a different approach to worship

a different approach to worship

Our worship is sacred. Our methods of worship are not necessarily sacred.

On Sunday, January 1 at Cross Community Church, we are planning a completely different approach to worship. This is a one-time event and I am praying that it is effective and well-received.

Rather than a group of people sitting in rows of chairs watching people on a stage “do” ministry, we plan to engage people in ministry on an individual level. Picture this: People and families meet at the church building and enjoy elements of worship both individually and corporately. This is our plan for this coming Sunday.

Our Worship Center will be set up with stations all around the room. At one station, we will read Scripture. At another station, we will express our missional hearts by providing school supplies for needy orphans. At still another station, we will view a video message from God’s Word. Imagine music worship on the video screens, a table set up for Holy Communion, a station where one can receive anointing with oil and prayer and a table for tithing and giving. We will also have a time of challenge toward spiritual growth and discipleship development with our Next Steps process.

This describes our Open House Worship event! At our Palm Beach Shores location, this event will take place between 8:00 and 9:00 AM. At our Palm Beach Gardens location, this will take place between 9:30 and 11:30. Worshipers can come and go as they please and stay as long as they like at each station. We are encouraged to enjoy community time with friends in the Welcome Center at any time during the event.

Since we are still developing the concept, I’d love to hear your feedback on additional ideas. This is, as far as we know, an original idea. I’ve never heard of another local church event quite like this. Hopefully it will be successful and lives will change!

Join us for a day of Open House Worship!