Two New Prayer Ministry Releases

Two New Prayer Ministry Releases

Prayer Strategy
A Planning Workbook

By J. Randolph Turpin, D.Min.

This workbook is designed to help ministry teams develop the ministry of prayer in local churches and ministry organizations. It is formatted as a retreat guide, but it can also be used in other settings.

Part One, Pre-retreat, provides a guide for an initial orientation meeting, a personal prayer inventory and a congregational assessment instrument.

Part Two, Retreat, directs the planning team through the first four steps of a five-step planning process: (1) assess, (2) set goals, (3) plan a course of action and (4) agree and celebrate—a covenant-making step. Integrated with these steps is a process for the shared discernment of God’s will.

Part Three, Post-retreat, fulfills the final step in the five-step process: work the plan. Through a series of follow-through meetings combined with work conducted between meetings, the team pursues the goals set during the planning retreat.

Paperback: 150 pages
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101 Prayer Models

By J. Randolph Turpin, D.Min.

This book is both personal and missional. It is a practical resource to help Christians jump-start their personal prayer lives. As a missional resource, it is a concise collection of ideas to help small groups and churches mobilize for the ministry of prayer. It is for anyone seeking to link the power of prayer with the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 

101 Prayer Models is a catalog of models designed to involve everyone. Presented as a set of annotated lists, the models are arranged in four categories: personal and family models, small group models, congregational models and evangelistic models. 

Paperback: 90 pages