minister of Finance in Italy.

1894: Sophie Markison and Benjamin Ratner, the parents of actor Gregory Ratoff were married today in Russia.

1894: The Jewish Theological Seminary hosted its commencement exercises the Music Hall in New York City.

1894: Leopold Minzesheimer continued to serve as the Superintendent of the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

1894: Herman Baar continues to serve as the Superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.  The officers are Emanuel Lehman, President and Henry Rice, Vice President.  The trustees are Morris Tuska, Nathan Necarsulmer, Julian Nathan, Myer Stern, H.S. Allen, Theodore Seligman and S. J. Bach.

1894: It was reported that the daughter-in-law of Moses Levy, had obtained a judgment of $12,000 after suing him “for alienating the affections of her husband.

1895: In Cincinnati, OH, Rabbi Simon Isaac Finkelstein, the Lithuanian born son of “of Judah Tsvi Finkelstein and Feyge Rive Finkelstein” and Hannah Basha Finkelstin gave birth to CCNY and Columbia educated JTS ordained rabbi Louis Eliezer Finkelstein, the husband of Carmel Bentwich and starting in 1919, the leader of Congregation Kehilath Israel who was also an instructor in Talmud at JTS, vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly and the author of “Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages.”

1896: Based on information that first appeared in the London Chronicle it was reported today that fortune of the late Baron Hirsch will eventually be inherited by an unnamed “little Roman Catholic girl” who has been recognized of the heir of Lucien de Hirsch, the Baron’s son who predeceased his father.

1896: Louis Michael filed a response in the Chancery Court at Paterson, NJ in which the Jewish husband is being sued for divorce by his Christian wife.

1896: In St. Louis, during a dispute at the Republican National Convention, Edward Lauterbach the Chairman of the Republican New York County Committee was taunted because of his “Hebrew descent.”

1897(14th of Sivan, 5657):When the British steamship Scot arrived at the Island of Madeira off the west coast of Morocco, it was announced that Barney Barnato, the South African “diamond king” had committed suicide by jumping overboard. His body would be recovered and buried at Willesden Jewish Cemetery, London amidst protestation that he had not taken his own life.

1897: A fire broke out at the immigrant processing center on Ellis Island which had been in use since January 1, 1892.

1897(14th of Sivan, 5657)

1897: “Hebrew Free Schools Confirmation” published today described the annual confirmation exercises at which Albert F. Hochstadter, President of the Hebrew Free School Association awarded the Freida Schiff Prize, The Linette Friedlander Prize, The Myer S. Isaacs Prize and the Clarence Korn Memorial each of which carried a fifty-dollar prize.

1898: The government has dispatched troops to Lemberg in response to anti-Semitic riots.

1898: Abraham and Grace Cahan gave birth to Morris Cahan, the “husband of Lillian Cahan” today.

1898: Morris I. Schamberg, D.D.S, M.D. today “enlisted as a private in Co. D, 1st Pennsylvania Infantry.

1898: After day after her death, 32-year-old Rachel Koenigsberg, “the wife of Jacob Moses Reese” with whom she had two children, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery on Buckingham Road”

1899: “Mr. Dunlop Before the Mayor” published today described a meeting between New York Mayor Van Wyck and Wilson W. Dunlop who is a missionary aggressively trying to convert Jews on the Lower East Side to Christianity. When Dunlop complained that he had been attacked while preaching in the street the Mayor said “You have been using the streets for a crusade against the Jewish religion and you musn’t do it anymore.  This is a free country and you can make a fight against any religion you choose but you can’t do it in the streets.  If you want to conduct a crusade against the Jews go and hire a hall.”

1900: Hawaii was organized as a territory of the United States. There were approximately four hundred Jews living in Honolulu at this time.   A German Jew named Paul Neumann had served as an advisor to the last King of Hawaii.  In 1899, the first Jew born in Hawaii was married in Honolulu.  The first synagogue would be established in 1901.

1901(27th of Sivan, 5661): Frederick Knefler passed away. A native of Hungary, Knefler settled in Indiana where he worked as a carpenter before becoming a lawyer.  When the Civil War broke out, Knefler enlisted in the 11th Indiana Infantry under the command of his friend Lew Wallace. He served with the Union Army in the west fighting in a series of battles including Stones River, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge.  He then played a leading role in Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign where he commanded a brigade.  His finest moment may have come at the Battle of Franklin where is bravery earned him the rank of Brevet Brigadier General making him one of the highest-ranking Jewish officers to serve during the war. After the war, he returned to Indianapolis where he practiced law, worked for the government and devoted his spare time to veterans’ affairs.

1902(9th of Sivan, 5662): Parashat Nasso

1902: Jesus the Jew, Other Addresses by Dr. Harris Weinstock of Sacramento, CA which presents “ a discussion of the relations to the Jews to the Gentile world” and in which “the author writing from the standpoint of a Jew, advocates the newer and more liberal views that are coming to the front by reason of which the ‘middle wall of partition’ that has until now kep the Jew isolated from the rest of mankind is swiftly crumbling to pieces” was published today.

1902: Birthdate of Chicago native and George Washington University graduate Samuel Mayer Dodek, the Jefferson Medical College and Case Western University Reserve trained obstetrician and gynecologist and husband of Miriam Dodek with whom he had two daughters – Samayla and Mariamne.

1903: Today twenty-three-year-old John Marshall Law School trained attorney Barnett Ellis Marks, the Russian born son of Isaac and Jennie Marks Samson married Freeda Lewis after which he settled in Phoenix, AZ where he served as legal adviser to the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County and a member of the board of directors of Congregation Beth Israel.

1903: Macedonians attacked the Jewish quarter of Sophia, Bulgaria.

1903: In Colchester, CT, a group of young Jews met at the home of the Nahinsky family where they “organized a society under the name of the Colchester Zionists and elected officers including Leon Broder, President; Louis Cohen, Vice President; Esther Nahinsky, Second Vice President and David Nahinsky, Sergeant at Arms.

1904(1st of Tammuz, 5664): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1904: Birthdate of Margaret Bourke-White, whose father was from an Orthodox Jewish family and whose mother was Irish.  For those who grew up in a world of hand-held video cams, satellite communications and cable network news, it is hard to appreciate the important role-played photographers and photo-journalists like Bourke-White.  Her photos filled the pages of such publications as Life Magazine, which brought the world of natural disasters, war and high fashion to Middle America

1904: In St. Louis, MO, Sadie Simon and Harry C. Bren gave birth to movie producer Milton Harold Bren, the movie producer whose most famous work was the light-hearted comedy “Topper.”

1905: Sailors aboard the Russian Warship Potemkin mutiny.  These events will provide the material for Battleship Potyomkin, a 1925 silent film classic directed by Sergei Eisenstein.

1905(11th of Sivan 5665): Seventy-eight-year-old lawyer and government official  Moritz Ellstätter, the son of David Ellstaetter and Fanny Ellstaetter and husband of  Marie Ellstaetter passed away today in Baden Wurttemberg, Germany

1906(21st of Sivan, 5666): Sixty-four-year-old Heinrich Alphons Strauss, the son of Samuel Strauss and Rosalia Drucker and the brother of English MP Arthur Strauss passed away today.

1906: Start of three days of anti-Jewish violence known as the Bialystok Pogrom. The violence began when “two Christian processions took place; a Catholic one through the market square celebrating Corpus Christi and an Orthodox one through Białystok’s New Town celebrating the founding of a cathedral. The Orthodox procession was followed by a unit of soldiers. A bomb was thrown at the Catholic procession and shots were fired at the Orthodox procession. A watchman of a local school, Stanislaw Milyusski, and three women Anna Demidyuk, Aleksandra Minkovskaya and Maria Kommisaryuk were wounded. These incidents constituted signals for the beginning of the pogrom. Witnesses reported that simultaneously with the shots someone shouted, “Beat the Jews!” Once the shots were fired, the violence began immediately. Mobs of thugs, including members of the Black Hundreds, began looting Jewish owned stores and apartments on Nova-Linsk Street. Policemen and soldiers who had earlier followed the Orthodox procession either allowed the violence to happen or participated in it themselves. The first day of the pogrom was chaotic. While units of the Czarist army, brought to Białystok by Russian authorities, exchanged fire with Jewish paramilitary groups, thugs armed with knives and crowbars dispersed throughout the main areas of the city to continue the pogrom.[10] Some Jewish sections of the city were protected by self-defense units, usually organized by the labor parties, which moved against the thugs and looters. They were in turn fired upon by Czarist dragoons. Thanks to the Jewish self-defense units several working class sections of the city were spared the violence and thousands of lives were saved.” 

