A Short Story: A woman caught up in the middle…

A Short Story:

A woman caught up in the middle of the night dreaming. She saw a Man standing before her, she thought that it was her father. The Man was clothed with pure white as snow and shining. The Man approached her in her dream and said, “I’m may not your daddy, but I’m your Father” He then added, “Go, warn the people about the coming rapture.” Earlier in the morning she approached her Christian friend and shared her dream, then her friend responded, “It’s because you are thinking too much of the rapture” she said, “Honestly, I’m not thinking about the rapture” and then her friend didn’t believed her.

Nowadays, it saddens me that not all Christians are being expectant about the rapture anymore, for some they don’t believe it. If you look closely to what is happening right now to the world, the earthquakes, the volcanic eruptions, the plagues, the famine, the war, the shutting-down of churches, the pandemic, and the global crisis – the lockdown – all we can see is that, we are getting even closer each day to what is “written”. Christians! Wake up! This world is not a paradise, we are living in the world where everything is passing by – everything is temporary, and the only absolute solution for all of this darkness to stop is the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christians prayed that this pandemic would end, that everything will comeback to normal, then what’s next? Will go back to sinning and enjoying life again? Wake up!!! Have we ever prayed that the rapture will come? That God would send His Son once again to save us from this dark world and be with Him for eternity? If not, then we should start praying, we should start desiring. As the word of God says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”(Col. 3:1a), start desiring about the rapture, start warning people about it, God has given us this time of ECQ a chance for us to seek Him and be right with Him. This is the “GRACE PERIOD” of GOD, earlier before the ECQ, many people were always reasoning God that they are too busy with their work, their school, their career, their marriage, their children, and their own life. In this time of ECQ, God has given us this opportunity to seek Him and we have no reasons left anymore. To those people who are always saying, “I will just return to God when the time is near” I tell you my friend, now is the time! This is the “Grace Period” to you from God, think of this many times.

Disclaimer: Story not mine I just rewrite it, but thanks to the owner who boldly shared this revelation/warning from God.
God bless you!

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