How To Keep COG Transition From Being Disruptive
Posted on February 11, 2008 by travjohnson
Phil Cooke distills organizational transition lessons for us from Circuit Citys transition route. He relied on an article from the Wall Street Journal. They are noteworthy for where we are as an orgnization. His 5 notes were:
— Listen to employees. The best strategies come from the bottom up, not the top down.
— Refresh management. Different stages of a turnaround require different skill sets.
— Embrace your heritage. Play to and upgrade your companys historic strengths.
— Protect the future. A CEO must make decisions that protect the comany after a turnaround.
— Stay the course. There will be bumps along the way; stay focused on the big picture.
Read the original Wall Street article and Phil Cookes article tying it into church transition. Are these accurate Is something missing What would you add
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