1907: Jacob Weinberger married Blanche Solomon.  Blanche was the daughter of I.E. and Anna Solomon one of the earliest and most successful Jewish families to settle in the Arizona Territory

1908: Charles Dickinson was arrested today after trying to unsuccessfully trying reach the roof garden of Hammerstein’s Victoria Musical.

1908: It was reported today that “Nathan Straus of New York has opened…an exhibition of models his milk pasteruing appartauts” “at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin.”

1909: The Order of Brith Abraham held its Golden Jubilee dinner at the New Star Casino in New York.  The dinner was attended by 2,000 guests including several notables the most important of which was the District Attorney Jerome who was the featured speaker for the evening.

1909: Rabbi Judah Magnes addressed the Zionist convention being held at the Terrace Garden. Pointing to the changes that had come about in the Ottoman Empire due to the recent Turkish revolution Magnes urged the Jews to “work for an autonomous state under Turkish suzerainty rather than an independent government.”

1910(7th of Sivan, 5670): Second Day of Shavuot

1910: “Made Insane by Expulsion” published today reported that “the expulsion of Jews from Keiff is attended with many pathetic incidents.”

1911: In Glasgow, Emanuel “Manny” Shinwell “played a prominent role in the six-week strike” by the National Sailors’ and Firemen’s Union which was part of nationwide strike.

1912: Educator and advocate for social change, Julia Richman arrives in France following an ocean crossing on the Victoria Louise and is taken to the American hospital where she was immediately operated on for appendicitis.

1912: “Forty-nine Zionists” in Vnnitza, Russia, were each fined twenty rubles for attending a Zionist meeting.

1912: In Russia, “three hundred Jewish families were expelled from Lask.”

1912: In Kiev, the police demanded the “power to confiscate without a trial the property of Jewish merchants…”

1912: A clause in the Judicial Bill that would have permitted Jews to be selected as Justices of the Peace was defeated today in the Duma.

1913: President Wilson’s Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, met for thirty minutes with “Nahum Sokolov, a member of the Zionist Inner Actions Committee, Louis Lipsky, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Federation of American Zionists and Abram Goldberg, the editor of Dos Yiddishe Folk, at which time he “expressed his great interest in the work the Jews were doing for the development of Palestine” and “said that the endeavors of the Jewish people to better their condition by their own efforts had his sympathy and moral support.”

1913: Birthdate of Solomon Schwartz, the native of Whitechapel, England who gained fame as composer and conductor Stanley Black

1914: “The Fourth Annual Children’s Spring Festival of the Chicago Hebrew Institute” which “will consist mostly of high class and artistic dancing coach by the children’s leaders themselves” is scheduled to be held this afternoon.

1914(20th of Sivan, 5674): Seventy-eight-year-old Seattle, WA merchant Henry Greenbaum passed away today.

1915: It was reported today that following the Zeppelin bombing raid on London, “two shops owned by Russian Jews were attacked…in the belief that the owners were Jewish.”

1915: Attorney Frank representing Leo Frank and Solicitor Dorsey representing the state of Georgia are expected to make their final arguments when Governor Slaton resumes “the Frank hearing at 9 o’clock this morning.”

1915: Due to the fact that he had to leave Atlanta at eight o’clock tonight so he could deliver the commencement address at the University of Georgia in Athens so at six o’clock this evening Governor Slaton adjourned the Leo Frank clemency hearing promising to resume the day after tomorrow. 

1915: “When a series of letters exchanged by Senor Juan Riano, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States” on the one hand and “Louis Friedman of New York and Oscar S. Straus” on the other “were made available for publication” today it became known that “after being closed for hundreds of years the doors of Spain have been thrown open to the Jews’ and that it is expected that “in a short time, thousands of Jews now living in the Balkans and the war-stricken area will respond to the official welcome and return to Madrid.”

1916: Birthdate of Yale football player Albert “Al” Hessberg II the first Jewish member of the Skull and Bones and a long-time practicing attorney in Albany.

1916: Twenty-four-year-old University of Buffalo trained attorney A. Howard Aaron, the Buffalo born son of Nathan Esther (Freedman) Aaron who was a member of the Jewish Federation for Service in Buffalo married Arline Schwartz today in Buffalo.

1916: Samuel Utermeyer attended the Democratic National Convention which opened today as a delegate from New York.

1916: “The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of the Bronx unanimously adopted a resolution” today “urging Jacob Schiff to reconsider his intention of retiring from leadership in Jewish affairs and assuring him of the esteem and affection in which the overwhelming mass of Jews held him.”

1917(24th of Sivan, 5677): Solomon Canter passed away today in New York City.

1917: Biochemist and holder of a Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania Harry Ennis Dubin, the Russian born son , Fanny Gold and Abraham M. Dubin whose works included Physiology of Phenols married Estelle Amy Schacht today.

1917: It was reported today that the delegates at the “Zionist Convention which is now being held in Petrograd “ “hailed President Wilson” as the friend of human freedom and the regeneration of the Jewish people” and declared their “gratitude to former Ambassador Morgenthau for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Jewish population in Palestine.”

1918: A list of the bequests made by the late Anna Shane published today includes $100 to the Jewish Sheltering Home in Philadelphia and Congregation Rodeph Shalom of Atlantic City; $50 each to the Central Talmud Torah of Philadelphia, the Hebrew Orphans’ Home of Philadelphia and the Jewish Ladies’ Relief Society of Camden, NJ; and $25 each the Jewish Consumptives’ Institute of Philadelphia and the Talmud Torah of Atlantic City, NJ.

1918: The list of those representing the Camden (NJ) Hebrew Republican Club at the State League of Republican Clubs’ Convention published today included Israel Weitzman, Human Bloom, and Joseph Varbalaw who will follow the lead of the President, Benjamin Natal.

1918: In Rome, “the Council of the Jewish Community” thanked “the government for endorsing the British declaration on Palestine.”

1919: In Chicago, Illinois, “Ukrainian Jewish immigrants from Nikolayev, tailor Maurice Wattenmacker (Manus Watmakher) and his wife Molly (Bobele) gave birth to Samuel Watenmaker who gained fame as actor and director Samuel Wanamker, “the father of actress Zoe Wanamaker.

1919: In New York City, “Meyer and Tillie (Lapidus) Dworkis” gave birth to University of Michigan graduate and NYU PhD Martin Bernard Dworkis, the USAA World War II veteran and husband of Ida Levine whose academic career was capped off by serving as the first president of Manhattan College starting in 1964.

1919:  Birthdate of Eugene Klass, the Brooklyn native better known as Gene Barry who went on to a long, commercially successful career in film and television.  He often played suave, sophisticated types whose voices never betrayed even a bit of Brooklyn.  Barry played a starring role in the 1950’s version of War of the Worlds as well as the title role in the television western series “Bat Masterson.”

1920: Birthdate of Dr. Arnall Patzin an ophthalmologist whose research upset medical convention but ended up saving countless babies from blindness. He was born in rural Elberton, Ga., the youngest of seven children. His father, an immigrant from Lithuania, was a peddler who insisted on maintaining Jewish customs in Elberton, where his was the only Jewish family. He passed away in 2010 at the age of 89.

1920: Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein and Congressman Isaac Siegel are scheduled to address those attending this evening celebration of Flag Day at the Institutional Synagogue.

1921:  During a speech in the House of Commons, Winston Churchill, who had just returned from a visit to the Middle East, praises the accomplishments of the Zionist settlers and describes how the Arabs have benefited from their efforts.  He denounced as “disgraceful” any action of the British government that would such progress to “fanatical attacks” by outsiders.

1921:  During a debate on Palestine, Lord Winterton “warned Churchill that once you begin to buy land for the purpose of settling Jewish cultivators you will find yourself up against the hereditary antipathy which exists all over world to the Jewish race.” It would seem that from the earliest days, there was a direct connection between being anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.

1922:  On the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Romanian immigrants Joseph and Eva Barris gave birth the youngest of their nine children – photographer George Barris.

1923: Louis I. Newman, who was born in 1893 and who wrote “The Voice of God” married Lucile Helene Uhry today with he had three children Jeremy Uhry Newman, Jonathan Uhry Newman, and Daniel Uhry Newman.

1923: In Berlin, German theatre critic Alfred Kerr and his wife Julia gave birth to Anne Judith Kerr who arrived in London with her family in 1935 where she became an author and illustrator.

1924(12th of Sivan, 5684): Parashat Naso

1924: It was reported today that Controller Craig has made public a letter to Richard Seidenberg “testifying to his admiration of persons of German and Jewish ancestry and regrettubg that anything he might have said had implied to the contrary.”

