So I think that I am the best planner of holidays ever... just ask Blake!! Well, a few weeks ago, I opened my big mouth and said that I wanted to plan what we did on Valentine's Day. I could not think of anything to do, so I thought I would do the 12 days of Valentine's. Each day I gave Blake candy or a note or whatever. Then last night, I planned a dinner for us. I cooked a red velvet heart-shaped cake for him and cooked lasagna and garlic bread. We had sparkling white grape juice and ate it by candlelight. Then, we watched the movie "Just Like Heaven"... which I love. Anyways... that was our night, and I just felt like writing about it. Oh, and he got me a dozen roses, a stuffed teddy bear, and a box of chocolates, which is exactly what I asked for!! I hope all of you had a great Valentine's yesterday and I love all of you guys!!