Transcript: Excerpt, From “The Foxes book of Martyrs:” Clement of…
Transcript: Excerpt, From “The Foxes book of Martyrs:”
Clement of Alexandria added a certain history of the holy apostle St John. John was released from the isle of Patmos and came to Ephesus in fourscore and seventeen 97 were he continued until the time of Trajan and there governed the churches in Asia were also he wrote his gospel. And so lived till the year after the passion of our Lord three score and eight which was the year of his age about one hundred.
Clement of Alexandria added a certain history of the holy apostle not unworthy to be remembered of, such as delight in things honest and profitable, the words be these!.
When John was returned to Ephesus from the isle of Patmos he was Perfect Soul Burden – St. John
requested to resort unto the places boarding unto him. Where upon when he was come unto a certain city and had comforted the brethren, he beheld a young man robust in body and of a beautiful countenance and of a fervent mind.
Looking earnestly at the newly appointed bishop, John said, I most solemnly commend this man to thee here in the presents here of Christ and of the church. When the bishop had received of him this charge and had promised his faithful diligence there-in, again the second time John spake unto him and charged him as before, this done, John returned unto Ephesus.
The bishop receiving the young man committed to his charge brought him home, kept him and nourished him and at length baptized him.
And after that he gradually relaxed his care an over-site of him. Trusting that he had given him the best safeguard possible in putting the Lords seal upon him.
The young man thus having his liberty more a chance that certain of his old companions and acquaintances being idle dissolute and hardened in wickedness did join in company with him. Who first invited him to sumptuous and riotous banquet, then enticed him to go forth with them into the night to rob and steal.
After that he was allured into greater mischief and wickedness, where-in by custom of time and by little and little he became more expert and being of a good wit and a stout courage like unto a wild or unbroken horse, leaving the right way and running at-large without bridle was carried head long to the profundity of all miss-order and outrage. and thus utterly forgetting and rejecting the wholesome doctrine salvation which he had learned before.
He interred so far in the way of perdition that he cared not how much further he proceeded in the same. And so associating unto him a band of companions and fellow thieves he took upon himself to be as head and captain among them in committing all kind of murder and felony.
A chance that John was sent forth unto those porters again and came, meeting the Bishop before specified he required of him the pledge which in the presents of Christ and of the congregation then present he left in his hands to keep.
The Bishop something amazed at the words of John supposing that he had meant then of some money committed to his custody which he had not received, and yet direst not miss trust John nor contrary his words, could not tell what to answer. Then John perceiving his perplexity and uttering his meaning more plainly, the young man, Sayeth he, and the soul of our brother committed to your custody I do require.
Then the Bishop with a loud voice sorrowing and weeping said, he is dead; too whom John said, how? And by what death? The others said, he is dead to God; for he became an evil and abandoned man and at length a robber and now he doth frequent the mountain instead of the church with a company of villains and thieves like unto himself.
Here the apostle rent his garments and with a great lamentation said, a fine keeper of his brother’s soul I left here! Get me a horse and let me have a guide with me! Which being done his horse and man being procured, he hasted from the church and coming to the place taken of thieves that lay on the lot, but he neither flying or refusing said; I came here for the purpose, lead me said he, to your captain! so he being brought the captain he being armed fiercely began to look upon him and as soon coming to the knowledge of him was stricken with confusion and shame and began to fly.
But the old man followed him as much as he might forgetting his age and crying, my son why dost thou fly from thy father? An armed man from one naked, a young man from an old man have pity on me my son and fear not for there is yet hope of salvation. I well make answer for thee unto Christ, I will die for thee if need be! As Christ hath died for us, I will give my life for thee.
Believe me! Christ hath sent me. He is hearing these things first and amazed stood still and there with his courage was abated. After that he cast down his weapons and by and by he trembled, Yea and wept bitterly and coming to the old man embraced him and spake unto him with weeping and as well as he could, being even then being baptized a fresh with tears, only his right hand being hid and covered.
Then the apostle after that he should retain remission of sins
of our savior he prayed falling down upon his knees and kissing his murderous right hand with for shame he direst not show before and now purged through repentance and brought him back to the church. And when he prayed for him with continual prayer and with daily fasting and had comforted him and confirmed his mind with many sentences, he left him restored to the church again.
A great example of sincere penitents and proof of regeneration and a trophy of the future Resurrection,
Excerpt @ 33.00 minutes to 40.00 minutes
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs: The Acts and Monuments of the Church – John Foxe ( Audio Reading )