1925: Birthdate of Serge Moscovici a Romanian born Jew who survived the Holocaust escaped from his native country following the Communist takeover and settled in France where, among other things he founded the “European Laboratory of Social Psychology.”

1925: Birthdate of New Orleanian Henry Thalsheimer.

1927: In Brooklyn accountant Nathan Lazar and his wife, the former Rita Tannenbaum, gave birth to entertainment lawyer Seymour Lazar.

1926: It was learned today in Jerusalem that about “500 professors of American universities will visit Palestine in February of 1927.”

1927: Flag Day celebrated today commemorates the 150th anniversary of the adoption of the design for the American flag by Congress.  On the previous Shabbat, in response to a resolution adopted by the Synagogue Council of America, rabbis devoted their sermons to this topic.

1929: Birthdate of Seymour Kaufman who gained fame as Cy Coleman the Tony Award winning composer and pianist.

1929(6th of Sivan, 5689): Shavuot is observed for the first time during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover.

1930(18th of Sivan, 5690): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1930:A plea for more generous support for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and for ten regional rabbis was made” in Atlantic City “this evening by Ludwig Vogelstein of New York at a meeting of the executive board of the union, of which he is chairman.”

1930: The annual convention of the Council of Young Israel is scheduled to continue for a second day at the Hotel Scarboro in Long Branch, NJ.

1931: Meir Shapiro “was appointed Rav of Lublin in the old synagogue of the Maharshal.”

1931: Twenty-six-year-old Louis J. Lefkowitz, the future Attorney General for the State of New York married Helen Schwimmer with whom he had two children – Stephen Lefkowitz and a daughter, Joan Lefkowitz Feinbloom.

1931: Deadline for submitting results of delegate election to the Executive of the Jewish Agency which is making plans for the Seventeenth Zionist Congress.

1932: Almost nine years to the day after earning his B.A. at Johns Hopikins and three years to the day after earning his Doctor of Divinity Degree from HUC,Rabbi Bernard J. Bamberg married Ethel “Pat” Kraus with whom had two sons: Henry, who was ordained as a rabbi in 1961 at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and David, who wrote four textbooks for Jewish religious schools while pursuing a career as an opera producer/director.”

1933(20th of Sivan, 5693): Seventy-seven year old Ukrainian native Isaac Piroshnikof, “the founder of the Warsaw Conservatory” and “military bandleader at Vilna” who in 1912 came to the United States where “he organized the Workmen’s Circle chorus…and several children’s choruses” passed away today.

1934(1st of Tammuz, 5694): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1934: A Nuremberg court sentenced a non-Jewish wife of a Jew to four months in prison as a ‘race-defiling female.'

1934: Hitler met with Mussolini for the first time.  Hitler was the junior partner at this first meeting.  As the thirties progressed the roles would be reversed and Mussolini would shift his policies to satisfy the Nazi dictator.

1934: With a Star of David on his boxing shorts, Max Baer KO'd Primo Carnera in 11rounds to win the World Heavyweight Championship. However, Baer’s Jewish persona was considered to be more of a box office thing than a religious reality. Born in 1909 in Nebraska, his mother was Scotch-Irish and his father was described as "only nominally Jewish." Baer himself married a Catholic and did not take part in Jewish activities.

1935: In the Bronx, Louis and Bess Gornikc gave birth to American author Vivian Gornick who “was the Bedell Distinguished Visiting Professor in Nonfiction at the University of Iowa” and whose latest work is The Odd Woman and the City.

1935: In Paris, Jacques Schiffrin “a Russian Jew who had emigrated to France where he worked as publisher and his wife gave birth author/editor Andre Schiffrin the Yale University graduate whose life story can be found in his 2007 autobiography A Political Education: Coming of Age in Paris and New York.

1935: Today, Warsaw born pianist, composer and music teacher, Isidor Acrhon, the young brother of violinist and composer Joseph Achron married Helsinki native Lea Karina, “a mezzo-soprano who made her singing debut with the Helsingfors Symphony Orchestra in 1931 under the baton of Jean Sibelius.”

1936(24th of Sivan, 5696): Seventy-eight-year-old Paducah, KY native Marcus “Marc” Alonzo Klaw, the son of Jewish immigrants from Germany and the 1879 graduate of Louisville Law School who moved to NYC and went from serving as the legal advisor for theatre executive Gustave Frohman to being a partner of A.L. “Abe” Erlanger in Klaw and Erlanger, the leading theatrical booking agency passed away today.

1936: Birthdate of Avraham Shochat, the Tel Aviv native, who helped found the city Arad and has served as an MK and held several cabinet posts.

1936: A letter to the editor written by William Ernest Hocking, the Harvard professor whose writings fall somewhere between genteel anti-Semitism and Pro-Arab, published today, said erroneously that Palestine was the shape and size of New Hampshire, that it is “a barren land lacking in rainfall” and that the “settling of the Jews on land in Palestine has pressed the Arabs into the poorer parts of the land.

1936: In Washington, DC, the American Jewish Congress, “which is acting as the organizing agency for the World Jewish Congress” continued for a second day.

1936: “Disorders marked a ceremony by the nationalist war veterans’ organization, the Croix de Feu, to in honor of the Jewish World Ward dead at a Paris synagogue.”

1936: “Colonel Francois de la Rocque, leader of the semi-Fascist organization was hooted by members of the League Against Anti-Semitism as he entered his car” and his followers fought with “the hooters until the policemen arrived.”

1936: The Palestine Post reported that once more the Jezreel Valley settlements of Kfar Yehezkel and Tel Yosef were singled out for concentrated Arab attacks. The settlement of Sejera in Lower Galilee suffered its stormiest night ‚ grain and cornfields were set on fire and over 250 old olive trees were cut down. After all Arab train passengers left a train at Kalkilya, a bomb thrown inside one of the coaches injured 18 Jews near Tulkarm.

1936: In attacks in and around Jerusalem today Arabs wounded five Jewish truck and bus drivers as well as an additional number of and workers, two of whom are in a serious condition. Only recently, in the same vicinity, Jewish travelers were killed in similar attacks.

1937: At the thirty-second annual convention of the Independent B’rith Sholom, a “Jewish fraternal order with 18,000 members in twenty-two states,” the delegates called on President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull “ to intercede” with Polish government to put an end to the ostracism of the Jews and the pogroms that were taking place. (Editor’s note:  Yes, this is inter-war Poland where anti-Semitism was rife and helps to explain why the Shoah was so successful in that country.)

1937: Chaim Weizmann wrote to Winston Churchill thanking him for the support he had given to Zionist cause by trying to convince Colonial Secretary William Ormsby-Gore that the Southern part of Palestine should not be incorporated into any future Arab state that would be set up in Palestine.

1938: All Jewish businesses that have not already been registered and marked must now comply with the Reich requirement.

1939: At that the same day that Flag Day was being observed in Baltimore public schools, “the Congressional Committee on Un-American Activities announced plans to investigate the branding of 14-year-old Melvin Bridge, a Jewish student at Gwynn’s Falls Junior High School” who said that he was attacked by “forty youths with swastikas inked on their arms” who “cut the letter ‘H’ on his neck.”

1940: Over two hundred papers throughout the United carried a full page ad for Flag Day co-sponsored by the Jewish War Veterans.

1940: Four Son” a movie set in Czechoslovakia after the Nazi conquest featuring Ludwig Stossel was released today in the United States today.

1940: Auschwitz was opened. Approximately 2.5 million people were killed and another 500,000 died of starvation and disease there. The first inmates, included teachers, priests, and other non-Jewish Poles,

1940: Artist Jan Komskiwas in the first group of about 750 prisoners assigned to Auschwitz, in southern Poland, on the day it opened. His number, 564, was tattooed on his forearm.

1940(8th of Sivan, 5700): Forty-year-old Dr. David Perla, the “associate pathologist and immunologist at Montefiore Hospital since 1927” who developed “a method for the prevention and treatment of surgical shock” and who along with his wife published “The Spleen and Its Relation to Resistance” died of a heart attack today.

1940: German Forces entered Paris. At the time France housed 300,000 Jews. Ernst Weiss, noted novelist and German-Jewish refugee who was living in Paris committed suicide.

1940: In Paris, Gestapo officers went to the flat of Walter Benjamin with the intent of arresting the expatriate German intellectual.  They failed because Benjamin and his sister had already left Paris for Lurdes.

1941: Etty Hillesum, a student at Amsterdam University described the treatment of Dutch Jews by the Nazis.  “More arrests, more terror, concentration camps, the arbitrary dragging of fathers, sisters, brothers.  Everything seems so menacing and ominous, and always that feel of total impotence.”

