Introducing Myself, Part 6: New Ellenton – God or Gold Decisions

Introducing Myself, Part 6: New Ellenton – God or Gold Decisions

“If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” _Warren Buffet


Thesis: For people who are truly called unto Jesus Christ – and especially people who are called into the ministry – there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that must compete with our loyalty to Jesus Christ and the call He has placed upon our lives. 

Mission: My mission is to remind us of the deceitfulness of riches and how “riches” (however you define riches) can cause us to be unfruitful and endanger that most precious and valuable treasures in our life.

Vision (We win if this happens): Each of us reassess our fruitfulness in the ministry, and if we must admit that we are not as fruitful as we could be, that we find the competitor to our calling and eliminate it or reduce it back to it’s proper place in our lives.

Context: My appointment to my second church – New Ellenton Church of God, in New Ellenton South Carolina