“I Know”
Yesterday I spent some time walking and praying on the land I lease for hunting. I love hunting for various reasons, but mostly I love it because it gives me time alone with God in the woods.
I love how the sun comes up in the morning, and the animals begin to move. It truly is breathtaking to watch nature dance the dance of God right in front of you. The same is true in the evenings when the sun is going down. God’s creation goes to bed in an order, and it’s astounding.
I’ve heard God speak many times and in many different ways in the woods. There are many I could share, but today I’ll just share this one moment. I was having a exceedingly awful week. I was feeling isolated and like no one knew what was going on in my life. I was at the end of my hope for things to work out.
I’m sure you have been there before also. Maybe you are there now? Maybe you feel like no one knows what you are going through? It’s a dark and lonely place to be.
I was sitting in my hunting stand, and the sun began to rise. It was cold in the woods. As the sun was coming up steam lifted from the forest floor under the warmth of the suns rays. Everything was still, and the silence was deafening. I was enjoying the moment, but I was sad inside my heart.
I felt unknown and alone. Then it happened! A bird perched on a limb right in front of my face. It was only inches away. My camouflage was hiding me well. The bird was tilting its head from side to side looking me in the eyes. I was amazed at the whole thing. God is so good!
It was then I heard the Lord speak to my soul, “I know.” That’s all it took! All would be okay. If God knows about every bird, then He surely knows about me and He most assuredly knows about you also.
Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.
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