As of today have listened to four sermons by Loran…

As of today have listened to four sermons by Loran Livingston as he preached to his church and was later aired on the Forward In Faith broadcast. Realizing that the executive council has put their faith in him to to be a representative spokesman for the whole denomination I have found it somewhat surprising to hear him make statements that I have never heard from a COG pulpit. Here is a quote from a sermon titled THE VEIL
” either you are saved completely and eternally or you are not saved.” ( about 18 min. in ) This sounds so Southern Baptist and so unlike The Church of God preaching we have heard over the years. In another sermon titled; When Jesus Sits Down With Sinners, he said ” The Old Testament is old and done away with- get out of the Old Testament.” Historically I believe that COG preachers have preached more from the O. T. than they have from the new. I have nothing against Bro.Livingston at all but think this might be a good format to discuss what effect if any this may have on listeners.

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