Is Loneliness Choking You?

Is Loneliness Choking You?


Loneliness chokes the human spirit. Loneliness was one of the first feelings God dealt with in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 2:18 God said, “It’s not good for the man to be alone…” In a beautiful garden that was created by God, loneliness somehow showed up and it’s be showing up ever since.

Have you ever felt completely alone? I’m sure you have. Maybe you are feeling lonely right now. Maybe you are feeling like no one who crosses your path daily even has a clue as to just how lonely you feel. The world simply can’t see deep into your soul where the pain of loneliness has found a home.

Loneliness doesn’t discriminate. It happens to people of all ages and from every walk of life. There are some people that have lived more than half their life wondering why they are even here at all. A deep sense of loneliness attacks some people from time to time and yet, for others loneliness seems to never go away. The pain of loneliness is so powerful it feels like a endless night where there is no rest for the soul.

If you are feeling loneliness today, you are not alone. You are not the first to experience loneliness, and you will not be the last to feel loneliness. Even Jesus felt loneliness, so you are in good company. Jesus felt loneliness in the garden the night He asked His disciples to pray with Him and they feel asleep. Jesus felt loneliness when the disciples fled and allowed Him to confront His trials by Himself.  Jesus, on the cross, cried out in absolute loneliness as He spoke, “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”

God understands loneliness. He still calls it “not good.” Loneliness is a cold dark road to be on, but one day it will be done away with forever. Loneliness knows it’s existence is short. At the second coming of Christ, He will set all things right. There will be no more tears in God’s future. Loneliness will be cast away forever, giving way to an eternal sunrise.

I have no answers for you today. I only have a road to keep pointing you down. It’s a road where heaven and earth will one day come together, and God will dwell with us forever. That my dear friend, is the hope that lights the way through loneliness.

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