You can only love one realm, the physical or the…

You can only love one realm, the physical or the…

You can only love one realm, the physical or the spiritual realm.
Yes, you heard me. You can either love the spiritual world or the physical realm but never both. The unclean spirits and the spoiler usually want you to love the physical realm and not the spiritual realm simply because they want you to go to hell when you die. The spirits sent by the spoiler always promise people wealth and power and they believe these deceitful spirits. This is true and not just another excerpt from a popular novel (not that I have anything against a good, fictitious novel).
But once they invite the spirits or spoiler into their lives, they quickly realize that they had been duped. At that point, the unclean spirits from the spiritual realms will consume their souls because they chose the physical realm over eternal life with God. The latter explains why we usually have unnecessary wars and disagreements on earth at all times. If you look closely, you will realize that a good number of these powerful politicians, business men, super stars, and so-called great men of God are under the influence of evil spirits or the spoiler.
These spirits or the spoiler moved from the spiritual realm into the physical realm upon their invitation. But if you choose the spiritual realm/dimension, then you choose the side of God and the clean spirits /angels. Meaning that the unclean spirits (demons) will be out to get you. The spoilers (unclean spirits) will wedge a spiritual war against you, and that is when you’ll realize that everything bad is happening to you.
These spiritual attacks wedged against you by unclean spirits may come in the form of diseases, financial problems, depression and so on. But if you have God on your side, these spiritual attacks from the unclean spirits will not have any effect on your body, soul or spirit, meaning that you are on the winning spiritual side. More often than not, you will find such kind of spiritual storylines a movie or a novel.

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