1941: As the Final Solution came into full fury, 400 Jews were deported from Estonia.

1941: In the Netherlands, based on a decree by the German occupiers, today was the last day on which doctorate degrees could be issued to Jews.  Physicist Albert Pais, who had completed his doctoral work on June 9, was the last Jew to earn a doctorate in the Netherlands until World War II came to an end.

1942:  Anne Frank begins to keep a diary

1942: Two thousand Jews break out of Dzisna, Byelorussia.

1942: Fifty-eight-year-old Austrian author Else Feldman “was captured by the Gestapo” today “and sent to  Sobibór where she was murdered.

1943: “The Belgian Government in exile said today that the Germans had removed nearly all 52,000 Belgian Jews to concentration camps in Germany, Poland and Russia.”

1943: Demonstrations were held today throughout Palestine and all adult Jews were asked to sign a petition to the United Nations for the rescue of  hundreds of thousands of persons in Europe.

1944: Two thousand Jews are deported from Corfu, Greece, to Auschwitz.

1944(23rd of Sivan, 5704):  Leon Sakkis was killed by German machine-gun fire while aiding a wounded comrade in Thessaly, Greece. Sakkis was part of a group of Jewish resistance fighters, who along with other partisans were working to keep the Germans from enjoying the “fruits” of the harvest taking place in Greece.

1945: “War Comes to America” is the seventh and final film in the Why We Fight World War co-directed by Antaloe Litvak, with a script co-authored by Julius J. Epstein and Philip G. Epstein and music by Dimitri Tiomkin was released today.

1945: In London, Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill’s son, tells Chaim Weizman that he ‘had tried to save 115 Jews in Yugoslavia; he has save 112, but 3 had perished.’ In 1944 Randolph Churchill had parachuted behind German lines to worth Marshall Tito and his Yugoslav partisans in the fight against the Nazis.  As part of that mission, young Randolph worked to have Palestinian Jews parachuted into Europe to help the partisans and to try and rescue the Jews who had not gone to the Death Camps. 

1946: In Paris, Jean and Jeanne Madeline (née Depierre) Louis-Dreyfus gave birth to Robert Louis Drefyus a great grandson of Léopold Louis-Dreyfus, founder of the Louis-Dreyfus Group who became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Adidas-Salomon and Saatchi & Saatchi.

1946: Bernard Baruch - widely seen by many scientists and some members of Truman's administration as unqualified for the task - presented his Baruch Plan, a modified version of the Acheson-Lilienthal plan, to the UNAEC, which proposed international control of then-new atomic energy. The Soviet Union rejected Baruch's proposal as unfair given the fact that the U.S. already had nuclear weapons, instead proposing that the U.S. eliminate its nuclear weapons before a system of controls and inspections was implemented. A stalemate ensued.

1947(26th of Sivan, 5707): Parashat  Sh’lach

1947: It was reported today “that 9,000 Jews came to Palestine during the past six months.”

1947: The Joint Distribution Committee announced today that it was sending a four man psychiatric team headed by Dr. Paul Friedman to Cyrus to help develop a mental health program for the detainees there’re, most, if not all, of whom are Jewish.

1948(7th of Sivan, 5708): Second Day of Shavuot

1948: “The trial of the fifty-seven persons accused of the complicity in the massacre of more than 800 Jews in Jassy in June of 1941 began today.”

1948: The Paris representiatives of the Government of Israel issued a statement that “urged the public to be on guard against statements destined to create the impression that the Israeli Government is not respecting the Palestine truce.”

1948: As Arab armies continue their attempt to destroy the state of Israel, “it was announced today” that “the Arab League has protested to the United Nations truce control organization against the immigration of ‘several hundred Jews of military age’ to Palestine.”

1949: Tonight at New York International Airport, “Joseph Levy, owner of the McAlpin Hotel” left for Israel where he will “supervise the construction of a modern office building in Tel Aviv” which marks “the first American sponsored project of its kind in Israel.”

1949: In Cape Town South, Lithuanian Jews Margery (Abramowitz) and Emmanuel Sher gave birth to “Sir Antony Sher KBE a British actor, writer and theatre director of South African origin. A two-time Laurence Olivier Award winner and a four-time nominee, he joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1982 and toured in many roles, as well as appearing on film and television. In 2001, he starred in his cousin Ronald Harwood's play Mahler's Conversion, and said that the story of a composer sacrificing his faith for his career echoed his own identity struggles.”

1949: It was reported today that delegates at the annual convention of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham voted in favor of constructing a “rehabilitation hospital in Tel Aviv as a memorial to Colonel David Marcus who was killed on June 10, 1948.”

1950: The Dumont TV network broadcast the final 15 minute version of “Easy Aces.”

1950: An Israeli army spokesman denied Jordanian charges that Arabs who had infiltrated Israel “had been mistreated while being returned across the frontier” to Jordan.  What the Jordanians have not explained is why the Hashemites allow their Kingdom to be used as base for those who want to enter Israel with the intention to attack the Jewish population.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Mapai won eight of 11 seats in Migdal Gad's first municipal council elections. Hapoel Hamizrahi won two and Mapam one. While there were 1,973 eligible voters, only 1,543 actually voted. Nine additional clothing points and 11 shoe points were released for the month of July. The Kaiser-Frazer plant in Haifa which was hailed as a model of American production efficiency assembled the first cars for sale in Israel.

1951: In Albuquerque, NM, premiere of “Ace in the Hole” directed, produced and written by Billy Wilder.

1952: Birthdate of Leon Wieseltier, editor of The New Republic and the author of “Kaddish” one of the finest books of its kind which Theodore Bikel did a marvelous job of recording.

1952: The keel is laid for the nuclear submarine USS Nautilus.  This was a major milestone in the creation of America’s ace-in-the-hole in the Cold War – the fleet of nuclear attack submarines against which the Soviets never did develop an effective defense. Admiral Hyman Rickover, who suffered his share of anti-Semitism in the Navy, was the father of the nuclear Navy and the submarine fleet.

1953(1st of Tammuz, 5713): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1953: In Jaffa, two Polish born Holocaust survivors gave birth award winning actress Hana Laszlo, the wife of “Israel media proprietor Aviv Giladi” with whom she had two sons, Itamar and Ben, “film prouder that works for Len Blavatnik;s Al-Film.

1953: Herbert Aptheker was listed as a Sponsor of The National Committee to Secure Justice for the Rosenbergs and Morton Sobell

1953: One hundred and eight bachelor’s degrees were awarded during the commencement ceremony at Brandeis University.  It was the newly created school’s second commencement ceremony.  Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics at JTS and George Alpert, Chairman of the Brandeis Board of Trustees received honorary degrees during the ceremony.

1954:  U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill into law that places the words “under God" to the United States’ Pledge of Allegiance.  Despite its apparent invocation of the divinity, this insertion did not evoke a storm of protest in the name of separation of church and state.  Everybody knew that this was a political statement, not a religious one.  At the height of the Cold War, it was a line in the stand between the West and the forces of “mindless, godless Communism.

1954(13th of Sivan, 5714): In Shenandoah, VA, “education advocate, philanthropist, art collector, and college trustee Margaret Seligman Lewisohn passed away today.

1955(24th of Sivan, 5715): Seventy-two-year-old Eldon Spencer Lazarus, the son “of Henry Lawrence Lazarus and Sarah Sallie E. Solomon,” the husband of Hilda Lazarus and the father of “Virginia Lazarus who became Virginia Rich when she married Richard H. Rich” and Eldon S. Spencer Lazarus, Jr. passed away today after which he was buried at Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans, LA.

1956: The “Catered Affair” directed by Richard Brooks, produced by Sam Zimbalist’ based on Paddy Chayefsky television play with music by Andre Previn was released today in the United States

1957: Birthdate of Leonard “Len” Blavatnik the “Russian-born American businessman” who in 2015” was named Britain's richest man with an estimated net worth of £17.1 billion as of April 2015.”

1958: Birthdate of Wafa Sultan a Syrian born American author and critic of Muslim society and Islam who trained as a psychiatrist in Syria. Following one of her critiques of Moslem culture in which she said "no Jew has blown himself up in a German restaurant" the American Jewish Congress invited her to visit Jerusalem.

1958: In Hewlett Harbor, NY, textile manufacturer Reuben Geller and his life Lillian gave birth to “political activist” Pamela Geller who is co-founder and president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and co-author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America

1959: David Joel Horowitz, the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, married Elissa Krauthamer in a Yonkers, NY synagogue.

1959: Funeral services are scheduled to be held at Park Wester for Bernard “Barney” Cohen, the husband of Miriam Cohen with whom he had three children – Rubin, Yvette and Shirley.

1961(30th of Sivan, 5721): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1961 (30th of Sivan, 5721): Eighty-three-year-old Harry Goodwin, “a founder of Mother’s Food Products of Newark” passed away today in Montclair, New Jersey.

1961: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for Lea Bloom, a member and past officer of the Highbridge Chapter of B’nai B’rith who was  the wife of Morris Bloom and mother of Alfred Bloom at “Park West.”

1962: U.S. premiere of “That Touch of Mink” a comedy with a script co-authored by Stanley Shapiro who also produced the film along with Martin Melcher.

1963(22nd of Sivan, 5723): Fifty-nine-year-old actor and writer Alan K. Campbell who was of “German-Jewish descent” and who was the husband of Dorothy Parker (Dorothy Rothschild) passed away today after which he was buried “at Hebrew Cemetery in Richmond, VA.”

1964(4th of Tammuz, 5724): Seventy-nine-year-old Samuel Zuckerman, the Moldavian born son of Fannie and Benjamin Zuckerman the husband of Elizabeth Moore and the father of Sidney and Herma Zuckerman passed away today in Los Angeles.

1964: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon at the Weiss Memorial for Archie Gould, the husband of Helen Gould with whom he raised two children, Henry and Carol.

1965: Chuck “Barris formed his production company Chuck Barris Productions” today.

1966: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon at “The Riverside” for Rose Perry, the widow of Jerome Perry Z”L and the mother of June Levine and Robert Perry who was an active member of the Temple Beth Sholom sisterhood.

1967(6th of Sivan, 5727): First Day of Shavuot

1967(6th of Sivan, 5727): On the First Day of Shavuot an estimated 200,000 gathered in and around the Wall to celebrate the first major festival following the reunification of Jerusalem.  When Teddy Kollek appeared at the Wall he was hailed “as the first Mayor of Greater Jerusalem.”

1967: A contingent of Mossad agents that had fanned out across the West Bank to meet with members of the Palestinian elite immediately following the Six Day War submitted their classified report to the head of Military Intelligence. It argued that an independent Palestinian state should be established as quickly as possible in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, "under the auspices" of the Israel Defense Forces and "in agreement with the Palestinian leadership." They suggested that the borders of the Palestinian state be based on the 1949 armistice lines that had served as the border until earlier that month, with some minor adjustments. "In order to enable an honorable agreement," the document continued, Israel should "take upon itself the initiative to solve the [refugee] problem once and for all" by organizing an international effort to resettle them in the new Palestinian state.

1968(18th of Sivan, 5728): Seventy-year-old Forest Hills resident “Abraham Waldman, a lawyer who specialized  in Surrogates Court work” passed away today in Queens.

1971: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon for Abe Gordon, the husband of Fan Gordon, father of two doctors – Barbara and Gordon “and Board Member of The Millinery Center Synagogue.

1972(2nd of Tammuz, 5732): Eighty-eight-year-old New York native and CCNY graduate Samuel Goldman, the husband of the former Jeanette Shalet and father of Dr. Virgina Miles and Robert Grey who in 1952 retired “as principal of Public School 16 in Brooklyn” passed away today in Flushing, Queens.

1972: Martin Dies, former member of the House of Representatives from and Chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee passed away today. A man of considerable influence in his day, Dies was a red- baiting reactionary who, among other things, was an anti-Semite.

1974: “One thousand, two hundred twenty-five Jews were reported today to have the USSR during May 1974 “as compared to an average of 3,000 a month in 1973.”

1974: “The Parallax View” directed by and produced by Alan J. Pakula was released in the United States today.

1975: “Lev Yagman, David Chernoglaz and Lassal Kaminsky, convicted in the 1971 Leningrad trial, were freed following completion of their five year sentences”

1975 The film “Calculated Risk” which had been; filmed in Moscow with the participation of Anatoly Sharansky and Vladmir Slepak was screened in England today.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that Ephraim Katzir became the first president of Israel to be entertained at the Windsor Castle by Queen Elizabeth of England. A British naval vessel arrived in Haifa to purchase provisions for the Royal Navy in the eastern Mediterranean. The British military attaché told the Post that "Haifa is a friendly port" and was therefore chosen. Such purchases have not been made in Haifa in the past.

1977(28th of Sivan, 5737): Sixty-nine-year-old actor Alan Reed, (Herbert Theodore Bergman) whose career included appearances in such major films as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s but is best known for being the voice of “Fred Flintstone” passed away today in Los Angeles.

1978: “I’m Getting My Act Together and Taking It on the Road” produced by Joseph Papp opened at the Public Theatre in New York.

1980(30th of Sivan, 5740): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz; Parashat Korach

1980(30th of Sivan, 5740): Seventy-six-year-old Rabbi and Biblical scholar Bernard Jacob Bamberger, the graduate of Johns Hopkins and HUC, spiritual leader of New York’s Congregation Shaaray Tefila  and the husband of Ethel “Pat” Kraus with whom he had two sons –Henry and Pat—passed away today.

1980: “About 90 American Jews, some of them prominent, issued a statement aligning themselves with the Peace Now movement in Israel, which opposes the Government's policy of establishing further Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank territory.”

1982: Israeli tanks cut off Muslim West Beirut, trapping leaders of the PLO, during the Lebanese Civil War.

1985: TWA Flight 847 is hijacked by Hezbollah.  Long before 9/11, Moslem fanatics were making war against the West.  Supported by Iran, Hezbollah splits its time between terrorist activities aimed at Israel, trying to control Lebanon and making war against Western civilization.

1986(7th of Sivan, 5746): Sixty-seven-year-old composer Alan Jay Lerner passed away. In one of the many cultural ironies that are so much a part of the American scene, Lerner composed with fellow Jew to write “Camelot,” a musical about English king that became a Broadway and cinematic classic that was loved by JFK, the first American Catholic President. (As reported by Samuel G. Freedman)

1986(7th of Sivan, 5746): Second Day of Shavuot

1987: Today, at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel Towers, Rabbi Elazar Cohen, a great-uncle of the bridegroom, officiated at the wedding of Deborah Shira Lewis and David Allen Isaac.

1987: The annual International Israel Festival which began on May 18 is scheduled to come to an end today.

1991: Eighty-four-year-old artist Joy Finzi, the “found of the Finzi Trust, a foundation named for her deceased husband, composer Gerald Finzi passed away today.

1993: President Bill Clinton nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court.

1995: Today David John Pleat began managing the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.

1998: “The Cable Guy,” directed by Ben Stiller, co-produced by Judd Apatow and  co-starring George Segal  was released today in the United States.

1998: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for the former Libby Polacheck, the widow of Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz and the “daughter of Rabbi Solomon Polachek, renowned head of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Rabbinical Academy of Yeshiva University (''the Meitchiter Illui''),”

1997(9th of Sivan, 5757):  Seventy-seven-year-old Jay Ziskin, the California psychologist and lawyer who was the father of movie producer Laura Ziskin passed away

1998: Yad Vashem recognized Sofka Skipwith as Righteous Among the Nations.

1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Ghost Country” by Sara Paretsky

1999(30th of Sivan, 5769): Ninety-seven-year-old pediatrician and Harvard Professor Dr. Louis Diamond and father of author Jared Diamond passed away today.(As reported by Nick Ravo)

2000: “Pushing its habitual brinkmanship to the latest brink, the Shas Party said today that its ministers would quit the Israeli governing coalition at the next cabinet meeting on order from its rabbis.” (As reported by Deborah Sontag)

2001: “Palestinians and Israelis began the delicate search today for ways to carry out the American-brokered agreement reached earlier in the day to extend the truce that has reduced Middle East violence during the last 12 days.” (As reported by Douglas Frantz)

2002: “The Bourne Identity” a thriller directed and co-produced by Doug Liman and filmed by cinematographer Saar Klein was released today.

2003(14th of Sivan, 5763): Parashat Nasso

2003(14th of Sivan, 5763): Fifty-seven-year-old University of Pennsylvania trained attorney, real estate investor and philanthropist, Paul Bernbach, the son advertising great William Bernbach and the father of Thérèse Berbach with who he raised three children – Elizabeth, Sarah and Mathew – passed away today.

2003: At the Piccadilly Theatre, the curtain comes down on the West End production Ragtime, a musical based on the E.L.Doctorow of novel of the same name produced by Sonia Freeman, starring Maria Friedman “in the role of Mother for which she won the 2004 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical (The Freemans are sisters, the daughters of Russian born, English violinist Leonard Friedman.

