Lee University Ranks in Top 20 for Value and Service
Cleveland, TN–Lee University was recently ranked #12 in Great College Deals’ “20 Best Deals on Small Service-Oriented Colleges.”
To be considered for the ranking, colleges/universities had to have fewer than 7,000 students and a net price of $33,000 or less. Net price is the difference remaining when the average scholarship and grant package is subtracted from the estimated average cost of attendance for one year. Schools meeting these criteria earn points based on the presence of service-learning programs, charity partnerships, financial aid packages, and any other features that help develop a life dedicated to service.
“One of the core commitments of Lee University is our call to serve others in the name of Christ,” said Dr. Mike Hayes, vice president for Student Development at Lee. “Being included with a number of prestigious schools on this list reflects the heart of our students, faculty, and community partners and our dedication to providing transformational opportunities for students from all backgrounds.”
Lee earned 13 out of a possible 16 points. The university had the lowest listed tuition and second highest enrollment out of the group.
Service-learning is guided by the Lee University Leonard Center and is designed to prepare students for Christian citizenship through reflective community interactions that encourage a commitment to the ideals of service, benevolence, civic virtue, and social justice. Students are required to complete 10 hours of service for every semester spent at Lee.
Lee was ranked with other prestigious universities such as Bates College, Birmingham Southern College, Elon University, and Rollins College, among others.
Great College Deals provides prospective college students with information about top-ranked universities with competitive tuition rates.