Call to Mass Prayer for Israeli Soldiers at Western Wall
Jews will gather Sunday afternoon at the Western Wall (Kotel) in the OldCity of Jerusalem at 4 p.m. (9 a.m. EST) to pray for the safety of Israel’s soldiers in their fight against Gaza terrorists. Israeli Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar will lead the mass prayer service for the safety and success of the Israeli Defense Force, which stands guard for the nation. The IDF is fighting to return peace in the south and the entire Nation of Israel. This includes the roads throughout Judea, Samaria and in fact the entire country, which has in recent months seen an uptick in road terror – rock and firebomb attacks – as well as stabbings, beatings and other attempts at murder of Jews. For those who wish to participate in this momentous occasion and need information about transportation to the Western Wall, call 02-621-1999. Organized transportation groups and educational institutions are asked to please call 052-890-3994.