Which is a One Talent Assignment?

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave…one… (Matthew 25:14-15, NKJV)

To say that my dad did not grow up in a Christian home is an understatement. 

But one day a church going lady invited my dad to church.  She said, “Rosey, (Dad’s middle name is Roosevelt and they called him “Rosey”), if you go to church with me tomorrow I’ll buy you an ice cream after church.”

Mission accomplished, dad took the bait and the rest is history.

The weekly church visit and ice cream went on for awhile and one day the preacher’s message got through and my dad accepted the invitation to make Jesus his lord and savior.

Dad settled into that church and grew up far differently than most of his peers in that rough and tumble coal mining town.  Eventually he graduated from high school, joined the navy, found a wife (my mom), accepted the call to preach, moved to South Carolina to study for the ministry, started his ministry, served faithfully and effectively for many years and today, at the age of 90, still walks with his savior and eats ice cream daily.

In addition, from that intentional invitation to church and an ice cream, I am alive and am serving in my 46th year of ministry.  My wife and I have two wonderful children who are both married and who have given us six virtually perfect grandchildren.

My son is an Army chaplain, and he and his wife are faithfully serving God and Country, and my daughter and her husband are faithfully serving God in a local church and in their community.

And all my grandchildren have made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as their lord and savior.


I have a question for you: Who’s to say what the one talent assignment was?  The lady who bribed my dad with an ice cream to get him to attend church?  The faithful pastor and congregation who took my dad in and got him off the street?  The many teachers, professors, ministers, bishops, and other church leaders and members who supported Team Kemp over the years?

Who’s to say.

All I know is that I am thankful for every one of them.  It took every link in the gears to get us to where we are today.

The ONE THING for today: Who’s to say what a one talent assignment is?  And should it even matter?  Every assignment matters and has eternal consequences, best to leave it at that. 

When the King returns, He will sort out the details and hand out the awards. 

In the meantime, let’s you and I be found faithful with the assignment given us.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash