God Stands Ready To Forgive
Psalms 86:5 “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.”
God is ready to forgive. Are you ready to receive His forgiveness?
Many times a Christ follower who has sinned stays hidden behind their guilt for far to long. It’s like they want to punish themselves until they felt a hint of worth, which will allow them to step out into God’s mercy.
Mercy doesn’t work that way. God’s mercy doesn’t have to be primed in order to receive it. The Lord is good and ready to forgive. His eyes watch for you to return.
Max Lucado once said, “The difference between mercy and grace? Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.”
You never have to earn God’s second chance. You just need to embrace each chance as the gift it is. Grace will follow abundantly, and with a beauty that you can’t fully explain or fully understand. His mercy is plenteous and is available to all who call upon Him.
I once heard a pastor say, “Sometimes I realize that you need to preach on judgment as well, but sometimes you can preach on judgment until you are blue in the face, and then preach on mercy and it’ll touch some heart that preaching on judgment never would touch. The love of God, the mercy of God, touches hearts.”
Have you recently messed up (sinned against God) and found yourself in the pigpen of life? Then, like the Prodigal Son, get up and return home. Mercy and Grace are waiting.
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