Church on the Rise

WE are on the border of MI and IN. We located the closest church we could find, it is in Elkhart, IN. This is farming country and the church is located in FARM COUNTRY, the surroundings are beautiful fields thousands of acres. Most tilled for planting. The church itself is a beautiful modern and fairly new. My guess it seats about 300, attendance was near 200. Great service with communion today. The church is multi culture and all casual. Not a tie in the place. I have had communion a couple times with wine, but never COG until today. The pastor did say, "Our Lord did not change the water into grape juice!" It was a very excited congregation, friendly, and a wonderful message in tongues. The first time in my life I ever heard a message from a black brother and interpreted by a white brother. Amazingly the message was clear, I could even hear and understand. Lots of shouting and dancing and NONE seemed to be, as I have heard (and saw), OUT OF ORDER. Anyway I wanted you to know the COG is alive and well in and around Elkhart, Indiana. ;-)

submitted by /u/overlandhermit
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