2004(25th of Sivan, 5764): Max J. Rosenberg, “an American film producer, whose film career stretched across six decades” passed away in Los Angeles at the age of 89.  “He was particularly noted for his horror or supernatural films and found much of his success while working in England. Rosenberg was born in the Bronx, New York. In 1945 he entered the film business by becoming a foreign film distributor. Although he primarily produced horror or supernatural films, his first film Rock, Rock, Rock (1956) was a musical. His partner in this film was Milton Subotsky, and the two would start the British company Amicus Productions in 1964. During his career he produced more than 50 films, on some of which he was not credited. Among the horror and supernatural films he produced were such titles as Tales from the Crypt (1972), The Land That Time Forgot (1975), and its sequel, The People That Time Forgot (1977). In 1957 he produced the first horror film in color, The Curse of Frankenstein. Rosenberg also produced a children's film, Lad, a Dog (1962), a pair of films based on the Doctor Who series, and director Richard Lester's first film, It's Trad, Dad! (1962). He was particularly proud to have produced the 1968 film of Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party, starring Robert Shaw and directed by William Friedkin. He worked well into his 80s; his final film credit was 1997's Perdita Durango aka Dance With the Devil.

2005(7th of Sivan, 5765):  Second Day of Shavuot

2005: It was reported today that Lawrence A. Franklin, “a former Pentagon analyst” has been indicted by a federal grand jury that has charged “him with disclosing classified information to an Israeli official, including intelligence about a weapons test related to Iran's nuclear program.”

2006: Leaders of the largest Orthodox rabbinical organization in the U.S. have reached a compromise regarding overseas conversions with Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar.

2006: ABC broadcast the final episode of “Commander in Chief,” created by Rod Lurie and produced by Steve Bocho.

2007(28th of Sivan, 5767): Shirlee Mages, whose father owned a thriving Roosevelt Road restaurant in the 1930s and '40s and whose husband put his name on a sporting goods chain, died today at the  age 88 “in her Gold Coast home of natural causes, said her daughter, Lili Ann Zisook. Mrs. Mages was the widow of Morrie Mages, a 1950s Chicago television staple who was often in the company of the late broadcaster Jack Brickhouse touting his sporting-goods stores through the sponsorship of a late-night movie called "Mages Playhouse." Morrie Mages and his family had a chain of 14 stores in the 1960s, but the business ran into hard times and was sold. That led Mrs. Mages to take a job managing the Pompian Shop, a ladies boutique on Michigan Avenue, her daughter said. "My mother was just a woman who did what she had to do," Zisook said. Morrie Mages subsequently rebounded with a smaller chain, anchored by a store at LaSalle and Ontario Streets. He died in 1988 at 72. Mrs. Mages, born Shirlee Gold, grew up in the Lawndale neighborhood. Her father, Meyer, owned Gold's Restaurant at 810 W. Roosevelt Rd. Gold's had a ballroom where many weddings were celebrated and future musical star Benny Goodman would sometimes play clarinet there, Zisook said. After her graduation from Marshall High School, Mrs. Mages attended Northwestern University before getting married in 1939. Always strong with numbers, she worked as a stock broker in the 1950s, her daughter said. In retirement, during which she wintered in Palm Springs, Calif., she was devoted to the mastery of canasta and mah jongg. Mrs. Mages survived bouts with breast and colon cancer and quadruple bypass surgery, her daughter said. "She was such a strong woman, not so much physically, but her mind," Zisook said. When her husband was alive, the couple organized the Morrie and Shirlee Mages Foundation, which provided sports equipment to needy youths. After his death, she led the charge to name a playground in Lincoln Park after her late husband.

2007: An exhibition entitled The Other Promised Land: Vacationing, Identity, and the Jewish-American Dream opens at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.

2007: In a press release, Hebrew University announces that “the valuable and unique Nuremberg Mahzor of 1331 has been scanned and uploaded to the Internet site of the Jewish National and University Library of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Nuremberg Mahzor can be viewed at:

2008: Garrett Reisman “returned to Earth today on board STS-124 on Space Shuttle Discovery.”

2008: “State Renews Efforts to Bring Disputed Jewish Manuscripts From Russia published today described the efforts by the state of Israel to bring the Ginzburg Collection from Russia to a permanent home in the Jewish state.

2009: Esther M. Sternberg, a doctor and the author of The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions, discusses and signs her new book Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being at Politics and Prose, in Washington, D.C.

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Rosenfeld’s Lives: Fame, Oblivion, and the Furies of Writing” by Steven J. Zipperstein and “The American Future: A History” by Simon Schama.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War by Benny Morris, Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy by Eric D. Weitz and Atmospheric Disturbances by Rivka Galchen.

2009: A Kassam rocket fired by Gaza terrorists hit the Ashkelon Beach region this afternoon. No one was wounded and no damage was reported. The attack came hours after an explosive device was detonated near IDF troops patrolling the Gaza border fence. None of the soldiers were wounded in the Sunday morning incident and no damage was reported. The bomb attack came hours after the IAF struck two smuggling tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip.

2010: Shabtai Rosenne was appointed to the Israeli special independent public Turkel Commission of Inquiry into the Gaza flotilla raid

2010: Mark Feuerstein “appeared as the guest host” on today’s “edition of WWI Raw to promote” an episode of his television show “Royal Pains.”

2010: The long history and deep roots of Jews in the Tar Heel state are coming to life in an ambitious new multimedia project that is scheduled to begin today with an exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. “Down Home,” which encompasses a slickly produced documentary film and handsomely illustrated coffee-table book, celebrates Jewish contributions to North Carolina social, civic and commercial life. But the project also aims to capture a nearly vanished way of life for Jews in the state’s mill and market towns, according to Leonard Rogoff, an organizer of the project and historian at the Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina, which is producing “Down Home.”  “Elderly Jews who lived the rural small-town experience are an endangered species,” said Rogoff, who also authored the companion book, “Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina” (University of North Carolina Press, 2010). “Synagogues have shuttered in cities like Tarboro and Lumberton. Smaller communities are expiring. We need to document them.” The project “tells an important part of our state’s story,” wrote Linda A. Carlisle, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, in an e-mail to the Forward. “Jewish culture has helped shape North Carolina in its rural areas as well as its urban centers for centuries.” North Carolina’s state legislature kicked in $350,000 toward the project’s $1.25 million budget, according to Rogoff; the rest came from foundation grants and individual donations. The investment has paid off with research that “contributes new insights into Jews in the South,” Rogoff said. “Histories typically focus on the pre-Civil War era and German-Reform Jews as normative southerners. We’ve emphasized the East European experience in the New South as well, and it’s updated to include the Sunbelt.” Rogoff’s team at JHFNC is also creating classroom material for 4th- and 8th-grade “People of North Carolina” courses in the state’s public schools with talks about expanding the lessons “across all grades and disciplines,” he said. According to Rogoff, the “Down Home” project tells stories of Jews from Joachim Gans, who arrived on Roanoke Island on Sir Walter Raleigh’s expedition in 1585, to Jacob Henry, who in 1809 delivered a speech in defense of religious freedom after his right to serve in the state legislature was challenged. And it spotlights civil-rights era heroes like Harry Golden, publisher of the esteemed The Carolina Israelite newspaper, “known nationally for his civil-rights advocacy, delivered in a Lower East Side accent,” Rogoff said. In a folksier vein, the book, film, and exhibit highlight experiences of prominent, prosperous families like the clan of Eli Evans, whose own history provides one narrative thread of the “Down Home” project. Evans’s paternal grandfather was an immigrant peddler, his mother’s father a shopowner; his businessman father, Emanuel, became a wildly popular six-term mayor of Durham in the 1950s, and his mother Sara served on Hadassah’s national board for 40 years. Now a New Yorker, Evans himself went on to write what many consider the definitive history of southern Jews, “The Provincials” (University of North Carolina Press, 1973), which has continuously been in print for nearly three decades. “The story of the Jews is the untold story of the South,” said Evans, a onetime speechwriter for President Lyndon Baines Johnson who went on to run several charitable endowments, including the Carnegie Foundation. “The region has whatever image it has from whatever violence there was. But that’s not the story of the Jews. Ours is the story of successful integration and good relationships.” The Jewish experience in North Carolina was unique in the South, Evans said, because North Carolina was unique in the South. “We didn’t have a strong Klan in our state. We had a commitment to public education, a more moderate political atmosphere, and enlightened political leaders,” he said. “I’m not saying no antisemitism existed. But there was a philo-Semitism that manifested itself in many ways.” The exhibit itself, which will travel across North Carolina over the next year, uses artifacts and photos to recreate a series of “environments”: A synagogue sanctuary, dry-goods store, family Sabbath table, and a study based on Harry Golden’s Charlotte home. The 81-minute “Down Home” DVD documentary, (available through the JHFNC’s website), complements the museum show with a somewhat academic mix of archival footage, insightful interviews and unfortunately costumed re-enactments. While the exhibit’s partly intended to educate North Carolinians about their own history, Rogoff said he hopes “Down Home” might reach other Jews — especially from the Northeast. “All native southern Jews have humorous stories about meeting New Yorkers who cannot believe that Jews actually live in the South,” he said. “They associate a New York accent, not a southern drawl, with being Jewish. That’s a very old cliché. New Yorkers especially can be terribly parochial, and the famous Saul Steinberg cartoon of a terra incognita beyond the Hudson aptly illustrates their provincialism.” While it spends a lot of time looking back, the “Down Home” project also suggests a Jewish southern future that looks increasingly suburban and metropolitan. “Jews are finding opportunities in the hospitals, universities, research laboratories, and financial centers that have typified the development of the state’s post-industrial economy,” said Rogoff. “North Carolina is especially inviting for two-career couples where both are professionals. Newcomers who explore the local Jewish communities generally report finding warm welcomes, contrasting the neighborliness with what they found up north. You get a heckuva lot more house for the money, and the climate is a whole lot better.” But one area where Rogoff admitted the North may have an edge is bagels. “There isn’t much aside from the ubiquitous Bruegger’s,” he said. “Cary [near Raleigh] and Chapel Hill have independent bagel makers, but a really good deli and Jewish-style bakery are opportunities waiting to happen. “

2010: Israeli superstar David Broza is scheduled to perform at (Le) Poisson Rouge in New York.

2010(2nd of Tammuz, 5770): One of the Israeli police officers, Yehushua "Shuki" Sofer, who was shot in a terror attack on a patrol car this morning in the Hebron Hills area has succumbed to his wounds. “

2011: Rabbi Bernice K. Weiss, author of “Converting to Judaism - Choosing to be Chosen: Personal Stories” is scheduled to lead Basic Judaism for Jews and Non-Jews Alike” a “7-part series that provides an overview of the Bible, Shabbat ritual and observances, how to observe kashrut and the Jewish laws of death and mourning” at the Historic 6th and I Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: The 8th Grade Graduation is scheduled to take place at the Hillel Day School of Metro Detroit.

2011: Flag Day is celebrated in the United States to mark the anniversary of the Continental Congress’ adoption an official flag.  According to Dr. Gary Zola, the Stars and Stripes probably made their first appearance in American synagogues during the period surrounding the assassination of President Lincoln.  This coincided with the Union victory that marked the end of the Civil War and a feeling of patriotism was running at full flood.  Zola thinks, although he can offer no proof, that American flags appeared on the bima at Jewish houses of worship during the First World War, another period of patriotic fervor.  Dr. Jonathan Sarna believes that  the custom of displaying the flag in houses of worship – Jewish as well as Christian – dates back to the Spanish American War of 1898.  This also was a period of great patriotic fervor, marking a popular war that enabled those of the North & South to join together in common cause.  Regardless of when the flags first appeared, by the 1930’s they were a permanent ornamentation on the bimah, possibly as antidote to the simmering anti-Semitism that was part and parcel of the Great Depression.

2011: National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau instructed Noble Energy to develop the Noa North gas reserve in the Noa license after concerns that the field spilled over into Palestinian territory..

2011: Actress Natalie Portman has given birth to a baby boy fathered by a choreographer she met while she filmed her Oscar-winning role in Black Swan, People magazine reported today.

2011: Today brought strange weather to both the northern and southern regions of Israel. Meteorologists confirmed that the ash cloud from an Eritrean volcano had indeed reached Eilat, but authorities insisted there was no health danger to civilians and also that flights at both Eilat Airport and Ben-Gurion International Airport were running on schedule. In the north of the country, residents of the Golan and Galilee regions were surprised this morning to awake to rain, an extremely rare occurrence during the summer months. The precipitation was accompanied by increased winds. The winter weather is not expected to last for long, however. Tomorrow’s forecast is dry with an increase in temperatures -- which is back to normal for June.

2011: President Shimon Peres visited the Negev Beduin village of Hura today, praising the community as a prime example of Negev development

 2011: Deputy Mayor of Economic and Housing Development and Brick City Development Corporation Chair Stefan Pryor, Manischewitz Company Co-CEOs Alain Bankier and Paul Bensabat, Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger, and BCDC CEO Lyneir Richardson, will cut the ribbon to open the new Corporate Headquarters and Plant for The Manischewitz Company,today, at 11 a.m.

2012: “Gershwin Shows’ Tonys  Fuel Plans for a Musical” published today described plans by the trustees of George and Ira Gershwin’s estates to produce more musicals in light of the Tony won by “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess’ which won in the musical-revival category.

2012: Anouk Markovits, author of I Am Forbidden is scheduled to have a reading at McNally-Jackson on Prince Street in NYC.

2012: A Palestinian sniper in the southern Gaza Strip fired at an Israeli farmer working in a field near Kibbutz Nir Oz in the Eshkol Regional Council area today.

2012: Mahler on the Couch is scheduled to complete it New York City theatrical run

2012: The Jewish Museum of Australia is scheduled to host the media preview of its newest permanent exhibition, “Calling Australia Home

2012: “SERET 2012” – the first London Israeli Film & Television Festival opened in London.  Seret os the Hebrew word for “movie.”

2013: “Man of Steel,” a blockbuster film that brings Superman back to the screen is scheduled to be released to the general public today in covnentail , 3D and IMAZ theatres.   Superman is a creation of Jerry Siegel and Jose Shuster.  David S. Goyer wrote the screenplay and Israeli actress Auyelter Zurer plays the role of Superman’s mother.

2013: “Fill the Void,” a film that “tells the story an Orthodox Chassidic family from Tel Aviv” is scheduled to open in several new venues including the Music Box Theatre in Chicago and the Ritz at The Bourse 5 in Philadelphia.

2013: After straining his back again, New York Yankee Kevin Youkills put back on the disabled list.

2013: U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is scheduled to meet with Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon in Washington, DC.

2013: In the United States, observance of Flag Day, a holiday pioneered by Ben Altheimer, Sr. a Jewish businessman from Arkansas who convinced President Woodrow Wilson to adopt it as a national holiday in 1916.

2013: According to a Lebanese report today, embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad plans to open a “resistance” front on the Golan Heights and thinks such a move could unify the various factions in Syria.

2013: Representatives passed a defense authorization bill that would make it U.S. policy to take “all necessary steps” to ensure Israel is able to “remove existential threats,” among them nuclear facilities in Iran.  (As reported by JTA)

2013: Donald Carr, the president of The Canadian Jewish News announced today that the board of director has confirmed that the print newspaper which has been publishing for the last 53 years will continue to publish canceling earlier plans to cancel the paper on June 20th.(JTA and JPOst)

2013: “Judge Judy” starring Judith Sheindlin won its first Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program on its 15th nomination

2013: A top commander of a Nazi SS-led unit accused of burning villages filled with women and children lied to American immigration officials to get into the United States and has been living in Minnesota since shortly after World War II, according to evidence uncovered by The Associated Press.

2014: “Operation Sunflower” and “Hanna’s Journey” are scheduled to be shown at the Israel Film Center Festival be held at the JCC of Manhattan.

2014: The search for three missing Israeli youths who disappeared in the West Bank two days ago and who are presumed kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists will not be over within a matter of hours, and could last many days, a senior military official told Channel 10 news today adding that it was not clear the three were still alive. (As reported by Itamar Sharon)

2014: “Israeli officials today released for publication the identities of three Israeli youths who went missing near Hebron on the night of June 12th. The three are Gil-ad Shaar (16) from the settlement of Talmon, Naftali Frenkel (16), a dual Israeli-American citizen from Nof Ayalon near Modi’in, and Eyal Yifrach (19) from Elad, near Petah Tikva. (As reported by Itamar Sharon)

2014: The ZviDance which has already given a special performance sponsored by Israel’s Office of Cultural Affairs is scheduled to perform for the last time in New York City.

Léon Blum: Prime Minister, Socialist, Zionist, Move: Putting America’s Infrastructure Back in the Lead, The Dorito Effect Saint Mazie by Jami Attenberg

2015: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mike Heeren is scheduled to perform his last Presidential duty as the chief chef at the BBQ preceding the annual congregational meeting where he will pass the baton to the incoming President, Nancy Margulis which will guarantee this small, vibrant congregation the same kind of seamless leadership that the Israelites experience when Moses passed the mantle to Joshua.  Chazak, chazak!

2015: American female adventurer Sonya Baumstein “was rescued off the Japanese Pacific coast a week into her solo attempt to row across the Pacific, the Japan Coast Guard said today.”

2016:  In Rockville, MD, Temple Shalom is scheduled to host Rabbi Dr. Yehoyada Amir speaking on “New Challenges: Reform and Liberal Judaism in Contemporary Israel.

2016: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present “A Family Fun Night of Baseball In Celebration of the Pop-Up Exhibition Chasing Dreams: Baseball and Becoming American” which “weaves together America’s favorite pastime and national identity with the story of American Jewish immigration and integration,”

2017: Flag Day a holiday which was reportedly originally conceived by banker and philanthropist Benjamin Altheimer, is schedule to be celebrated today in the United States.

2017: Amos Oz and David Grossman are two of the authors awaiting to know if they have been selected as the winners of this year’s Man Booker International Prize.

2017: The Aleph Society is scheduled to celebrate the 80th birthday of Rabbi Steinsaltz at a dinner this evening.

2017: Brooklyn Institute for Social Research & Center for Jewish History are scheduled to host the second session of Hannah Arendt: The Origins of Totalitarianism taught by Dr. Samantha Hill.

2018(1st of Tammuz, 5778): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

2018: The United States is scheduled to celebrate Flag Day, a day intended to honor the “Stars and Stripes” and all that they stand for which ironically, was championed Benjamin Altheimer, a Jew from Pine Bluff who was born 13 years after the forces of the “Stars and Bars” which were committed to the destruction of the United States were defeated.

2018: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present a performance of “Don Giovanni” starring David Serero in the title role at the Center for Jewish History.

2018: “Israeli poet Amir Or” is scheduled visit New York’s Cornelia Street Café for a celebration of “the publication of his latest collection, Wings, in an English translation by Seth Michelson.”

2018: “The Alliance Theatre at the Breman Museum” is scheduled to present “From Script to Stage: The Evolution of New Works of Art” at noon.

2018: As part of the 2018 Unpacking the Book Events, the Jewish Book Council and the Jewish Museum are scheduled to host “Writers Make the Best Detective” featuring Rachel Kadish and Lisa Moses Leff in conversation with Stephanie Butnick

2019: In France, the Toulouse City Council is scheduled to debate whether to follow the example of Paris and erect a memorial to “Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, and two of his children, Arie and Gabriel, ages 6 and 3, and Miriam Monsonego, 8” who murdered “at the Otzar Hatorah school Tolouse” in 2012 by Mohamed Merah.

2019: In San Francisco, at a dinner following services “Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, PhD will speak on “The Meaning of the Hour: On Jewish Ethics in Times of Distress” at Congregation Emanu-El

2019: Starting today, the Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to begin allowing “Dads to visit free” as part of the celebration of Father’s Day.

2020: Today, Daniel “Berger won the 2020 Charles Schwab Challenge, and received a winner's check of $1.375 million.

2020: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Everything Is An Emergency: An O.C.D. Story in Words and Pictures by Jason Adam Katzenstein and The World: A Brief Introduction by Richard Haas

2020: The ASF’s Institute of Jewish Experience & E’eleh BeTamar are scheduled to present “Yemenite Men & Women and their Music: during which Barak Oded, “a musicologist who specializes in Yemenite songs of all types, as well as the language and tunes involved in the context of other Jewish communities. In these sessions will show the uniqueness of Yemenite song and prayers as they were distinct from other communities.

2020: NYU Skirball Department and the Consulate General of Israel in New York are scheduled to co-host “a virtual discussion with filmmaker Yair Qedar on his film about poet Avoth Yeshurun.”

2020: In the spirit of business must go on, in Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah is scheduled to host its Board Meeting over Zoom this afternoon.

2020: The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to host on line “Former GTU and current U. of Toronto professor Naomi Seidman talks about her 2019 book Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement, about the education of Orthodox Polish girls

2020: Temple Beth David of the South Shores is scheduled to present a talk entitled “Shattered Stars/Healing Hearts: Returning Home” during which Irene Frielich Shares Her Family’s Holocaust Survival Story

2020: During the virtual presentation of “That Good Ole Jewish Sound,” Veretski Pass musician Josh Horowitz is scheduled to break down klezmer melodies into components to study them.

2020: “The Illinois Holocaust Museum and 60 other museums and cultural institutions around the world are scheduled to host the virtual event “We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope” featuring award-winning media personalities Whoopi Goldberg, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Adrien Brody, Mayim Bialik, Jackie Hoffman, and Tiffany Haddish

2020: Flag Day, which gained its inspiration from Benjamin Altheimer, a lawyer born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas is scheduled to be celebrated throughout the United States today.

2021: The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is scheduled to host during which virtual book discussion led by Museum historians and educators will examine The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson.

2021: The National Library of Israel is scheduled to present, online, Professor Dr. Paul Mirecki as he talks about “a Sefer Torah taken in 1840 from the synagogue in Media, Algeria.”

2021: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston is scheduled to present, online, “a conversation with Senator Eric Lesser.

2021: The Joan S. Constantiner Fund for Jewish and Holocaust Films and the Israel Office of Cultural Affairs, Consulate General of Israel in New York are scheduled to present a screening of “Asia” starring Shira Haas.

2021: JEWISHcolorado’s Shaliach Itai Divinsky is scheduled to  about current events in Israel via Zoom.

2021: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines, IA is scheduled to hold its annual meeting today.

2021: Elisha Weisel (Eli Weisel's son), Michal Oshman (Tik Tok executive and author of What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid), Dina Horowitz (Chabad Rebbetzin and international speaker), and more are scheduled to share timely lessons that they have learned from both the Rebbe's teachings and living example as Jewish communities from around the world, hear from inspiring Jewish personalities and performers in an event commemorating the 27th anniversary of the Rebbe's passing.

2022: After a six day closure due to Covid exposure, the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to reopen today.

2022: LBI is scheduled to present the New York premier of “Lieber Thomas(Dear Thomas).

2022: The Closing Plenary of the AJC Global Forum is scheduled to included New York Times Op-ed Columnist Bret Stephens and American University Professor of History and Jewish Studies Pamela Nadell tackling the question: Is the Golden Age of American Jewry Over?

2022: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a webinar with Trudy Goal lecturing on “Zalman of Liadi: The Creator of Chabad.”

2022: The United States is scheduled to celebrate Flag Day, a day intended to honor the “Stars and Stripes” and all that they stand for which ironically, was championed Benjamin Altheimer, a Jew from Pine Bluff who was born 13 years after the forces of the “Stars and Bars” which were committed to the destruction of the United States were defeated.

2022(15th of Sivan, 5782): Eighty-five-year-old A.B. Yehoshua who has a special place in my heart because he wrote a novel where the protagonist was a Jewish human resources manager, passed away today.\

2023: It is predicted that both sides in the negotiations for judicial reform will confirm an agreement has been reached breaking the logjam.

2023: JDC Archives Fellow Robin Buller is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Ottoman Echoes: Remnants of the Empire among Sephardi Immigrants to France, 1919-1945.”

2023: The ORT UK Business Breakfast is scheduled to return today with “an incredible panel of sporting stars, as they discuss how they’re making an Impact through Football.”

2023: In New Orleans, Tulane Hillel is scheduled to host its Board Meeting.

2023: The Wiener Holocaust Library is scheduled to host a “Virtual Exhibition Panel: Jewish Archives, Artefacts and Memory in Transit.”

2023: P&T Knitweaer is scheduled to hold a book signing with Dana Shem-Ur author of her debut novel Where I Am that will include a conversation with Pulitzer Prize winning author Joshua Cohen.

2023: Prosecutors plant to wrap up their case in of Robert Bowers who is on trial for the murder of 11 Jewish worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.

2024: As part of the Young Artists Concert series, Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast a performance by The Gertler String Quartet.

2024: In San Rafael, CA, JFSC-Marin is scheduled to host its “volunteer appreciation lunch, featuring guest lecture by Professor Marc Dollinger on the complex history and sociology of Jews and racial identity in America.’

2024: Flag Day, which gained its inspiration from Benjamin Altheimer, a Jewish lawyer born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas is scheduled to be celebrated throughout the United States today as a wave of anti-Semitism rolls across the United States


2024: Rosalie Gerut, Kerem Shalom of Concord’s cantor, is scheduled to lead an on-line  “Shabbat Around the Table” during which attendees will share our meals together with candle-lighting, singing, prayers, discussing the Torah parsha and remembering our loved ones with the Kaddish prayer

2024: As June 14th   begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 252 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)